
High temperatures in North China, Huanghuai and other places are coming, and a new round of heavy rainfall will be ushered in in the south from tomorrow

author:Golden Sheep Net

Starting today (May 17), the heat in the north will rise significantly, and some areas in Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei, Henan, Shandong and other places will have high temperatures of more than 35 °C, but the temperature difference between day and night is large. In terms of precipitation, today's heavy rainfall is mainly concentrated in the southwest of Guizhou, the northwest of Guangxi, and the southeast of Hainan Island. Starting tomorrow, there will be a new round of heavy rainfall in the south, and there will be heavy to extremely heavy rain in some areas of Guangxi and Guangdong.

The northern heat is escalating, the range of high temperatures is expanding, and Xinjiang will exceed 40 °C

Under the influence of cold air, the temperature in Northeast China, North China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai and other places decreased to varying degrees on the 15th. However, the cooling is short-lived, and since yesterday, as the continental warm high-pressure ridge carries the hot and dry air mass eastward, Inner Mongolia, western North China, Shandong Peninsula, western Jianghan and other places have warmed up significantly, and the increase has generally exceeded 4 °C.

Three days from today, the heat in the north will escalate, and there will be a wide range of sunny and hot weather. Among them, there will be patches of high temperatures in parts of Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei, Henan, Shandong and other places today and tomorrow. For the North China Plain, this will be the first round of large-scale high temperature weather process this year, and the high temperature will appear earlier than usual.

In Xinjiang, the heat is even more prominent, and the high temperature in the basin is frequent, with the highest temperature near Turpan exceeding 40°C, which is rare in May.

Among the provincial capital-level cities, Taiyuan, Xi'an, Jinan, and Zhengzhou may have the first high temperature day of the year today and tomorrow, which is earlier than usual. Like Taiyuan, if today's high temperature is realized, it will be about 1 month earlier than normal.

While the temperature rises during the day, the temperature in the northern region also cools down quickly at night, and the temperature difference between day and night is large. In many places in Northwest and North China, the temperature difference between day and night is more than 15 °C, and even more than 20 °C locally, and day and night are like two seasons. Members of the public are also reminded to pay attention to temperature changes and add or remove clothing in a timely manner.

The rain continued in Guizhou and other places, and a new round of heavy rainfall in the south hit brightly

Today, the rain is not strong in most parts of the country, and the heavy rain is mainly concentrated in Guizhou, Guangxi, and Hainan. The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts moderate to heavy rain in most parts of Guizhou, north-central and western Guangxi, central and eastern Hainan Island, eastern Sichuan Plateau, southeastern Sichuan Basin, northeastern and southern Yunnan, southeastern Tibet, and Ili River Valley in Xinjiang, among which there are heavy rains in parts of southwestern Guizhou, northwestern Guangxi, and southeastern Hainan Island; Shandong, central and eastern Henan, northern Anhui, northern Jiangsu, central and western Guizhou, eastern Yunnan and other places will have thunderstorms, strong winds or hail weather.

High temperatures in North China, Huanghuai and other places are coming, and a new round of heavy rainfall will be ushered in in the south from tomorrow

Starting tomorrow, as the warm and humid airflow strengthens northward, the rain will increase and intensify in the south. It is expected that from the 18th to the 21st, there will be a heavy rainfall process in the eastern part of southwest China, southern China, southern Jiangnan and other places, with heavy rain in some areas, heavy rain in parts of central and eastern Guangxi, central and western Guangdong and coastal areas of South China, and extremely heavy rain in eastern Guangxi and central and western Guangdong; There is short-term heavy precipitation in some of the above-mentioned areas, and strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds locally.

Specifically, tomorrow, there will be moderate to heavy rain in parts of southeastern Inner Mongolia, southern and western Jiangnan, central and western Chongqing, southeastern southwest China, and most of southern China, among them, there will be heavy rain or heavy rain in parts of southern Hunan, southeastern Guizhou, north-central and southern coastal areas of Guangxi, northwestern Guangxi and southern coastal areas.

High temperatures in North China, Huanghuai and other places are coming, and a new round of heavy rainfall will be ushered in in the south from tomorrow

The day after tomorrow, there will be heavy to heavy rain in some areas of Tianjin, southern Hubei, southeastern Yunnan, southern Jiangnan, and most of southern China, among them, some areas in central and western Guangdong and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will have heavy rain, and local heavy rain.

High temperatures in North China, Huanghuai and other places are coming, and a new round of heavy rainfall will be ushered in in the south from tomorrow

The meteorological department reminds that the rainfall in the south will intensify this weekend, especially in the southern part of the Yangtze River and southern China, and the public should pay attention to the nowcast to prevent secondary disasters that may result from rainfall.

Editor: Chen Ruizhi

Source: China Weather Network