
Experience: When serving parents who are sick in their later years, the best way is to "stay away."


Sub-heading: Proper Distance: The Best Way to Care for Sick Parents


With the aging trend of the mainland's population, more and more families are facing the problem of caring for their sick parents in old age. Traditionally, it is natural for children to care for their sick parents, but the physical and mental exhaustion of caring for their parents in close proximity for long periods of time makes this problem even more difficult. In this case, experience has taught us that the best way is to "stay away".

Experience: When serving parents who are sick in their later years, the best way is to "stay away."

1. Caregiver psychological pressure

Caring for a parent who is sick later in life means taking on heavy family responsibilities. In this process, caregivers not only have to face the trivial matters of their parents' daily life, but also have to endure huge psychological pressure. Prolonged close care puts caregivers in a state of high stress, which can lead to physical and mental exhaustion and even affect the mental health of caregivers.

Second, the necessity of appropriate distancing

Appropriate distance does not mean giving up the responsibility of taking care of parents, but on the premise of keeping a certain distance, you can not only care for and take care of your parents, but also leave enough space for yourself to rest and adjust. Appropriate distancing can relieve the pressure of caregivers, improve the effectiveness of care, and make both caregivers and parents have a better quality of life.

Experience: When serving parents who are sick in their later years, the best way is to "stay away."

3. Practical methods of moderate distancing

1. Reasonable arrangement of care time: Caregivers can arrange care time reasonably according to their own physical condition and the condition of their parents, so as to ensure that they do not neglect their physical and mental health while taking care of their parents.

2. Seek help from others: In the process of caring for parents, caregivers can seek help from relatives, friends, community organizations, etc., and share the responsibility of caregiving.

3. Increase communication with parents: Appropriate distancing does not mean reducing communication with parents, on the contrary, caregivers should pay more attention to the psychological needs of parents and increase communication with parents.

4. Pay attention to your physical and mental health: In the process of taking care of your parents, caregivers should pay attention to their physical and mental health, and participate in physical exercise and social activities appropriately to relieve physical and mental exhaustion.

Experience: When serving parents who are sick in their later years, the best way is to "stay away."

Fourth, case sharing

Mr. Zhang is a filial son who takes care of his ailing mother in his later years. In the process of caring for his mother, he fully realized the importance of proper distancing. He has successfully implemented a caring strategy of appropriate distancing by arranging care time, seeking help from relatives and friends, and maintaining good communication with his mother. This allows him to take care of his physical and mental health while taking care of himself.

V. Conclusions

When taking care of sick parents in later life, appropriate distancing is an effective way to care for your parents and protect yourself. We should recognize its importance and put it into practice. At the same time, it calls on the society to pay attention to such family problems, provide more support and help for caregivers, and jointly create a harmonious family atmosphere.