
Epilepsy is becoming more and more common! Many people are still in the dark about several factors that cause epilepsy

author:Liu Suzhen ear, nose and throat

1. Real case: Xiao Li's epilepsy

Xiao Li is an ordinary office worker, usually busy with work and fast pace of life. One day, he suddenly fainted in the office, his limbs twitched, and his mouth foamed, and his colleagues were frightened. After being taken to the hospital, the doctor told Xiao Li that he was having a seizure. Xiao Li was very confused, he was usually in good health, how could he suddenly have epilepsy?

Epilepsy is becoming more and more common! Many people are still in the dark about several factors that cause epilepsy

The doctor inquired about Xiao Li's living habits and medical history in detail, and found that Xiao Li often stayed up late and worked overtime, ate irregularly, and sometimes drank a lot of coffee to refresh himself. The doctor told Xiao Li that these bad lifestyle habits might be the cause of his epilepsy. After hearing this, Xiao Li suddenly realized that his way of life had long been buried.

Xiao Li's experience is not unique. In recent years, the incidence of epilepsy has been increasing, and many people may be like Xiao Li and have little understanding of the causes of epilepsy. Today, let's talk about several pathogenic factors that cause epilepsy, so that you can have a deeper understanding of epilepsy.

2. Genetic factors: born with the problem of "radio waves".

Epilepsy is sometimes genetic, like a "secret" in the family. Some people may be born with an abnormal tendency to fire neurons in the brain, which is like the "radio waves" in the brain are not stable. When these "radio waves" run wild, they can trigger seizures.

Epilepsy is becoming more and more common! Many people are still in the dark about several factors that cause epilepsy

If someone in your family has had epilepsy, you need to be careful. It's not that you will get sick, but your risk may be higher than others. Therefore, it is very important to have regular physical check-ups and understand your physical condition.

3. Brain Injury: The "Brain Map" of Injury

Brain injuries, whether in a car accident, a fall, or something else, can affect the normal functioning of the brain. It's like a "brain map" has been torn apart, and some places may not be able to navigate properly. These damaged areas can cause abnormal firing of neurons, which can trigger seizures.

Therefore, it is important to protect our brains. In daily life, it is necessary to pay attention to safety and avoid accidents. If you have an unfortunate brain injury, you must seek medical attention and receive professional treatment in a timely manner.

Epilepsy is becoming more and more common! Many people are still in the dark about several factors that cause epilepsy

4. Diseases and Infections: The "Alarm Bell" of the Body

Some diseases and infections can also trigger epilepsy. For example, meningitis, brain tumors, etc., these diseases are like "alarm bells" in the body, alerting us that there may be problems with the brain. Seizures can occur when these disorders affect the normal function of the brain.

Therefore, it is very important to maintain good health and prevent the occurrence of diseases and infections. Once you feel unwell, you should seek medical attention in time to find out the cause and receive corresponding treatment.

5. Living habits and environmental factors: the "small details" in life

Lifestyle habits and environmental factors may also play a role in the development of epilepsy. For example, staying up late for a long time, eating irregularly, overworking and other bad lifestyle habits may increase the risk of epilepsy. In addition, some environmental factors, such as bright light stimulation, noise pollution, etc., may also induce seizures.

Epilepsy is becoming more and more common! Many people are still in the dark about several factors that cause epilepsy

Therefore, we should develop good living habits, maintain a regular work and rest time, eat reasonably, and avoid overwork. At the same time, it is also necessary to avoid long-term exposure to strong light, noise and other stimuli to maintain a comfortable and quiet living environment.

6. Drugs and Substance Abuse: Hidden "Risks"

Misuse of certain drugs and substances can also cause seizures. For example, some antipsychotics, antidepressants, etc., if used inappropriately or excessively, may have adverse effects on the brain. In addition, some drugs and illegal substances may also directly damage neurons in the brain, triggering epilepsy.

Therefore, we must follow the doctor's instructions when using the drug and do not change the dosage or stop the drug at will. At the same time, you must resolutely resist the temptation of drugs and illegal substances, and protect your body and brain.

Epilepsy is becoming more and more common! Many people are still in the dark about several factors that cause epilepsy

7. Mental Stress and Mood Swings: An "Earthquake" of the Soul

Mental stress and mood swings can also be triggers for epilepsy. Long-term mental stress, anxiety, depression and other negative emotions are like "earthquakes" in the mind, which may lead to abnormal electrical discharges of neurons in the brain. Sudden and intense mood swings, such as extreme anger, fear, or excitement, can also trigger seizures.

Therefore, we need to learn to adjust our mindset and maintain a positive and optimistic mood. When encountering difficulties and setbacks, learn to seek help and support and resolve negative emotions in a timely manner. At the same time, you can also relax and relieve stress through exercise, meditation and other means.

Epilepsy is becoming more and more common! Many people are still in the dark about several factors that cause epilepsy

In conclusion, the causes of epilepsy are varied, ranging from objective causes such as genetic factors and brain damage, as well as subjective factors such as lifestyle habits, environmental factors, drug abuse, and mental stress. Therefore, we need to start from various aspects to actively prevent and treat epilepsy. At the same time, it is also necessary to increase awareness and understanding of epilepsy, eliminate discrimination and prejudice against people with epilepsy, and create a more inclusive and understanding social environment for them.