
Ezbai: Do you know the skin care steps, the right skin care steps make your skin more hydrated!


In modern society, having healthy and beautiful skin is everyone's pursuit. The right skincare routine is the key to perfect skin. Today, we're going to introduce the standard skincare steps to make it easy for you to have smooth, delicate skin.

1. Clean the skin

Ezbai: Do you know the skin care steps, the right skin care steps make your skin more hydrated!

Cleansing is the first step in skincare, removing dirt and oil from the skin's surface and laying the foundation for subsequent skincare product absorption. Choose a cleanser that suits your skin type and cleanse your skin twice a day, morning and evening.

2. Toner

Ezbai: Do you know the skin care steps, the right skin care steps make your skin more hydrated!

The toner has the effect of secondary cleansing and balancing the pH of the skin. Using a cotton pad to take an appropriate amount of toner and gently rubbing it over your face can help restore your skin's balance.

3. Serum

Ezbai: Do you know the skin care steps, the right skin care steps make your skin more hydrated!

The serum contains a high concentration of active ingredients, which can be targeted to treat skin problems. According to the needs of the skin, choose the appropriate serum, apply it to the face, and gently massage until absorbed.

4. Lotion/cream

Ezbai: Do you know the skin care steps, the right skin care steps make your skin more hydrated!

Lotions or creams can moisturize the skin, lock in moisture and prevent dryness. Choose the right lotion or cream for your skin type, apply to your face and gently massage until absorbed.

5. Sunscreen

Ezbai: Do you know the skin care steps, the right skin care steps make your skin more hydrated!

Sun protection is an important part of skin care, which can prevent UV damage to the skin and delay skin aging. Choose the right sunscreen and apply it to your face and other sun-exposed areas.

6. Makeup

Ezbai: Do you know the skin care steps, the right skin care steps make your skin more hydrated!

Make-up can modify skin tone, cover up skin imperfections, and enhance the image. Depending on the occasion and personal preferences, choose the right makeup products to create the perfect makeup look.

Bottom line: The right skincare routine is the key to perfect skin. In our daily life, we need to develop good skincare habits and adhere to the correct skincare steps in order to have smooth and delicate skin. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the choice of skin care products and avoid using inferior products to avoid causing damage to the skin. Leave your skin glowing with youthful glow and confidence every day!