
How do runners eat in spring and summer? Three principles to help you check!

author:Running Bible

Spring and summer are the seasons for runners, train hard + race constantly, and continue to create PB and good results. At the same time, how to eat has become the key to "whether you can run", "whether you can run well" and "whether you can break through the limit".

How do runners eat in spring and summer? Three principles to help you check!

Have you ever had such an experience?

When I was about to get off work, I started to plan my night running route with great interest, and I had to put on my newly bought running shoes on time at 8:30 p.m. and start my training trip. But! A spicy, salty, or spicy dinner has disrupted all these plans...

So, how you eat and what you eat is really important for runners.

In the spring and summer, we offer three principles of the runner's diet to help you get enough energy from food to empower your running. The three principles are-

Varied nutrition in moderation


How do runners eat in spring and summer? Three principles to help you check!

We are taught from a young age that you can't be picky eaters. It's the same when you grow up and run.

Food variety can help us eat a balanced diet.

Fruits such as oranges and strawberries can help us supplement vitamin C, ensure the health of cells, and keep connective tissues in good condition.

Nuts and green leafy vegetables can help us replenish vitamin E, maintain the normal structure of cells by protecting cell membranes, fight skin oxidation, and maintain body vitality;

Milk and soy products can help us replenish calcium, control muscle contractions, make bones stronger, improve athletic performance and reduce injuries...

Runners who are not picky eaters can really run well~


How do runners eat in spring and summer? Three principles to help you check!

Supplementing with comprehensive nutrition is crucial for runners.

Calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, vitamins, folic acid... and other nutrients and trace elements have a great impact on our body, and at the same time also have a regulatory effect on sports performance.

As an ordinary person, we give the following food suggestions:

50%-60% of cereals and starches: whole wheat bread, rice, pasta, etc.;

2-4 fruits: citrus, watermelon, kiwi, etc.;

2-4 servings of vegetables: broccoli, salad greens, peppers, cabbage, etc.;

1 egg;

1-2 cups of milk or 1 serving of yogurt;

Fish or nuts, in moderation.


How do runners eat in spring and summer? Three principles to help you check!

Moderation is not only the key word of a runner's diet, but also the philosophy of a healthy life.

Moderation in terms of taste, portion size, and food composition can help us better complete the eating process such as digestion and absorption.

High-salt, high-fat foods are taboo for runners. It's not completely inedible, but it's always better not to eat.

While overly processed foods have a very good taste and texture, unprocessed foods always provide us with better nutritional value and lower harmful substances.

As a runner, do you have your own diet plan? What can you eat to run better? What should you not eat on race day? Let us know your "eating rules" in the comment area!

Please contact RunningBible before reprinting [WeChat ID: runningbible]

The little secretary is recommended for running

How do runners eat in spring and summer? Three principles to help you check!

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