
"The public enemy of the whole network" Xu Xin, after returning to China, shouted that no one dared to touch her, and now she is going to study for a doctorate in the Ivy League

author:Will speak the world

1. In this 21st century, stubborn diseases are still stubbornly rampant in the world, and those clowns who fool the public are like rats crossing the street!

Today, we seem to have a stable and quiet social environment, but some stubborn diseases hidden in the shadows still persist. These people worship Western values as if they were gods, trying to blind the public into believing that this is the truth of the world.

A woman named Xu Xin became the target of public criticism and was regarded as a rat-like existence on the street.

"The public enemy of the whole network" Xu Xin, after returning to China, shouted that no one dared to touch her, and now she is going to study for a doctorate in the Ivy League

Her arrogant and rude rhetoric aroused the strong indignation and spurning of the majority of netizens. Netizens keen to uncover the truth quickly unearthed her family background - Xu Xin was born in Suzhou, which has the reputation of "Taihu Lake", and her family is not only financially strong, but also the influence of her parents in the local area cannot be ignored.

However, as a "rich daughter" who lives a worry-free life, Xu Xin turned a blind eye to the country's anti-epidemic policy and the hardships suffered by the general public during the epidemic, and even maliciously slandered and wantonly criticized it, and made a series of provocative remarks without scruples.

In the face of criticism from netizens, instead of realizing her mistakes, she became more and more rampant and aggressive. She engaged in a high-profile heated debate with netizens, as if she wanted to "fight the Confucianism", and this blind and ignorant courage would eventually lead her to destruction and become a well-known "public enemy of the whole network".

"The public enemy of the whole network" Xu Xin, after returning to China, shouted that no one dared to touch her, and now she is going to study for a doctorate in the Ivy League

Second, the germination of "public knowledge" in the Internet era

To explore the origin of Xu Xin's "street rat", we must go back to 1994. In that year, China's Internet was officially connected to the international network, which was undoubtedly an important milestone in the development of the Internet in the mainland.

With the rapid development of the Internet in China, it has not only greatly facilitated people's daily lives, but also given rise to a series of new social problems, the most notable of which is the stigmatization of the word "public knowledge" in cyberspace.

"The public enemy of the whole network" Xu Xin, after returning to China, shouted that no one dared to touch her, and now she is going to study for a doctorate in the Ivy League

Gao Xiaosong has undoubtedly become a notorious representative of "public knowledge". Looking back on some of his remarks back then, it is really jaw-dropping and unbelievable. A person who claims to be knowledgeable openly advocates Western values in the posture of "making history" and vigorously propagates the unhealthy trend of worshipping foreigners and flattering foreigners.

Just when this unhealthy trend was rampant, Master Ai Yuejin seemed to break through the clouds and criticized this chaos mercilessly with the power of an iron fist. Every time I revisit Ai Yuejin's sharp remarks back then, it seems that the voices of netizens chanting "Ai Gong through the ages" will sound in my ears.

3. Permission to speak and act under the new crown epidemic

"The public enemy of the whole network" Xu Xin, after returning to China, shouted that no one dared to touch her, and now she is going to study for a doctorate in the Ivy League

At the end of 2019, the Spring Festival is approaching, and people are full of happy smiles, who would have expected a sudden disaster to come so quietly - Wuhan City has seen multiple cases of infection with the new coronavirus.

At first, everyone thought it was just an ordinary flu and didn't pay enough attention to it. It was not until Dr. Li Wenliang, who was later known as the "whistleblower of the epidemic", issued a warning to the public, reminding the public that the epidemic was not trivial, and the situation may be far more serious than expected.

Regrettably, no one heeded Li Wenliang's warnings at the time, and instead dismissed his message as a rumor. Reality quickly gave everyone a heavy slap in the face with a thunderous force - the spread of the new crown pneumonia was so rapid that it was jaw-dropping, and it had spread to the whole of Wuhan in an instant.

"The public enemy of the whole network" Xu Xin, after returning to China, shouted that no one dared to touch her, and now she is going to study for a doctorate in the Ivy League

As a doctor, Li Wenliang did not flinch from the battle, but resolutely chose to stick to his post and stand on the front line of the fight against the epidemic. Despite the strict precautions taken, they were not spared from contracting this new virus.

Soon after, the news came that Li Wenliang had been rushed to the hospital for treatment.

This news undoubtedly made the people of the whole country sad, and they prayed for Li Wenliang, hoping that this person who sounded the alarm bell of the epidemic could get through the difficulties. Only when he is safe and sound can he give people confidence that the epidemic will eventually dissipate.

"The public enemy of the whole network" Xu Xin, after returning to China, shouted that no one dared to touch her, and now she is going to study for a doctorate in the Ivy League

This life-and-death rescue is of far-reaching and great significance to the entire country.

However, at the critical moment when the whole country is watching and the whole country is paying attention, a woman who calls herself Xu Xin has made a lot of nonsense on the Internet. She openly attacked and slandered Li Wenliang and the frontline medical staff for their great sacrifice and dedication on social media, triggering strong indignation and condemnation from the majority of netizens.

However, such slander and blasphemy are not tolerated! We quickly peeled back the family background of Xu Xin, who came from a prosperous family in Suzhou, and not only did her family have great financial resources, but her parents' social influence in the region was also impossible to ignore.

"The public enemy of the whole network" Xu Xin, after returning to China, shouted that no one dared to touch her, and now she is going to study for a doctorate in the Ivy League

It turned out that she was just a pampered "rich daughter" who suffered from a typical "princess disease".

In the face of angry accusations from netizens, instead of realizing her mistakes, she took a tough attitude and spoke sharply, and continued to make a series of provocative remarks. Her courage is admirable, but her blindness can ruin her future.

4. Ivy League "soft bones" readers

"The public enemy of the whole network" Xu Xin, after returning to China, shouted that no one dared to touch her, and now she is going to study for a doctorate in the Ivy League

In the face of the condemnation and condemnation of netizens, Xu Xin not only did not have the slightest remorse, but intensified, and her remarks became more and more absurd.

At the height of the epidemic in Wuhan, people from all over the country reached out to help, and even the owners of some small restaurants stuck to their posts and provided food to frontline medical workers every day to express their gratitude.

However, Xu Xin chose to stand up and openly slander and insult those medical workers who are working day and night on the front line of the fight against the epidemic, which undoubtedly aroused the strong indignation of the majority of netizens and the general dissatisfaction of the public.

"The public enemy of the whole network" Xu Xin, after returning to China, shouted that no one dared to touch her, and now she is going to study for a doctorate in the Ivy League

Subsequently, Xu Xin found that she had become infamous in China, and no one was willing to hire her as a "street rat", so she decisively decided to move overseas, and finally successfully entered a well-known university in the Ivy League to study for a doctorate.

Ironically, she once called others "soft bones", but she didn't know that the real "soft bones" were precisely herself. She shouted on the Internet that no one dared to touch her abroad, but in fact, she knew in her heart that there was no place to stay in the motherland, and if she continued to stay, she would only be spurned by the world.

So, she seized the opportunity and hurriedly applied to study abroad, but she didn't expect that this behavior would expose her hypocrisy.

"The public enemy of the whole network" Xu Xin, after returning to China, shouted that no one dared to touch her, and now she is going to study for a doctorate in the Ivy League

5. Unrepentant "International Student Representatives"

In the face of waves of condemnation from netizens, Xu Xin did not remain silent because of this, but took a resolute attitude, and seemed to have a dependence on this "black and red" state. She posted articles on the Internet one after another, trying to save face for herself from the moral high ground.

At first, she accused the country of failing to properly handle the matter of accepting international students back to China, and even described the difficult situation she was going through as if she was in hell! During the centralized quarantine, she tearfully said that she was homeless and her dietary conditions were worrisome, so that she frequently experienced severe diarrhea after eating these foods.

"The public enemy of the whole network" Xu Xin, after returning to China, shouted that no one dared to touch her, and now she is going to study for a doctorate in the Ivy League

What's even more ridiculous is that at the time of the disaster, she actually suffered from the evil words of her "compatriots", and in the end, Xu Xin declared in an unwavering tone that "we" will die and never return to our homeland.

In order to enhance the persuasiveness and authenticity of her words, she published a large number of provocative posts on online platforms, directly igniting the war to the entire group of international students.

Many international students who have returned to the embrace of their motherland can't stand it anymore, and they have poured into her Weibo comment area, severely criticizing her, and strongly asking her to stop complaining endlessly, so as not to have a negative impact on the majority of international students.

"The public enemy of the whole network" Xu Xin, after returning to China, shouted that no one dared to touch her, and now she is going to study for a doctorate in the Ivy League

Some international students unceremoniously pointed out that although the situation at that time was indeed grim and many compatriots could not return for the time being, no one had ever talked about their sufferings like her, repeatedly emphasizing their "representativeness".

Xu Xin turned a blind eye to the doubts of netizens, and showed unprecedented contempt and ridicule for those who had already learned and returned to China to devote themselves to the cause of national construction.

With a series of sharp and exaggerated remarks, she successfully pushed her position to the opposite of the majority of netizens, and became a "rat crossing the street" where everyone shouted and beat and had nowhere to hide.

"The public enemy of the whole network" Xu Xin, after returning to China, shouted that no one dared to touch her, and now she is going to study for a doctorate in the Ivy League

There was a time when she seemed to be frightened by the condemnation of netizens, and she disappeared from the online world. However, not long after, someone exposed a distressing chat record on the Internet - Xu Xin actually confessed her original intention of choosing to study abroad in front of others without any scruples, in order to avoid the pressure of domestic public opinion.

6. Conclusion: Lu Xun's stubborn illness has not been eliminated, and it is inevitable that he will be disliked

After witnessing this sad and angry chat record, netizens can imagine the anger in their hearts. Some enthusiastic netizens went directly to the official account of the Suzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, strongly demanding a thorough investigation of the family background and social relations of Xu Xin, a "street rat".

"The public enemy of the whole network" Xu Xin, after returning to China, shouted that no one dared to touch her, and now she is going to study for a doctorate in the Ivy League

At the same time, some people also approached Xu Xin's alma mater, China Pharmaceutical University, and asked the school to conduct an in-depth investigation into the incident and deal with it seriously in accordance with relevant regulations and discipline.

Although the two official departments have expressed their positions, the indignation of netizens is still difficult to quell. At this critical moment, Xu Xin once again "turned over the river" on the Internet like an unscrupulous tsunami.

Some netizens dug up a jaw-dropping chat screenshot, showing the arrogance and impertinence of the person who claimed to be Xu Xin, and even confused the patriotic worries of the majority of netizens with the so-called "hatred of the rich", and even said that he is now overseas, living extremely comfortable, and does not care about domestic affairs.

"The public enemy of the whole network" Xu Xin, after returning to China, shouted that no one dared to touch her, and now she is going to study for a doctorate in the Ivy League

In the face of her arrogant posture with no one in her eyes, although many netizens were extremely disappointed, they were unwilling to bother more. Because they have realized that Xu Xin has completely ignored the criticism of netizens, and even openly issued a so-called "apology statement" with an arrogant attitude.

It is not difficult to see between the lines of this statement that she has no intention of admitting her mistakes and repenting at all, but clamoring for netizens to continue to confront her. She seems to think that the more intense netizens lash out at her in the comment section, the more exposure she will get and the more attention she will receive.

In that case, let her perform on stage alone! She's just a "clown" who doesn't need much attention.

"The public enemy of the whole network" Xu Xin, after returning to China, shouted that no one dared to touch her, and now she is going to study for a doctorate in the Ivy League

This absurd discourse once again reminds people of the social disease that Mr. Lu Xun was deeply distressed about decades ago. If the stubborn disease is not eradicated, such people are spurned by the people, which is undoubtedly their inevitable end.

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