
Is heart attack related to drinking water? The doctor is heartbroken: drinking water is 3 wrong behaviors, and many elderly people are still committing them

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"Have you had any recent symptoms of heart discomfort?" This was the first thing Dr. Zhang said to Li Yuanshan.

Li Yuanshan, in his forties, is a primary school math teacher by profession, and he is a well-known "health expert" in the community. A few days ago, a new seafood buffet restaurant opened downstairs at his house, and he decided to go with a few friends to try it. As a result, I felt nauseous and weak for two days in a row after coming back, and I didn't feel like my usual energetic self at all. So, he decided to go to the hospital for a check-up, but the result was unexpected.

Is heart attack related to drinking water? The doctor is heartbroken: drinking water is 3 wrong behaviors, and many elderly people are still committing them

That day, Li Yuanshan and his old friends feasted in the seafood cafeteria, from sea cucumber to lobster, from oysters to abalone, they tasted every dish and talked about every topic. However, after returning home, Li Yuanshan felt nauseous for a while, and his whole body lost his strength. The next day, his condition did not improve, and he had to go to the hospital.

At the hospital, after a series of examinations, Dr. Zhang conducted a detailed analysis of Li Yuanshan's physical condition. The results showed that Li Yuanshan's heart condition was not optimistic, and there was a potential risk of myocardial infarction. This startled Li Yuanshan, who had always thought that he was in good health and had never thought that he would have anything to do with heart problems.

Dr. Zhang continued, "Mr. Li, you actually have some bad habits that may seem inconsequential, but they have a big impact on your heart health in the long run. ”

When Li Yuanshan heard this, he was suspicious, he was usually a person who pays attention to his health. He couldn't wait to ask, "Doctor, what habit made me like this?" ”

Is heart attack related to drinking water? The doctor is heartbroken: drinking water is 3 wrong behaviors, and many elderly people are still committing them

Dr. Zhang sighed and began to explain in detail: "It's mainly about drinking water. You may not think that drinking water in the wrong way can also have an impact on heart health. ”

"First of all, first of all, many people like to wake up early in the morning and drink a lot of water on an empty stomach, thinking that it will help to clear the intestines. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. Drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning will dilute the gastric juice and affect the digestive function, and a large amount of water suddenly enters the blood circulation, which can increase the burden on the heart, especially for those who are at risk of cardiovascular disease. ”

"The second point, drink water immediately after eating. This kind of behavior may seem harmless, but it is actually wrong. Drinking a lot of water immediately after a meal will dilute the gastric juice, affect the digestion of food, and in the long run, may lead to gastritis and other problems. At the same time, the load on the heart is already heavy after meals, and drinking a lot of water immediately is even worse. ”

"The third point, and the most common, is that many people are used to drinking plenty of water at night before going to bed, thinking that this will prevent thirst at night. In fact, this will not only increase the number of nights and affect the quality of sleep, but also increase the burden on the heart and kidneys because water is retained in the body at night. ”

Is heart attack related to drinking water? The doctor is heartbroken: drinking water is 3 wrong behaviors, and many elderly people are still committing them

After listening to this, Li Yuanshan suddenly felt that his usual drinking habits had been tricked. He smiled awkwardly and said, "I see, I always thought I was very particular about drinking water." ”

Dr. Zhang nodded, then added, "Actually, drinking water in moderation and right is good for the body, but the key is the way and time. ”

Dr Teo continued, "The human body is mostly made up of water, which is essential for maintaining various body functions. Drinking water properly can help regulate body temperature, lubricate joints, protect the spinal cord and other sensitive tissues, and help flush out waste and toxins. ”

He also highlighted a key statistic: "There are studies that show that drinking enough water every day can reduce the risk of myocardial infarction. According to a U.S. study, people who drank more than five glasses of water a day had a 41% lower risk of myocardial infarction than those who drank only two or fewer glasses of water a day. ”

Is heart attack related to drinking water? The doctor is heartbroken: drinking water is 3 wrong behaviors, and many elderly people are still committing them

Hearing this, Li Yuanshan became much more serious, and hurriedly asked: "Then doctor, what should be the correct way to drink water?" ”

Dr. Zhang smiled and replied, "First of all, drink water in moderation, generally speaking, adults should drink 1,500 to 2,000 ml of water per day. Secondly, the time to drink water is also very important, which can be divided into multiple periods, such as drinking a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning, two to three drinks in the morning and afternoon, and a glass two hours before going to bed in the evening. ”

"In addition, don't take a sip of water when drinking, drink it slowly in small sips, let the water slowly enter the body, and avoid putting a burden on the heart and stomach. Another thing is to avoid drinking too cold or too hot water, warm water is the best choice. ”

Dr. Zhang went on to share several actual cases. He mentioned an aunt Wang, who is in her 60s and usually has the habit of drinking a lot of water on an empty stomach every morning, which resulted in long-term stomach pain and even a hospital due to an overburdened heart. By adjusting her drinking habits, Aunt Wang's condition has improved greatly, her stomach pain has decreased, and her heart condition has stabilized.

Is heart attack related to drinking water? The doctor is heartbroken: drinking water is 3 wrong behaviors, and many elderly people are still committing them

Another case is Uncle Li, who likes to drink a lot of water before going to bed at night, and as a result, he often wakes up at night, resulting in lack of sleep and poor energy during the day. Later, under the doctor's suggestion, Uncle Li changed to drinking water two hours before going to bed at night, which not only ensured that he was not thirsty at night, but also reduced the number of nights, and his sleep quality was significantly improved.

After listening to these cases, Li Yuanshan was thoughtful. He understands the importance of drinking water in the right way for his health, and he realises that his usual habits need to be corrected. He thanked Dr. Zhang for his detailed explanation and decided to change his drinking habits from now on to protect his heart health.

After Li Yuanshan returned home, he shared today's experience with his family and friends, and everyone had a new understanding of the correct way to drink water. They begin to pay attention to how much water they drink each day and when they drink water, and avoid the wrong behavior of drinking a lot of water on an empty stomach, immediately after meals, and before bedtime.

However, the story doesn't end here. Li Yuanshan also found another problem in his life: many people do not think correctly about the relationship between drinking water and exercise. So, he went to consult Dr. Zhang again.

Is heart attack related to drinking water? The doctor is heartbroken: drinking water is 3 wrong behaviors, and many elderly people are still committing them

Dr. Zhang told Li Yuanshan: "You should also pay attention to drinking water during exercise, and you need to pay attention to the way you drink water before, during and after exercise. Drinking 200-300 ml of water 30 minutes before exercise can help prevent dehydration; During exercise, you should drink an appropriate amount of water every 15-20 minutes to maintain the body's water balance; After exercising, replenishing enough water according to the amount of sweat you sweat can help your body recover. ”

Dr Cheung provides a set of data to illustrate the importance of drinking water correctly during exercise: "One study showed that for every 1% of body weight water lost during exercise, exercise capacity decreased by 5%. If you don't hydrate in time, it can lead to muscle cramps, heat stroke, and other problems. ”

Through this story, Li Yuanshan and his friends understand the importance of drinking water correctly, not only to prevent heart problems, but also to improve overall health. They began to adjust their drinking habits according to Dr. Zhang's advice, and their physical condition improved significantly.

Is heart attack related to drinking water? The doctor is heartbroken: drinking water is 3 wrong behaviors, and many elderly people are still committing them

At the end of the story, Li Yuanshan asked a new question: "We already know the correct way to drink water, so in special circumstances, such as working in a high temperature environment or taking a plane for a long time, what is the special importance of drinking water?" ”

Dr. Zhang explains, "When working in a hot environment, the body loses water quickly due to the heavy sweating, and more water needs to be replenished. It is recommended to drink about 500 ml of water per hour, and pay attention to electrolyte supplementation, you can drink some sports drinks to balance the electrolytes in the body. ”

"When you travel for a long time, the air in the cabin is dry, which can easily lead to dehydration. It is recommended to drink 250-300 ml of water per hour and avoid caffeinated or alcoholic beverages as these can accelerate water loss in the body. At the same time, you can carry a moisturizing mist with you to keep your skin moisturized. ”

Is heart attack related to drinking water? The doctor is heartbroken: drinking water is 3 wrong behaviors, and many elderly people are still committing them

Through these suggestions, Li Yuanshan and his friends can maintain healthy drinking habits and protect their bodies in different environments.

At the end of the story, Li Yuanshan sighed: "The trivial matter of drinking water is really very knowledgeable!" He decided to spread this knowledge to more people so that everyone can drink healthy water and stay away from health problems such as heart disease.

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Is heart attack related to drinking water? The doctor is heartbroken: drinking water is 3 wrong behaviors, and many elderly people are still committing them