
Diabetes and high blood pressure are most afraid that you will do these 5 things, which will not only help lower blood sugar and blood pressure, but also protect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

author:Friends of Diabetes

High blood pressure and diabetes are two bitter melons on a vine, always entangled with each other and doing evil to each other.

There are more than 140 million diabetics in the mainland, and 1 in 9 adults has diabetes.

There are more than 300 million people with high blood pressure in the mainland, and one in every four adults has high blood pressure.

Diabetes and high blood pressure often go hand in hand. According to statistics, about 60% of patients with type 2 diabetes in mainland China have high blood pressure.


Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular people are most afraid of diabetes and high blood pressure!

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for patients with type 2 diabetes.

Hypertension is a risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, the most common cardiovascular disease, and the most important risk factor for stroke and coronary heart disease.

"Diabetes + hypertension" will produce a synergistic effect of "1+1>2", which will significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in patients!

Diabetes and high blood pressure are most afraid that you will do these 5 things, which will not only help lower blood sugar and blood pressure, but also protect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Hyperglycemia can be called the "vanguard" of destroying vascular endothelial cells, and after endothelial cells are damaged, the endothelium's ability to protect blood vessels will be lost, and different types of harmful factors can "drive directly" into blood vessels.

This double blow will make our blood vessels more fragile, which means that the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events will be higher.

But don't worry, we're not helpless.


5 tips to help you control your blood sugar and blood pressure


Don't stay up late

Going to bed on time and not staying up late can help control blood sugar and blood pressure.

Because staying up late will increase the patient's heart load and increase blood pressure; At the same time, the secretion of glycemic hormone increases, which is not conducive to blood sugar control.


Quit smoking

People with high blood pressure and diabetes must quit smoking as soon as possible.

Because of the nicotine and other toxic components contained in tobacco, it can damage the vascular endothelium, reduce insulin sensitivity, make blood pressure and blood sugar more difficult to control, and easily cause serious macrovascular lesions, microvascular lesions, and even life-threatening.

Diabetes and high blood pressure are most afraid that you will do these 5 things, which will not only help lower blood sugar and blood pressure, but also protect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases


Don't drink alcohol

Drinking less alcohol is also good for blood sugar and blood pressure control.

Because drinking alcohol will cause the body's blood vessels to be irritated, which can shrink sharply in a short period of time and soar blood pressure; Regular alcohol consumption and alcohol abuse can easily aggravate insulin resistance and aggravate diabetic lesions.



Proper exercise can lower blood sugar, regulate lipids, and control blood pressure. Sitting still for a long time will make it more difficult to control blood sugar and blood pressure.

Therefore, avoid sitting for long periods of time and get up and move every 30-60 minutes. Exercise appropriately every day, at least 3-5 times a week, for more than 30 minutes each time, such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc.

Be careful not to do exercises with your head lower than your heart if you have high blood pressure.


A light diet low in salt, fat and sugar

Patients with diabetes and high blood pressure should eat a light diet and control the intake of oil, salt and sugar.

Edible oil should be controlled at 25-30 g/day, and salt should not exceed 5 g/day (with hypertension can be reduced).

In addition, blood sugar and blood pressure should be measured regularly. If the blood pressure measured on the same day exceeds the blood pressure by more than 140/90 mm Hg for 3 consecutive times, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time.

Diabetes and high blood pressure are most afraid that you will do these 5 things, which will not only help lower blood sugar and blood pressure, but also protect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

On May 17, 2024, we are about to celebrate the 20th World Hypertension Day, and this year's theme is "Accurate Measurement, Effective Control, Healthy Longevity", reminding everyone to pay attention to blood pressure health.

It is hoped that the majority of sugar friends can maintain a healthy lifestyle, follow the doctor's instructions to use drugs rationally, control blood sugar, blood pressure, blood lipids and other indicators for a long time, maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, protect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and enjoy a healthy life!

Author: Liu Peiwen, Liu Peiwen Studio, Hubei Provincial Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

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