
The son was born "without eyes", and the parents were frightened, but the doctor laughed out loud after examination! 2


The son was born "without eyes", but the doctor laughed out loud after examination

On a sunny morning, there was a tense and expectant atmosphere in the hospital. A young couple anxiously awaited the birth of their first child. However, when the nurse carefully carried the child to them, they were shocked to find that their son appeared to have "no eyes".

The son was born "without eyes", and the parents were frightened, but the doctor laughed out loud after examination! 2

The child's parents looked at each other, filled with fear and incomprehension. They could never have imagined that their long-awaited life would come to this world in such a way. They immediately called the doctor, hoping for a reasonable explanation.

The doctor took a closer look at the child's eyes and smiled relaxedly. He explained to the couple that the child's eyes were not really "absent" but were covered by a thin membrane, a condition medically known as "congenital ptosis". Although this condition may seem worrisome, it does not actually affect the child's vision development, but it needs to be surgically corrected in due course.

The son was born "without eyes", and the parents were frightened, but the doctor laughed out loud after examination! 2

The doctor's words relieved the couple, but they were still full of worries about the child's future. The doctor patiently comforted them, telling them that the condition is completely curable under modern medical conditions and that the success rate of the operation is very high. He also advises them to bring their children to the hospital for regular check-ups so that they can keep abreast of their eye development.

As time went on, the child grew up, and his parents took him to the hospital regularly for follow-ups, as recommended by the doctor. After check-up, they found that the child's eye condition was gradually improving. Finally, when the child was three years old, they decided to take the doctor's advice and perform surgery on the child.

The surgery went very smoothly and soon after the operation, the child's eyes returned to their normal appearance and function. Looking at the bright eyes of the child, the couple was full of emotion. They are glad that they did not make the wrong decision because of panic, and they are grateful to the doctors for their professionalism and patience for allowing them to regain their confidence in their children.

Today, the child has grown into a healthy and lively teenager, his eyes are bright and bright, full of longing and anticipation for the future. And his parents often look back on those difficult times, lamenting the miracle of life and the power of medicine. They cherish every moment with their children and know the importance of family warmth and support for their children's growth.

The son was born "without eyes", and the parents were frightened, but the doctor laughed out loud after examination! 2

This story allows us to see the fragility and tenacity of life, and also makes us feel the power of medicine and the warmth of family. In the face of difficulties and challenges, we should remain calm and optimistic, believing in the power of science and the support of our families to get us through. At the same time, we should also pay more attention to the health and growth of children, and create an environment full of love and hope for them to grow up.

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