
Tim Tim Horoscope for Next Week: May 19 - May 25, 2024 Weekly Horoscope for the Zodiac Signs

author:Angel Horoscope

Tim Tim Horoscope for Next Week: May 19 - May 25, 2024 Weekly Horoscope for the Zodiac Signs

Tim Tim Horoscope for Next Week: May 19 - May 25, 2024 Weekly Horoscope for the Zodiac Signs


Do not open anything during the following times: Sunday 8:48 a.m. to Monday 3:34 p.m., Thursday 0:28 a.m. to 1:24 a.m., Saturday 7:47 a.m. to 8:36 a.m.

(Keep in mind that all times are Pacific daylight.) 3 hours for Eastern time, 8 hours for UK time, 11.5 hours for India, 15 hours for China, and 17 hours for Australia).


Please forgive all typos. Apple's dictator's AI insists on removing the capital letter of the first word of each sentence, putting commas and periods where it wants, and so on.


When Trump and Biden debated for the 2020 presidential election, the debate was going on in a very favorable favor for Joe Biden. The moon is good for Joe, so I'm writing here that Joe's debates will make him popular with women.

Now Biden and Trump have agreed to debate on June 27 and September 10. I think these dates were set by Joe Biden, at least June 27th. They are all "from" the Biden camp.

On June 27, the Moon is placed in Pisces, which is a favorable position for both the Moon and the Sun for Joe, indicating that he will attract both men and women. For Trump, the Pisces Moon prompts critical and critical opinions about his performance. For Biden, the Pisces Moon is like entering a feast of love; And for Trump, it's like entering a test hosted by his boss.

On Sept. 10, the day of debate, the Moon is in Sagittarius, the sign of Trump's enemies and his own temptations or ill-advised decisions. However, this date does not seem to be too favorable for Biden.

If Trump had been smart, he would have chosen the date himself.


White Sheep March 21 - April 19

Aries, on Monday your monthly focus shifts from money and sensuality to restlessness, errands and travel, communication, and paperwork. (If you're single, you may meet someone who is cute and attractive, and build a friendship through small talk, and then you may become more serious.) In fact, many single Aries will marry "friends" in the next 12 months. You are now all kinds of self-confidence, in a good way - very "Aries!" Sunday is a day of relationships, partnerships, opportunities – but it's all a little early, so don't expect too much. Late Monday afternoon through Wednesday, bring secrets, privileged messages, enhanced intuition and hunches, and significant financial action or significant sexual attraction, and/or medical decision—Tuesday or Wednesday early morning (PDT) action—for success. Thursday through Saturday mornings, a wise, mellow, forgiving, and tender mood of love envelops you. Thursday was great. Friday hovers between restrictions and optimism and self-confidence. There were some blemishes on Saturday, but the ambition will tend to be successful.

Taurus: April 20 to May 20

Taurus, you've had a lucky, expansive year. At least once a great opportunity to base your life on a different basis in terms of intimacy and finances. The year ends on Friday and the 12-month period of good luck for money and income begins. Remember: instead of chasing temporary bonuses and overtime pay, you can get a permanent boost. Starting on Monday, the month of energy multiplication will multiply the luck of pursuing $ (casual intimacy may also occur). Handle household chores on Sundays. From Monday morning to Wednesday (Beijing time), you'll be faced with exciting relationships – the roads here are intricate, and Tuesday and Wednesday mornings are even better. Sex, lust, major financial actions, lifestyle changes, and medical decisions – which come up Thursday through Saturday mornings – likewise, good fortune coexists with obstacles. It's better not to take any chances. On Saturday morning, a weekend full of wisdom and warmth began.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

This week, the year of "quiet power" is behind us, and you in Gemini start a new year. Monday kicked off a month of energy, confidence, and charisma. Saturday begins a full year of personal good fortune, and in some ways, it's your luckiest year in more than a decade. Exploration, travel, international themes, marriage or cohabitation, business collaborations are all calling you. You'll feel optimistic and cheerful, and that actually brings most of the luck. So, don't be depressed or resentful! You'll be working hard in the coming year, but if you're going to choose between the heavy lifting of your career and your personal development, choose the latter. Sunday/Monday is a romantic, creative and aesthetically pleasing day – however, little progresses, so just enjoy the mood. Handle household chores from Monday afternoon to Wednesday. Eat and dress wisely to protect your health. Exciting relationships and opportunities. Entering Thursday through Saturday mornings. Thursday was great, and Friday night too. When it comes to love, you may encounter "fate". Saturday is a day of mystery, finance, and intimate seduction.

Cancer: June 21 - July 20

Cancer, Monday concludes a month of goodwill, optimism and friendship, beginning a month of quietness, rest, meditation or contemplation, planning for the future, connecting with civil servants or management types or health workers. Lie down, take a nap, and regain your energy expended. On Saturday, the lucky superstar Jupiter enters the same place of rest and quiet, which lasts all year long. This may lead you to tax refunds, government grants, better health insurance, good investments...... A single Cancer may also encounter love that leads to marriage. The Sun/Moon is in close contact with the family, the family. Sun/Monday, bad luck, stay supportive, don't start new projects. Monday afternoon to Wednesday, bringing romance, creativity and speculative impulses, joy and beauty. On Tuesday and Wednesday, your luck is a bit mixed, but there are good things as well. The start of a few days of work and household chores on Thursday, as well as health needs, are lucky. Saturday morning begins a weekend of tender love, tolerance, and expansive vision.

Cygnus: July 21 - August 22

Leo, a year of great career luck will come to an end this week. A year full of popularity, social fun, flirtation and fame, optimism and entertainment begins. If you're single, a friendly, relaxed relationship may seem like just an affair, and then you find yourself deeply in love with each other. You will be happy! Sex may be a little slow or difficult to obtain in a relationship for the coming year; In actual relationships, money and investment appear to be linked to production, the working day, or health problems. But you'll love the next 12 months. Sundays/Mondays are good for errands, excursions, paperwork, and communication. Nothing. Monday afternoon through Wednesday at home or in the "hood". Here, you'll have mixed luck, but overall good – good for repairs, renovations, gardening, etc. Thursday through Saturday mornings, bringing romance, creativity and speculative impulses, pleasure and beauty. Health, machine and financial issues need to be taken care of at noon on Friday (Beijing time) – otherwise, something lovely will happen during this time, and it may even be the touch of fate on love. Saturday starts the weekend trivia.

Sycado: August 23 - September 22

A month and a year full of wisdom, international awareness, travel, important social ceremonies (weddings, bar mitzvah), deep thoughts, institutions of higher learning, law and philosophy end this week, Virgo. Instead, a month and a year of good fortune begin in terms of ambition, worldly status, and career. In the coming year, you may also have a romantic romance and eventually enter the marriage hall – it will be slow and require you to show loyalty. Until June 9th, your libido is still strong and motivated. Over the past 12 months, many of you have met someone who is perfect for marriage. On Sunday/Monday, chase money, buy and sell, embrace casual intimacy, or remember something important – but also be cautious. From Monday afternoon to Wednesday, affairs, excursions, correspondence, and paperwork fill your life. Your luck is mixed, but it favors good luck, especially Tuesday to Wednesday mornings. Thursday was very lucky, Friday was a mixed blessing, but along with Saturday, there is a favorable connection with work and your place in the local area. Saturday kicks off a weekend full of romance, happy kids, and creative impulses.

Libra: September 23 - October 22

The past 12 months have been lucky for you, Libra, in terms of finances, investments, physical intimacy, research, and lifestyle changes. This time may also amplify any medical problems. (Most Libras have a fragile digestive system.) In contrast, the next 12 months will be filled with deep thoughts, travel or international interests, legal or educational matters, and love. By July 2025, there will be more Libras getting married than usual. Until June 9, your marriage planet (Mars) will continue to accelerate through your marriage sign – so you may even meet someone significant other this spring. Until February 2026, the work will still be bad. From Sunday to Monday afternoon, your energy and charisma are still high – Sunday is the best day to get work done. Monday afternoon through Wednesday, chasing money, buying and selling, hugging, leisure, intimacy, and/or reading and learning. Good luck comes with interference, but good luck often wins, especially Tuesday to Wednesday mornings (PDT). Excursions, easy housekeeping,

Thursday through Saturday mornings, mostly paperwork and exchanges. Thursday was nice and had a lot of success, but Friday was all chores and other constraints, as well as exciting relationships. Saturday begins as a weekend for families and families, and it is also a year of great luck in the fields of knowledge, travel, and love.

Scorpio: October 23 to November 21

This week marks the end of a year of good fortune for Scorpios in relationships, relocation, opportunities, and public appearances. For example, a salesperson goes through 20 or 50 public interactions per workday). Now, 12 months of good fortune and expansion flood your areas of intimacy/desire, finances/debt/investments, medical issues, and lifestyle changes. The good news is that the planets where you are in charge of income, possessions, and casual sex (which is also a form of possession) will appear in these more hidden areas (lust, finances, etc.). One caveat: if you experience any health crisis, go to the hospital or see a doctor as soon as possible, as this planet can also amplify medical problems. You'll be working pretty hard until June 9th. The romance may last until January 2026, but it may also be deep and will be advanced through communication. Sunday to Monday afternoons, keep a low profile, rest, think and plan. Don't try anything big. By Wednesday, your energy, charisma, and efficiency will all be back strong. From Tuesday to Wednesday early morning (PDT), you may get a lot done. Thursday through Saturday mornings, chase money, buy and sell, leisure, intimacy, and/or learn something. It's a good time, especially Thursday. Friday will hinder your romance but will boost your work and possibly income. An idea about real estate and investment may come up – it's a good idea.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

This week is the end of a month and a year of employment problems, drudgery, and health issues. The month that began Monday was filled with exciting topics of relationships, opportunities, public appearances, and relocations. The year that starts on Saturday, which is the 12 months, will have good luck in these things. More single Sagittarius than usual will be in a partnership by July 2025. At the same time, your romantic feelings will bloom until June 9th. This week is also the beginning of 25 days in which others are filled with love and grace towards you. From Sunday to Monday at noon, you will feel happy, optimistic, welcome, and social. Monday afternoon to Wednesday regression – low-key, rest, contemplation, and planning. On Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday early morning (PDT), you will tend to succeed. From Thursday to Saturday morning, your energy and charisma will return strongly. As this week, obstacles and good fortune seem to be intertwined. Throughout Thursday, Friday Eve begins the most suitable for action. Saturday begins with a weekend of spending, shopping, leisure, intimacy, and perhaps rote learning.

Maxigo: December 22 - January 20

The past 12 months have been very conducive to romance, creativity, risk-taking action, sports, games, gifted children, beauty and happiness. The next 12 months, starting this week, will bring energy, cheerfulness, and tremendous expansion to your work/employment. If health problems arise between now and July 2025, don't delay – see a doctor, as any health conditions will also expand rapidly this year. Before June 9, your home may be prone to friction: starting a project here could be the path to peace. From Sunday to Monday noon (Beijing time), be ambitious. Don't expect too much, just keep it to yourself. From Monday afternoon to Wednesday, popularity, social fun, optimism, and flirtation will patronize you. There will be some hurdles on Monday night and Wednesday at noon, but overall it's a happy phase. From Thursday to Saturday morning, find a quiet place to rest, meditate, think, and plan for the future. Thursday is a good time to liaise with the government, headquarters, or agency. On Friday night, the gods of fate will have a favorable influence on your work and money plans/actions. Saturday kicks off a weekend of energy, charisma and charisma – but start slowly on any important projects as they require more planning and environmental support.

Aquarius: January 21 - February 18

Until June 9, you in Aquarius are still busy with paperwork and errands. But don't let that distract you from the huge turn that took place this week. (12 months of good fortune in terms of weight gain, family, joy and real estate will come to an end this week and a full year of good fortune and wish-fulfillment good fortune begins – in romance, gambling, joy, beauty, joy, gifted children, games/sports and adventure.) In fact, a romance may start in the next four weeks, and if so, it will most likely extend to the next 12 full months. Money and income will be a little tight next year. Sunday through Monday afternoon (PDT), full of wisdom and gentle attitude, deep thoughts, and tender love. Nothing serious. Monday afternoon to Wednesday, be ambitious. Be aware of some obstacles, but also be aware that your luck is good and you are likely to succeed. From Thursday to Saturday morning, happiness comes to visit you – friends, flirtation, optimism, and entertainment. Thursday is the most enjoyable. Saturday begins a weekend of quiet, rest, contemplation, and planning.

Gemini: February 19 - March 20

Pisces, money continues to pour in to you, perhaps through you, until June 9. Be conservative, be economical. The past 12 months have been flooded with information, paperwork, correspondence, travel, and errands. But this week wraps it all up with the start of a month and a whole year of attention and wealth that involves your family area. Between now and next June, you will have good luck in buying and selling real estate and anything related to children, parents, safety, and nature. It's going to be a very "seed" or "start growing" year, so take a long-term view when making decisions and/or starting projects. Sunday through Monday afternoon, you'll delve into secrets, research, finances, sex, medical care, and lifestyle, but proceed with caution. Monday afternoon through Wednesday (PDT) brings wisdom, mellow moods, deep thoughts, and related to higher education, legal matters, media, or travel – an unsettling start, but a favorable ending. Thursday through Saturday morning, be ambitious – you may impress your boss, especially with your knowledge or talent in money and government. Saturday kicks off a weekend of celebration and joy, social joy and optimism!

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