
20,000 rich people can "choose a concubine on campus", and the reality is more outrageous than the movie "Hot Search".

author:Snubbing and gossiping

First, the prologue kicked off

We can't ignore the fact that a horrific and tragic case that happened in real life has now been successfully turned into a film narrative called "Hot Search", and has been released nationwide.

As soon as this work depicting on-the-ground events, the ups and downs of the plot, and the emotions were fiery and moving, it immediately caused an uproar in all walks of life, triggering heated discussions and controversies.

20,000 rich people can "choose a concubine on campus", and the reality is more outrageous than the movie "Hot Search".

The film's storyline digs deep into the dark corners of human nature, revealing how some powerful authorities and educational institutions abuse their power to sexually assault schoolgirls who are defenseless.

Although the plot of the film is depicted in a simple and unpretentious manner, if you think about it carefully, you will find that the horror and shock in it are jaw-dropping.

Some viewers questioned some of the plots in the film, which they thought were "too direct" and "too exaggerated". Their hearts were filled with anger, and they couldn't believe that such a bad thing could happen in this seemingly civilized society.

20,000 rich people can "choose a concubine on campus", and the reality is more outrageous than the movie "Hot Search".

As the nine big red characters at the end of the film reveal – "This film is based on real events" – reality is often more brutal and darker than the film.

2. Flashbacks reveal the truth

Let's go back in time and reveal the criminal behavior of Wang Jie, the mastermind of the "Baise Student Network": under the guise of running a school to help students, he is actually trafficking those 9-year-old female students, and even shooting indecent videos to threaten the victims.

20,000 rich people can "choose a concubine on campus", and the reality is more outrageous than the movie "Hot Search".

In fact, the plot shown in the movie "Hot Search" is relatively mild and reserved compared to the "Baise Student Network" case that occurred in Baise, Guangxi. This shocking case was entirely orchestrated by a man named Wang Jie.

Under the banner of "student assistance", Wang Jie established a school in Baise, Guangxi, to enroll left-behind children from poor families who could not receive normal education. Their parents thought that their children would be able to learn knowledge and change their destiny here, but they did not know that the moment the children stepped into the school gate, they had already fallen into an endless abyss.

Wang Jie committed all kinds of cruel and cruel abuses to these innocent female students. Not only did he personally rape his 9-year-old girls, but he also filmed their indecent photos and videos, which were disseminated online or used as threats to force them to submit.

20,000 rich people can "choose a concubine on campus", and the reality is more outrageous than the movie "Hot Search".

What is even more outrageous is that Wang Jie actually sold these poor girls to some wealthy "bosses" at a low price, causing them to suffer even more unimaginable abuse and torture.

In order to maximize unspeakable profits, Wang Jie blatantly trampled on the dignity and rights of these girls, treating them as an investment tool that can be traded at will and make huge profits! It is precisely because of the existence of unscrupulous people like Wang Jie that the "concubine selection" scandal that emerged in the movie "Hot Search" was able to thunder and shock! Those innocent female students were also subjected to extremely humiliating treatment because of this.

3. The film reveals a dark reality that educational institutions use female students to earn ill-gotten gains, while these young girls are forced to become escorts and even sexually assaulted.

20,000 rich people can "choose a concubine on campus", and the reality is more outrageous than the movie "Hot Search".

The abuser uses the power and money in his hands to harm others as he wants.

Zhang Xiaosui, the heroine of the movie "Hot Search", was originally an innocent junior high school student. However, she was arranged by the school along with other classmates to attend a so-called "charity gala" and perform there.

The girls are full of anticipation, hoping to show off their singing voices on the stage and show their talents.

20,000 rich people can "choose a concubine on campus", and the reality is more outrageous than the movie "Hot Search".

Who would have expected that this would be a well-planned "concubine selection" scene? When the performance ended, Zhang Xiaosui and others were asked to toast some of the wealthy people at the scene.

They thought it was just a simple job, but they didn't know it was actually an elaborate scam.

Those so-called "VIPs" wearing suits and leather shoes, when they saw Zhang Xiaosui and others wearing white school uniforms, as if they were tasting goods, began to select them. For those girls who have their eyes in their sights, they will be taken away and subjected to unspeakable abuse and abuse.

20,000 rich people can "choose a concubine on campus", and the reality is more outrageous than the movie "Hot Search".

In fact, this so-called "charity party" is nothing more than a "concubine selection" activity by the school and the rich to hide their eyes. Principal Zhang in the movie actually marked the price of his students clearly, as long as he paid 20,000 yuan, he could let an underage girl "serve" a rich man during the entire summer vacation.

After the incident was exposed, those perpetrators even used their huge wealth to manipulate the power of the media, "slut-shaming" the victimized girls, and framed them for "actively seducing" themselves, reversing right and wrong.

With their power and money, they do whatever they want to harm these innocent schoolgirls.

20,000 rich people can "choose a concubine on campus", and the reality is more outrageous than the movie "Hot Search".

Fourth, despite the conclusive evidence, he was sentenced to only 16 years in prison, which caused strong public outrage.

After all, when many reporters quietly approached Wang Jie as "investors" and tried to get the truth of the case from him, this ruthless criminal unabashedly confessed his crimes: not only did he play with all the female students in the school, but even the nine-year-old girl who was not yet an adult was not spared! Some of those girls who were supposed to be pure and flawless were ruthlessly betrayed by him to the rich and powerful, and some were threatened by him with indecent videos and photos, and forced to continue to provide him with "services".

Sadly, despite the conclusive evidence, the main culprit, Wang Jie, was only sentenced to 16 years in prison at the first trial. Such an obvious and excessively light sentence immediately aroused strong dissatisfaction and doubts from all walks of life.

20,000 rich people can "choose a concubine on campus", and the reality is more outrageous than the movie "Hot Search".

People have said that the courts should impose more severe punishments on such serious criminals who molest women and children and seriously damage the physical and mental health of minors.

Fifth, it is surprising that some people question that the victim girl took the initiative to "seduce", and this view has been strongly criticized by the whole society.

What's even more outrageous is that after the release of the movie "Hot Search", which revealed the dark side of campus sexual assault, there were still some ignorant people on social networks who began to question and accuse the victimized girls.

20,000 rich people can "choose a concubine on campus", and the reality is more outrageous than the movie "Hot Search".

They pointed fingers at these innocent girls who were tortured, and ridiculed them for "asking for their own hardships" and "seducing themselves".

In the face of such absurd remarks, the majority of sensible netizens have given a stern response, firmly believing that it is not these innocent girls who are wrong, but those perpetrators who wantonly harm them.

Netizens angrily asked, if the victim was your daughter or sister, would you still be able to say such things? The question we should ponder is why there are people who have such a sordid mentality, seeing women as tools for the satisfaction of desires rather than equal human beings.

20,000 rich people can "choose a concubine on campus", and the reality is more outrageous than the movie "Hot Search".

VI. Strongly condemn any form of online violence, advocate civility and rationality, and resolutely prevent the recurrence of incidents of sexual assault on campus.

Unfortunately, even after experiencing the strong condemnation of "Hot Search", even if the exposure of the "Baise Student Network" case shocked the whole society, such heinous criminal behaviors still emerge in real life.

With the power and wealth in their hands, some people do whatever they want to commit sexual assaults against girls who are unable to resist, with no regard for their dignity and human rights.

20,000 rich people can "choose a concubine on campus", and the reality is more outrageous than the movie "Hot Search".

What is sad is that there are still many people who turn a blind eye to this matter, turn a deaf ear to the victims, and even sneer and abuse them, which makes the whole incident more and more mired in a shadow, and the pain of those deeply traumatized girls has no one to help and pay attention! This is truly infuriating, comparable to a scar on society!

At this moment, as the embodiment of justice, we must actively stand up and use our voices to speak for those poor girls, arouse the concern of the whole society for their fate, and never let them be quietly forgotten in this world!

In addition, we also strongly appeal to the majority of netizens to be civilized online, express their views rationally, resolutely resist any form of personal attacks on victims and online violence, let us work together to create a clear and harmonious online environment!

20,000 rich people can "choose a concubine on campus", and the reality is more outrageous than the movie "Hot Search".

More importantly, we must pay close attention to this serious problem of sexual assault in schools, and develop feasible and effective preventive measures to prevent the recurrence of such crimes in and out of school, and hope that every girl can thrive in a safe and comfortable environment and enjoy the beauty of life!

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