
As she counts down home, Phyllis prepares gifts for her loved ones in Africa


Time flies so fast, thinking back to that year, Lao Li and Xiao Zeng's brother overcame many difficulties and finally brought the Filly family back to Africa to reunite with their families. Now, it has been almost a year since Filly returned to his parents' home for the first time, and Filly and his party will once again embark on the road home.

Back to the countdown, Fili bought gifts for his sister and sister. Filly's younger brother won the first place in the exam, and Filly said that he wanted to give him a gift as a reward, and Lao Li recommended the computer. Fili looked at the computer that Lao Li chose for his younger brother and was full of emotion, because he had never used a computer, so he bought it for his younger brother, hoping that his younger brother would study hard and have a good job in the future.

As she counts down home, Phyllis prepares gifts for her loved ones in Africa
As she counts down home, Phyllis prepares gifts for her loved ones in Africa

Lao Li also bought gifts for Filly's family, not only buying electronic watches for his younger siblings and brothers, but also buying bags and earrings for Filly's mother. I have to say that the title of Lao Li's sister-in-law is really as good as her name, and she is careful and thoughtful in doing things.

It is said that when Philip returned to Africa this time, in addition to Lao Li and Xiao Zeng, he also brought a mysterious guest, who could it be? Some people guess that it is Watson's little fat brother, some people guess that it is Lao Li's wife, and some people say that it is Grandpa Fei'er, but Filly has already asked his grandfather, and his grandfather said that he would stay at home and plant rice. And grandpa is old, so this long-distance travel is definitely not good.

As she counts down home, Phyllis prepares gifts for her loved ones in Africa
As she counts down home, Phyllis prepares gifts for her loved ones in Africa
As she counts down home, Phyllis prepares gifts for her loved ones in Africa
As she counts down home, Phyllis prepares gifts for her loved ones in Africa

This trip home has learned the lessons of the last time, Lao Li and his party have made full preparations, and sent the pots and seasonings to Tanzania in advance, after all, it is really far to run 200 kilometers to buy seasonings.

Seeing Fili's happy appearance now, many people are full of emotion, and they still remember that when Fill was still holding her hands, Fili sat at the door with a confused look in her eyes, feeling confused. Now Phyllis not only has light in her eyes and is energetic, but also helps many people in need. After filming the video, it really changed Fili a lot, and I hope they have a smooth journey to Africa!

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