
This year's "5.18" followed Jia Yi to "tease" Du Fu (Cultural China Tour)

author:Hibiscus released

The International Museum Day activities are brilliantly presented, Jia Yi's former residence plans to carry out the activity of "Meeting Du Fu with Jia Yi", and Xiangbo releases the basic book system of museology

This year's "5.18" followed Jia Yi to "tease" Du Fu

(Culture in China)

This year's "5.18" followed Jia Yi to "tease" Du Fu (Cultural China Tour)

Statue of Jia Yi

Guan Gong vs. Qin Qiong, Zhang Fei and Yue Fei are talking about the impossibility of people from different historical time and space to meet, but in Changsha, we can follow Jia Yi of the Western Han Dynasty to "tease" Du Fu in the Tang Dynasty. On May 18th, Jia Yi's former residence will organize a new social and educational activity "Taifu School: Meet Du Fu". The theme of International Museum Day 2024 is "Museums Committed to Education and Research", emphasizing the critical role of cultural institutions in providing a comprehensive educational experience.

Dig into the story of Jia Yi and Du Fu together

This event is actually the second season of the "Encounter" series held at Jia Yi's former residence, the first season was held in Changsha, and the second season held on this year's International Museum Day was to let friends who came to Jia Yi's former residence to explore the story of Jia Yi and Du Fu.

This year's "5.18" followed Jia Yi to "tease" Du Fu (Cultural China Tour)

Jia Yi's former residence Changsha Evening News correspondent Yang Shan

Jia Yi's former residence is one of the important sources of Huxiang culture, is the landmark cultural heritage of Qu Jia's hometown, and it is also the place where celebrities of all dynasties must pass through Changsha, leaving more than 1,000 poems and songs. On May 18 this year, the management office of Jia Yi's former residence specially planned "Meet Du Fu with Jia Yi", and the management party wanted to guide tourists to explore Jia Yi's thoughts and the history of his former residence in this event, and strive to be a patriotic cultural youth in the new era, which is an activity that crosses time and space and innovates.

Zhao Xiaohua, the person in charge of Jia Yi's former residence, said: "The encounter between Jia Yi and Changsha has inspired the thousand-year-old cultural context of Changsha. The addition of Du Fu has made Changsha's poetry culture even deeper. From the rule of the Western Han Dynasty to the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, Changsha has never disappeared in the long river of history. ”

One of the highlights of this event is the geographical coordinates: the poet Du Fu, three into Changsha (into Qiaokou, Guan's former residence, Dengjiang Pavilion). Du Fu arrived in Tanzhou in the fourth year of the Tang Dynasty (769 AD), visited Jia Yi's former residence, and then lived in the attic by the Xiangjiang River outside Taiping Street. In 177 B.C., Jia Yi dug Jia Yi well during the Taifu of Changsha King, that is, Changhuai Well today, "Xiangshui Ji" recorded: "Jia Yi has a well in the house, Yi wears, very small and deep, up and down, its shape is like a pot. Du Fu relied on Jia Yi to write the famous sentence "I don't see the old place of the royal city, and the long Huai Jia Fu Jing is still there" next to the ancient well.

Another highlight of this event is that it displays many important cultural coordinates related to ancient Changsha. The management of Jia Yi's former residence plans to use the three ancient poems made by Du Fu when he was in Changsha as the main line, and feel Du Fu's remembrance and reverence for Mrs. Jia in the poems.

Zhao Xiaohua introduced that in addition to organizing a visit to Jia Yi's former residence to understand the history of Jia Yi's thoughts and the changes in his former residence, this activity will also organize a trip to Du Fujiang Pavilion to collectively recite Du Fu's poems "Qingming Two Songs (One of Them)" and "Fatanzhou", and participate in interactive games (poetry solitaire, fill in the blanks), etc.

Learn about the logic of the museum's operation and the story behind it

Prior to this, on the 14th, the press conference of "The Power of Museology - The Basic Book Department of International Museology in the 21st Century" was held in the academic lecture hall of Hunan Museum (hereinafter referred to as "Xiangbo"), and the participants discussed the power of museology in the form of "thematic dialogue".

The press conference presented the audience with the 8 volumes of the "21st Century International Museology Fundamentals Book Series", among which "Museum Basics", "Museum Management Manual", "Guide to 20th Century Western Museum Research Works", and "Global Best Heritage Use Cases (1)" have been published, and the other 4 books "Museum Study Manual", "Museum Collection Registration Method", "21st Century Western Museum Research Books Guide (2000-2020)" and "Global Best Heritage Use Case Collection (2)" will be published soon.

At the press conference, the guests narrowed the distance between the audience and museology through wonderful interactive speeches, and popularized the knowledge of museum operation, management, research and other related knowledge to the public, so that more audiences could understand the operating logic and the story behind the museum.

Whether it's an open-ended "journey through the millennium" to the rediscovery of historical monuments, or a book series that publishes a collection of books that explores the stories behind museums, cultural institutions play a key role in providing a holistic educational experience. There are many ways in which museums are committed to education and research, and after this year's International Museum Day, there may be more tricks waiting for you in Changsha.

This year's "5.18" followed Jia Yi to "tease" Du Fu (Cultural China Tour)

Source: Changsha Evening News

Editor: Zhang Jing

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