
The "storm" of parking fees swept the countryside, and their own yards were not spared, and the anger was uneasy!

author:A little U came today

Recently, a "storm" of parking fees suddenly swept through the calm countryside, and even their own yards were not spared. This sudden change made the villagers feel very puzzled and angry. They have said that this is a violation of their living space and a deprivation of their rights and interests.

The countryside has always been a pure land in people's hearts, where the pace of life is slow, the environment is beautiful, and the interpersonal relationships are harmonious. However, with the acceleration of urbanization, rural areas are also beginning to face more and more urban problems. Parking difficulties and parking chaos are phenomena that once only appeared in the cities, but now they are also beginning to spread in the countryside.

The "storm" of parking fees swept the countryside, and their own yards were not spared, and the anger was uneasy!

In order to solve this problem, some villages have begun to try to introduce a parking fee system. Originally, the original intention of this system was to standardize the parking order and alleviate the problem of parking difficulties. However, in practice, many problems have arisen.

First of all, the scope of parking charges is too broad. Not only public roads and parking lots, but also villagers' own yards are also included in the scope of fees. This made many villagers feel very dissatisfied. They believe that their yard is their own private space and should not be included in the scope of public charges.

Secondly, the standard of parking fees is not reasonable. In some villages, the actual situation and affordability of the villagers are not fully taken into account when setting the charging standards. The high cost of parking has made the villagers feel a lot of pressure and have expressed that they can not bear it.

The "storm" of parking fees swept the countryside, and their own yards were not spared, and the anger was uneasy!

Finally, there are many problems with the management of parking fees. In some villages, parking fees are managed in a chaotic manner, lacking transparency and fairness. Some villagers reported that they were charged a fee even though they did not park; Some found that the same parking location, different people's charging standards are very different.

Faced with these problems, the villagers have expressed their dissatisfaction and anger. They believe that the parking fee system not only does not solve the problem of parking difficulties, but brings them more trouble and inconvenience. They called on the relevant departments to pay attention to this issue and introduce a more reasonable and fair parking fee policy as soon as possible.

The "storm" of parking fees swept the countryside, and their own yards were not spared, and the anger was uneasy!

At the same time, we should also realize that the root cause of the problem of parking difficulties and parking chaos lies in the acceleration of urbanization and the lag of rural infrastructure construction. Therefore, to solve this problem, we need to start from many aspects, not only to strengthen infrastructure construction, but also to improve the carrying capacity of rural parking facilities; It is also necessary to strengthen publicity and education and guide villagers to develop good habits of civilized parking.

In addition, we can also learn from the successful experience of some cities and introduce advanced technologies such as intelligent parking systems to improve the efficiency and convenience of parking management. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of villagers and avoid turning parking fees into an unreasonable burden.

The "storm" of parking fees swept the countryside, and their own yards were not spared, and the anger was uneasy!

In short, the phenomenon of the "storm" of parking fees sweeping the countryside is worth pondering. We should proceed from reality and formulate a more reasonable and fair parking fee policy, so that villagers can enjoy a more convenient and comfortable parking environment. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen infrastructure construction and management, and fundamentally solve the problem of difficult and chaotic parking.