
The woman looked at her phone late at night and accidentally discovered her 13-year-old daughter's big secret! I was so scared that I immediately called the police...

author:Henan Business Daily

After the 13-year-old girl joined the "fanbase" of the star

A "police officer" cited someone as revealing an artist's privacy

Ask the group members to cooperate with the investigation

The girl proved her innocence

Operate as requested by the fake police

As a result, he was deceived of more than 60,000 yuan!

Such cases are frequent

Parents and students should beware!

The girl plus the fan base was intimidated by the "police officer".

On May 9, Zheng Xue (pseudonym), a 13-year-old junior high school girl in Dalian, added a friend when she was watching a short video on her mother's mobile phone at home, and the other party invited Zheng Xue to join the fan welfare group of a star group, saying that she could send peripherals.

Not long after Zheng Xue joined the group, a self-proclaimed "police officer from the highest police station in Beijing" suddenly appeared, saying that someone leaked the artist's privacy and was suspected of committing a crime, and everyone in the group had to cooperate with the investigation, otherwise not only would they be detained and kept a criminal record, but even their parents would be implicated.

The woman looked at her phone late at night and accidentally discovered her 13-year-old daughter's big secret! I was so scared that I immediately called the police...

The "police officer" said that he needed to check the people in the group, and he could leave the group if there was no problem. In order to clear her suspicions, Zheng Xue obeyed his words. She began to operate according to the other party's request, and the "police officer" first asked Zheng Xue to spend her parents' expenses, and then asked Zheng Xue to provide her mother's bank card number, saying that she wanted to verify the bank account number.

The woman looked at her phone late at night and accidentally discovered her 13-year-old daughter's big secret! I was so scared that I immediately called the police...

Consume more than 60,000 yuan in less than an hour

After some communication, the "police officer" knew that Zheng Xue's mother had more bank accounts and said that they needed to be checked one by one. After operating according to the other party's requirements, Zheng Xue began to receive a number of consumption text messages, and the "police officer" said that he needed to transfer the balance of Zheng Xue's mother's bank account first, and said that the money would be returned to the original way later. The other party also asked Zheng Xue to delete the consumption text messages one by one.

During this period, in order to dispel Zheng Xue's doubts, the "police officer" also provided her with a "police receipt", and also sent a photo of the child being arrested.

The woman looked at her phone late at night and accidentally discovered her 13-year-old daughter's big secret! I was so scared that I immediately called the police...

Late at night, Zheng Xue's mother accidentally saw a consumer text message on her mobile phone that her daughter had time to delete in the future, and only then did she know that her daughter had suffered from telecom fraud. Zheng Xue's parents immediately called the police.

It is understood that in less than an hour that night, Zheng Xue's mother's multiple bank accounts added up to 16 purchases, totaling more than 60,000 yuan. Except for the purchase of a mobile phone of nearly 8,000 yuan for others, all the rest was transferred to the account of a takeaway platform.

At present, the police have opened a case for investigation.

The woman looked at her phone late at night and accidentally discovered her 13-year-old daughter's big secret! I was so scared that I immediately called the police...

In recent years, such cases have occurred frequently

The reporter's search found that in recent years, such cases have occurred frequently in many places across the country. On August 15 last year, a 13-year-old girl in Haining, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province encountered such a scam, and after joining the fan group, the girl was defrauded of 358,000 yuan under the intimidation and inducement of a "police officer" in the group.

In addition, another type of frequent cases of primary and secondary school students being deceived is mainly in the process of using their parents' mobile phones to play online games, using software such as Kuaishou and Douyin to add their QQ, Xiaohongshu and other social software accounts, and opening voice and video chats after being added as friends, and intimidating the victim with the excuse that "the victim is suspected of fraud and will inform the parents if he does not transfer money" or "minors are prohibited from playing games, and inform their parents or the public security bureau if they do not pay a fine", and guide the victim to follow the instructions. As a result, the victim's parents' money was transferred out in the form of quick payment.

Police remind

If your child has this kind of app on their phone, be vigilant

Recently, the police in many places have found in their work that some fraudsters have contacted students through non-mainstream social software to help carry out telecommunications network fraud. Parents and teachers are requested to check whether the student's mobile phone is installed with non-mainstream social software such as Lianxin, Bat, Shimita, Seagull, Paper Airplane, etc.

If you find that a student's mobile phone has such software, be sure to communicate with the student in depth to find out whether they are engaged in or helping to commit telecommunication network fraud, and report to the police immediately if there is any suspicious situation.

In the course of their work, the police also found that individual school students were bewitched by part-time advertisements on the Internet such as "only need to turn on the mobile phone speakerphone after making a call, and do nothing, and can easily earn 100 yuan of pocket money per hour", and secretly used their own mobile phone cards or those of their family members and classmates behind their backs to participate in the "mobile phone port" project through the connection of two mobile phones.

This "project" is actually just an audio data cable, which can turn "overseas calls" into "local calls". Fraudsters keep talking to students through mobile phone 1, and then ask students to call potential victims through mobile phone 2 and put the two mobile phones together, or ask students to use audio data cables to connect the two mobile phones, so as to achieve the purpose of turning "overseas calls" into "local calls", increasing the confusion and risk of fraud.

Public security tips: Schools and parents are requested to immediately check students' mobile phones, stop such problems in a timely manner, and at the same time strengthen students' knowledge education on preventing telecommunication network fraud, strictly prohibit renting, lending, and selling mobile phone cards and bank cards, and be wary of the trap of "easy money" part-time jobs online. Fraudsters publish false recruitment advertisements such as "easy money" and "daily commissions" through websites and social software to lure citizens, including minors, to participate in the "mobile phone" business, which is actually to provide assistance for telecommunications network fraud.

Students should raise their awareness of self-protection, and never lend or sell their important personal information such as ID cards, bank cards, U shields, and mobile phone cards to others because of greed, so as not to become "accomplices" in telecommunications network fraud and let themselves slide into the abyss of illegal crimes.

Source: Peninsula Morning Post

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