
Is "husband and wife" real? The study found that people with high similarities were more likely to be partners

author:Longnan Xi and released

Many people think that there is such a thing as "husband and wife", how is "husband and wife" formed?

Some people say that there are similar looks before the two meet, and they often have common hobbies, behavioral habits, etc., as the saying goes, "born a pair, set a pair", two people will naturally be like-minded because of similar habits and become partners.

Another view is that the husband and wife have become more and more similar from the inside out, and they will have similar personality traits and ways of thinking, so that they will have similar expressions, look more and more "like a family", and their behavior and habits will become more and more consistent.

Is "husband and wife" real? The study found that people with high similarities were more likely to be partners

Photo by Kou Xiaowen, Health Times

Which of the following statements do you agree with? Radio

"Husband and wife" means that the two have similar looks before they met

"Husband and wife" means that the two have lived together for a long time and are becoming more and more similar

"Husband and wife" includes the above two reasons

There is no such thing as "husband and wife".


People with a high degree of similarity are more likely to be partners

Recently, some studies have confirmed that "husband and wife" may really exist. A study that surveyed nearly 80,000 couples found that people with more than 80% similarity were more likely to be partners.

In 2023, a research team from the University of Colorado published an article in Nature Human Behavior, conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies on the correlation between partners through several different traits to obtain evidence of similarity between human partners. ①

The 22 common traits between partners are IQ scores, political values, smoking, alcohol consumption, BMI, height, in addition to extraversion, neurosensitivity, consistency, conscientiousness, openness, etc. The results of the analysis showed that 81.8% of the characteristics of couples were similar.

The researchers found that couples were largely identical on a number of characteristics, including political and religious views, education, attitudes, behavioral traits, and intelligence. At the same time, heavy smokers or heavy drinkers, as well as people who don't drink at all, tend to partner with like-minded people.

Is "husband and wife" real? The study found that people with high similarities were more likely to be partners

Health Times photo by Fan Baosheng

In addition to "husband and wife", there is also "husband and wife disease"

From a health point of view, because of the same lifestyle, in addition to "husband and wife", there will often be "husband and wife disease".

Sometimes a person has a disease that has not been cured, and the husband or wife is diagnosed with the same disease, which is what we call "conjugal disease".

There are two main categories of "conjugal diseases": one is infectious diseases, which are mainly caused by the spread of germs; The other is non-contagious, which is mainly caused by a common lifestyle or psychology. From diabetes and high blood pressure to ischemic heart disease, asthma, kidney disease, depression, if one spouse is sick, the other spouse has a much higher prevalence.

Fu Zhiquan, chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology of Shanghai Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, once said in an article in the Health Times that a considerable part of the "husband and wife diseases" we call are lifestyle diseases. Nowadays, many people, especially some young couples, have an unhealthy lifestyle, often eat fast food, exercise less, and often stay up late. As a result, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, fatty liver and gout and other "wealth diseases" came to the door.

The most common "couple's disease" is genitourinary or skin infections. In addition, the phenomenon of lung cancer is increasing, because the husband and wife live in a similar environment and suffer from the same carcinogenic factors, if the husband smokes, it will increase the risk of lung cancer, and the wife, as a victim of second-hand smoke, will also increase the risk of developing the disease.

Therefore, husband and wife are reminded that both parties should supervise each other in terms of lifestyle, and if one party has bad habits, the other party should improve them in a benign way, and do not accommodate or turn a blind eye. The most important thing is to "eat and move", reject the dietary structure of "three highs and one low" (high energy, high fat, high protein, and low fiber), and supervise exercise. ②

Healthy habits: Couples learn from each other

Wife and Child Studies——

1. Practice yoga to increase flexibility

Yoga seems to have always been a "patent" for women. When men exercise, they tend to build muscle rather than improve the flexibility of their bodies. However, a lack of flexibility increases the risk of musculoskeletal injuries, such as sprains and strains, which can reduce quality of life. Men may also wish to practice yoga, in addition to increasing physical flexibility, they can also focus on the present moment through deep breathing, which is also very beneficial for stress reduction. ③

2. Express your emotions outwardly

Women also have advantages in emotional release, as evidenced by the fact that "men don't flick when they have tears". Yang Ping, director general of the Geriatric Psychology Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics, once said in an article in the Health Times that crying can allow women to vent in time and relieve stress well. Men showing their weak side appropriately are more conducive to physical and mental health, and also contribute to the virtuous cycle of work and life. ④

3. Pay more attention to physical feedback

Hu Yang, deputy chief physician of the Department of Respiratory Medicine of Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, said in an article published on the official account in 2022 that it can be seen from the usual living habits that whether it is a family or a unit, most of the health information forwarded is female, and men are more passive to accept the push of this information. The proportion of women who usually participate in physical examinations is also larger, while men can delay it (5). Therefore, if you want to be healthy, men should also pay more attention to the subtle changes in their bodies.

Learn from your husband –

1. Do more strength training

There are many women who want to work out, but there is always such a concern: "Will running make the legs thick?" "In fact, women have less muscle mass than men, and as they age, they have a further decrease in muscle count and bone strength, leading to weakness. Strength training, such as weightlifting, can benefit women a lot, and at the same time, the likelihood of getting stronger as a result is low. Muscle function keeps joints strong and boosts metabolism. ③

2. Eat some meat protein

Some women refuse to eat meat in order to pursue a slim figure. Xue Qingxin, a registered dietitian, once said in an article published by Popular Science China that from the perspective of health, it is recommended that women eat more meat appropriately. Meat is rich in high-quality protein, and the amino acid composition of animal protein is relatively close to the needs of the human body, and the utilization rate is high. If you don't eat meat or don't eat enough meat, it will directly affect protein intake, which in turn will affect muscle synthesis. Especially for women who are losing weight, not eating meat will increase muscle loss, which will reduce the body's metabolism and affect immunity. ⑥

3. Don't get tangled up when your heart is bigger

Women's emotions tend to be more delicate, so they are prone to some tangled and anxious emotions. Bad mood and stress can have a negative impact on physical health. Therefore, you might as well learn from men's big grin, don't put your worries in your heart, maintain a happy mood, and avoid being in negative emotions such as anxiety and depression for a long time.

Source: Health Times WeChat public account (ID: jksb2013)

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