
Liver disease is not painful or itchy, but there will be 3 kinds of tips on the head, see how many you have?

author:Liu Suzhen ear, nose and throat

1. Foreword: Liver disease is quietly coming, and head signals need to be vigilant

Liver disease, a disease that seems far away from us, may actually be lurking all around us. It does not have obvious symptoms like a cold, and people can treat it as soon as they notice it.

Liver disease is not painful or itchy, but there will be 3 kinds of tips on the head, see how many you have?

Many times, liver disease is silently eroding our body, and by the time it is discovered, the best time for treatment has been missed. However, the good news is that liver disease is not untraceable, and our bodies will inadvertently send some signals. Today, let's talk about the three major tips that liver disease may give in the head, and see if you have these signals in your head!

2. Sharing of real cases

Case 1: The mystery of Mr. Li's jaundice

Mr. Li, 45 years old, is a typical "workaholic" who often stays up late and works overtime. One day, he noticed that his eyes and skin suddenly turned unusually yellow, and even his urine turned dark yellow. At first, he thought he was too tired to rest well, so he took a leave of absence to rest at home for a few days.

Liver disease is not painful or itchy, but there will be 3 kinds of tips on the head, see how many you have?

However, the symptoms of jaundice did not get better, but became more and more severe. Accompanied by his family, Mr. Li came to the hospital. After a series of tests, the doctor told him that he had a liver disease called "hepatitis B", which is a typical symptom of liver disease.

Case 2: The mystery of Ms. Wang's hair

Ms. Wang is 50 years old this year, a person who loves beauty, and usually pays attention to maintenance. Recently, however, she noticed that her hair had suddenly become dry and frizzy, losing its former shine. She tried a variety of hair care products, but none of them worked. At the same time, she often felt fatigue and loss of appetite.

At a gathering of friends, a friend who knows how to treat reminded her that the symptoms could be related to liver disease. Ms. Wang rushed to the hospital for a check-up, and as expected, she was diagnosed with "fatty liver".

Liver disease is not painful or itchy, but there will be 3 kinds of tips on the head, see how many you have?

3. Three tips for the head of liver disease

Tip 1: Yellow eyes and skin

Just like Mr. Li, yellowing of the eyes and skin is one of the most common symptoms of liver disease, medically known as "jaundice". This is because when the liver is damaged, it is unable to metabolize bilirubin normally, resulting in excessive accumulation of bilirubin in the body, which causes yellowing of the skin and eyes. If you notice that your eyes and skin suddenly turn yellow for a long time, it is important to see your doctor for a check-up.

Tip 2: Dry and frizzy hair

Dry, frizzy hair may be another sign from liver disease. The liver is not only responsible for detoxification, but also participates in the metabolism of nutrients in the body. When the liver is damaged, its metabolic function is affected, leading to an imbalance of nutrients in the body.

Hair, as the "tip" of the body, is the first to perceive this change. If your hair suddenly becomes dry and frizzy, accompanied by other symptoms of liver disease, such as fatigue and loss of appetite, it is likely that your liver is sending you a distress signal.

Liver disease is not painful or itchy, but there will be 3 kinds of tips on the head, see how many you have?

Tip 3: The scalp is itchy and unbearable

Itchy scalp is also a cue that liver disease may give. When the liver is damaged, its detoxification function is weakened, resulting in excessive toxin accumulation in the body. These toxins are excreted through the skin, which irritates the scalp and triggers itching. If your scalp itching persists and is accompanied by other liver disease symptoms, such as jaundice, fatigue, etc., then you must pay attention to it and go to the hospital in time to check your liver function.

4. How to prevent liver disease and protect liver health?

1. Have regular physical examinations and pay attention to liver function

Regular check-ups are key to preventing liver disease. By checking liver function, hepatitis B and other items, liver problems can be detected in time and corresponding measures can be taken. It is recommended to have liver function tests at least once a year, especially for those with a family history of liver disease or poor lifestyle habits.

Liver disease is not painful or itchy, but there will be 3 kinds of tips on the head, see how many you have?

2. Maintain a good lifestyle and stay away from liver disease triggers

Maintaining good lifestyle habits is essential to prevent liver disease. Avoid bad behaviors such as staying up late and overwork; Pay attention to food hygiene and avoid excessive intake of greasy and spicy food; Quit smoking and limit alcohol to reduce damage to the liver.

3. Exercise actively to improve your body's immunity

Proper exercise can improve the body's immunity and enhance the liver's resistance. It is recommended to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, such as brisk walking, swimming, jogging, etc. At the same time, you can also try some yoga movements to nourish the liver and protect the liver, such as upside-down Admiralty, Cat Niu Pose, etc.

Liver disease is not painful or itchy, but there will be 3 kinds of tips on the head, see how many you have?

4. Be in a good mood and reduce psychological stress

Being in a good mood is just as important for liver health. Long-term high pressure and anxiety can easily lead to endocrine disorders, which in turn affect liver function. Therefore, we must learn to regulate our emotions and keep our mood happy; When you encounter difficulties, actively seek solutions and avoid overly suppressing yourself.

5. Conclusion: Pay attention to body signals and cherish liver health

Although liver disease is not painful or itchy, as long as we carefully observe the changes in the body, detect and take corresponding measures in time, we can effectively prevent the occurrence of liver disease.

Let's take care of our physical health from now on! If you notice that you have the head signals mentioned above or other symptoms of liver disease, it is important to see your doctor for a check-up to ensure that your liver is healthy. Remember: Only by cherishing your liver health can you have a better life!