
He Minghan: He has good looks and acting skills and is still promoted by the big guys, but he is helpless and is delayed as an older leftover man

author:Little Red Riding Hood tells the story
He Minghan: He has good looks and acting skills and is still promoted by the big guys, but he is helpless and is delayed as an older leftover man

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At the age of 43, a year full of challenges and changes, He Minghan experienced the darkest moment of his career, and the two consecutive years of film and television blanks made him suffer pain in his heart.

Back then, this talented artist was tall and handsome, and he became famous all over the world from Shanghai, and the future is limitless!

But now, he is beginning to question whether he made the right choice in the first place, whether he should let go of his past dreams and turn to a new direction and start anew?

The inner struggle is like a battle between heaven and man, and He Minghan is in a deep predicament. He began to reflect on the trajectory of his life and whether he had gone astray.

He Minghan: He has good looks and acting skills and is still promoted by the big guys, but he is helpless and is delayed as an older leftover man

However, it was during this difficult time that his fighting spirit and unwavering qualities were once again on display.

In the end, He Minghan made up his mind, gritted his teeth, and stuck to his dream, a decision that completely changed the direction of his life.

Born in Rugao City, Jiangsu Province, He Minghan aspired to be an excellent policeman serving the people since he was a child.

However, the arrangement of fate is always unexpected, and a chance chance makes this young man embark on a completely different life path - the road of acting.

He Minghan: He has good looks and acting skills and is still promoted by the big guys, but he is helpless and is delayed as an older leftover man

During his studies at the Shanghai Theater Academy, He Minghan has emerged as a rising star with his outstanding appearance and talent.

However, who could have foreseen that this sunny and cheerful young man would face so many setbacks in the future?

By his sophomore year, he had become a well-known advertising star in Shanghai, and he thought he was just one step away from realizing his dream. However, fate always likes to play tricks on people.

One day, he received an insignificant role invitation to play a supporting role in the TV series "Family Tree".

He Minghan: He has good looks and acting skills and is still promoted by the big guys, but he is helpless and is delayed as an older leftover man

Despite being an inconspicuous character, Ho is filled with joy and sees this as his first step towards success.

However, when he was full of joy and ready to start filming, the director of the crew told him mercilessly: "You can get this opportunity because the original actor can't participate, otherwise you wouldn't even have this opportunity." ”

In the bustling city of Shanghai, you have to learn to wait for the favor of others, and only what others don't want can be yours.

These words stung He Minghan's self-esteem like a sharp blade. It dawned on him that it was too difficult for him to stand out in the highly competitive arena of Shanghai.

He Minghan: He has good looks and acting skills and is still promoted by the big guys, but he is helpless and is delayed as an older leftover man

The trepidation and uneasiness in his heart made him question whether he had made the right choice.

Therefore, after in-depth and careful consideration, He Minghan resolutely made up his mind and decided to leave his familiar hometown of Shanghai and march towards the bright stage of the broader and vast capital - Beijing, hoping to find his own development world there!

However, for the newcomer Ho, the bustling metropolis of Beijing is not as friendly as he would have liked. Over the next two years, he went through the most difficult phase of his life.

There is no drama appointment, life is in trouble, and there is a huge pressure in my heart.

He Minghan: He has good looks and acting skills and is still promoted by the big guys, but he is helpless and is delayed as an older leftover man

However, fate is always so dramatic. It was during this low period that he met the important person who changed the trajectory of his life - the famous actor Li Youbin.

Mr. Li Youbin gave great help and guidance to Ho Minghan.

It is thanks to the support and careful teaching of this experienced veteran actor that He Minghan was able to gradually gain a firm foothold on the road of acting, and finally won certain achievements with his excellent fighting spirit and professional attitude.

When He Minghan met Mr. Li Youbin for the first time, he was full of nervousness and admiration. As an authoritative giant in the film and television industry, Mr. Li Youbin's powerful and majestic aura is daunting.

He Minghan: He has good looks and acting skills and is still promoted by the big guys, but he is helpless and is delayed as an older leftover man

However, as time went by, through in-depth contact and communication with his teacher, Ho gradually discovered that Mr. Li was actually a kind and kind elder.

Therefore, he seized every opportunity to consult with his mentor to discuss character building and in-depth study of acting techniques. Looking at this young junior who is so persistent in pursuing his career, Mr. Li Youbin's heart is full of gratification.

He deeply understands that in order to get sincere help from others, he must first have enough strength to support him. He Minghan is such a young man with dreams and positive progress, who deserves his help and support.

"God help those who help themselves." Soon after, He Minghan became Mr. Li Youbin's protégé. Under the careful guidance of his mentor, his acting skills have become increasingly sophisticated, and he has mastered the essence and know-how of many performances.

He Minghan: He has good looks and acting skills and is still promoted by the big guys, but he is helpless and is delayed as an older leftover man

What's even more rare is that through the deep friendship between master and apprentice, He Minghan deeply understands the true connotation of "what is an excellent actor" - not only requires excellent acting skills, but also needs noble personality charm and professional ethics.

The teacher's earnest teachings and deeds are better than words, and He Minghan has always kept them in mind. He cherishes every precious opportunity to perform, and has never slackened off.

In the past, he proudly and firmly declared: "If even I can't perform martial arts perfectly, how can ordinary athletes be easily competent?"

It is precisely because of this tenacious and enterprising spirit that he did his best in the filmmaking process, gritted his teeth, and never relied on stuntmen.

He Minghan: He has good looks and acting skills and is still promoted by the big guys, but he is helpless and is delayed as an older leftover man

He Minghan devoted most of his life to the performing arts, thus making his emotional life a blank slate. We should fully understand this phenomenon.

Men who are overly enthusiastic about their careers are, by nature, the most self-caring people. When they see work as their first priority in life, feelings are naturally relegated to a secondary position and difficult to get the attention they deserve.

Take He Minghan as an example, he poured 890% of his energy into his acting career, turning a blind eye to his love life. It's not hard to imagine that few women can truly understand and tolerate his almost obsessive career pursuits.

Human energy and attention are limited, and the choice between family and career is almost impossible for a workaholic. He Minghan has a deep understanding of this, and he is willing to pay the price for it and put his love life on hold for the time being.

He Minghan: He has good looks and acting skills and is still promoted by the big guys, but he is helpless and is delayed as an older leftover man

However, if this unrequited attitude to life can eventually be exchanged for brilliant career achievements, perhaps it is also a worthwhile game. After all, many things have become trivial for a man who has achieved fame.

He is extremely demanding of himself and always leads by example. As he put it, "In the future, I will choose every work to star in based on my deep love, not just for profit or for money, and I will participate in dramas that I don't think are very good."

This excellent work ethic is a precious quality that he inherited from his mentor Li Youbin.

Mr. Li not only taught him superb acting skills, but more importantly, through words and deeds, he deeply imprinted the noble personality charm in the depths of He Minghan's heart.

He Minghan: He has good looks and acting skills and is still promoted by the big guys, but he is helpless and is delayed as an older leftover man

Perhaps because of this, He Minghan can move forward steadily on the road of acting and achieve certain achievements. Although he didn't shine as much as other stars, his achievements were enough to be awe-inspiring.

After many hardships, he has always adhered to his inner dream, and with incomparable perseverance and hard work, he has built a solid and reliable career foundation step by step!

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