
It's going to rain again on the weekend! Hurry up and dry →

author:Guangzhou Nansha release
It's going to rain again on the weekend! Hurry up and dry →

Recently, Cantonese people have been very busy,

Busy clothes "wash new 晾旧".


It's going to rain again on the weekend! Hurry up and dry →

Today (16th) Sunshine continues to open,

It's time to wash and dry.

But the weather style will change,

There are only 2 days left in the fine weather,

Cloudiness will increase tomorrow,

The weather is slowly starting to turn erratic.

It's going to rain again on the weekend! Hurry up and dry →

Neighborhood that wants to dry

Hurry up!

It's going to rain again on the weekend! Hurry up and dry →

Thunderstorms became more pronounced over the weekend

It's going to rain on the weekend?

How long will this rain last?

@广州天气 means:

"There will be thunderstorms until the 22nd."

It's going to rain again on the weekend! Hurry up and dry →

According to @guangzhouweather, it is expected that the middle and low levels will be controlled by deep dry and cold air masses today and tomorrow, the atmosphere will be stable, the probability of precipitation will be low, the weather will be sunny and dry, and the temperature difference between day and night will be large.

However, it is expected that from the 18th to the 25th, under the influence of high-altitude fluctuations and the strengthening of low-level southerly winds, thunderstorms will become more frequent, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term heavy precipitation, short-term strong winds and strong thunderstorms. Among them, from the 19th to the 21st, there may be moderate thunderstorms and local heavy rain.

Guangzhou weather forecast for the next 10 days

It's going to rain again on the weekend! Hurry up and dry →

According to the @Guangzhou Nansha weather forecast, the weather in Nansha will be fine today and tomorrow, and the sunshine will continue to be open, which is still suitable for drying; Thunderstorms have been more frequent since Saturday.

Although the weather has been fine recently, ultraviolet rays are also rising, so you should pay attention to sun protection and hydration during outdoor activities!

Nansha weather forecast for the past seven days

It's going to rain again on the weekend! Hurry up and dry →

It is about to enter the active period of "dragon boat water".


What day is "521"?

That's right

It is the day when the "dragon boat water" began.


"Dragon Boat Water" refers to the heavy precipitation weather that occurs in South China from May 21 to June 20 every year, and is named because it often occurs during the Dragon Boat Festival.

"Dragon boat water" is often menacing, with high precipitation intensity and often accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunder and lightning.

"Dragon boat water" is coming,

How strong is the precipitation?

According to the "Forecast of Climate Trends in the Flood Season in Nansha District in 2024" previously released by the Nansha District Meteorological Observatory, the cumulative rainfall of this year's "Dragon Boat Water" (May 21-June 20) is expected to be 250~350 mm, which is 1 to 4 percent more than the average in the past ten years.

How to deal with "dragon boat water"?

Please keep this travel avoidance guide!


Guidelines for Traveling to Avoid Danger during the Flood Season

It's going to rain again on the weekend! Hurry up and dry →
It's going to rain again on the weekend! Hurry up and dry →
It's going to rain again on the weekend! Hurry up and dry →
It's going to rain again on the weekend! Hurry up and dry →
It's going to rain again on the weekend! Hurry up and dry →
It's going to rain again on the weekend! Hurry up and dry →

There is still some uncertainty about the subsequent rainfall, please pay more attention to the latest forecast and warning information, adjust your travel arrangements in time, prepare for strong convective weather, and try to avoid going out during heavy rainfall periods.

It's going to rain again on the weekend! Hurry up and dry →
It's going to rain again on the weekend! Hurry up and dry →

Xiao Nan will show you

Nansha "Snow White" and "Black Beauty" corn are on the market!

When you look up, it's really beautiful!

Source: Guangdong Weather, Guangzhou Weather, Guangzhou Nansha Weather, Guangdong Emergency Management

Part of the text: He Qianying

Editor: Kakin

Proofreading: Cao Yi

Second trial: Li Xiatong

Final review: Huang Zengcai

Producer: Nansha District Rong Media Center

Submission email: [email protected] (This article was originally published by "Guangzhou Nansha Release", without authorization, any media and public account shall not be reproduced and adapted, welcome to share it with friends.) )

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