
Subsequent! The incident of the man saving people at the beach was called to the police by the other party, and several details make people think about it carefully.

author:A lion holding a ball

Shandong guy bravely rescued the news of two people who fell into the water is still in the ears, the spirit of righteousness and courage is worth our learning, this is not a big Mr. Li, when he was fishing at night on the beach, he heard someone calling for help at the beach, and he rescued the person who fell into the water regardless of the danger, but he did not expect to save people this time, brought trouble to himself, and the other party also reported to the police, and the following is for you to restore Mr. Li's rescue experience.

Subsequent! The incident of the man saving people at the beach was called to the police by the other party, and several details make people think about it carefully.

The cause of the matter

On the evening of May 10th, the sea was windy and the waves were high, and the weather was so bad, Mr. Li from Dalian still started today's night fishing. In order to prevent his Air Force from being mercilessly ridiculed, he took out his mobile phone to take pictures of the bad weather on the beach. Suddenly, a burst of sounds for help came from a distance. Without having time to think about it, Mr. Li dropped his beloved fishing gear and quickly ran in the direction where the sound came from. When I came to the scene, I saw that 4 people were trapped in the sea, one of them was slightly safer, the waves were particularly strong at that time, and the other three were at risk of being swallowed by the waves at any time.

Subsequent! The incident of the man saving people at the beach was called to the police by the other party, and several details make people think about it carefully.

The situation was very urgent, Mr. Li jumped off the embankment, just jumped down when a wave came to him, walked through a slippery breakwater, came to the woman in the most dangerous situation, wanted to rescue her first, but the woman was stuck in the hole, Mr. Li was unable to do it, and at this time, another woman who was also trapped helped Mr. Li rescue the woman who was stuck in the hole. Then everyone worked together to rescue the man lying on the rock. Afterwards, he expressed his gratitude to Mr. Li on the spot.

Mr. Li was happy about his act of saving people, so he posted a video, which received many likes and retweets from netizens.

Subsequent! The incident of the man saving people at the beach was called to the police by the other party, and several details make people think about it carefully.

The video was swiped by the party who fell into the water, so he contacted Mr. Li to ask for the deletion of the video, with a bad attitude, and threatened to call the police if the video was not deleted, Mr. Li felt aggrieved and angry, so he did not delete the video according to the other party's request.

Subsequent! The incident of the man saving people at the beach was called to the police by the other party, and several details make people think about it carefully.

Soon Mr. Li received a call from the police, and it turned out that the other party really called the police.

Subsequent! The incident of the man saving people at the beach was called to the police by the other party, and several details make people think about it carefully.

Mr. Li couldn't understand that he was obviously doing a good deed to save people, but he just posted a video, and the video was pitch black, and the person was blurry and couldn't see it clearly, nor did he exaggerate the facts, let alone fabricate the facts, and violated any law.

Subsequent! The incident of the man saving people at the beach was called to the police by the other party, and several details make people think about it carefully.

In accordance with the requirements of the police, Mr. Li also went to the police station to explain the relevant situation and cooperate with the police investigation, and actively looked for witnesses.

Subsequent! The incident of the man saving people at the beach was called to the police by the other party, and several details make people think about it carefully.

Why should the rescuer prove himself, and should he also leave evidence before doing good deeds in the future? Everyone left messages to comfort Mr. Li and expressed their willingness to provide legal aid free of charge.

Subsequent! The incident of the man saving people at the beach was called to the police by the other party, and several details make people think about it carefully.

Someone also launched an online vote: The man rescued 1 man and 3 women at the beach and was called to the police by the rescued, what do you think? Most of them have chosen: the farmer and the snake, and En will take revenge. It seems that the eyes of netizens are bright.

Subsequent! The incident of the man saving people at the beach was called to the police by the other party, and several details make people think about it carefully.

Calling the police to threaten their savior, I think people with a little conscience will feel very angry when they see this. Briefly sorted out the two remarks against the sky of the rescued, and saw that this was a modern version of the farmer and the snake.

"I was pushed back by the waves, and I can't remember if the passers-by helped me."

"It's just a passer-by who saw the person in the water pull and thanked him, what else do you want?"

Subsequent! The incident of the man saving people at the beach was called to the police by the other party, and several details make people think about it carefully.
Subsequent! The incident of the man saving people at the beach was called to the police by the other party, and several details make people think about it carefully.
Subsequent! The incident of the man saving people at the beach was called to the police by the other party, and several details make people think about it carefully.

But after carefully reading their messages, I found a few details; "My two girlfriends", "A man and a woman quarreled and jumped into the sea", "Victims" If you connect these words, think about the situation of the four people at the scene at that time, and contact Mr. Li afterwards to delete the video, some pictures can't help but flash through my mind, and I am really afraid to think about it.

Most people will only say that I am a girlfriend, but the rescued man replied "my two girlfriends", and the rescued man is a person of "fraternity"? Is it true that there are two girlfriends? Coming here on a big night because of a relationship dispute?

What does the word victim mean, I think everyone should understand, a reply to the comments of netizens, there were two consecutive "victims", which makes people doubt, is there anyone else at the scene who has even been killed? , "A man and a woman quarrel and jump into the sea" seems to explain some more problems.

Of course, these are just speculations, since the police have been called, then please ask the police to investigate clearly, why did the four people come to such a dangerous place in the middle of the night? What is the reason why they are obsessed with deleting videos?

Subsequent! The incident of the man saving people at the beach was called to the police by the other party, and several details make people think about it carefully.

Write at the end

Righteousness and courage are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and the government will also give corresponding commendations to those who act bravely, because in times of danger, they have shown courage and selfless dedication regardless of their personal safety, and this spirit deserves encouragement and recognition. We can't let our heroes shed blood and tears, which is not in line with our socialist values and will cause endless trouble.