
The disparity between the proportion of 6G patents held by China, the United States and Japan is like a cliff! The United States accounts for 35.2%, Japan 9.9%, and China how much


Guess what, in the ranking of global 6G technology patent share, can you guess where the mainland is located? You may speculate that China will also have a significant advantage in the 6G field because of its global leadership in 5G technology. However, what exactly is the result – that's what we're going to explore today.

The disparity between the proportion of 6G patents held by China, the United States and Japan is like a cliff! The United States accounts for 35.2%, Japan 9.9%, and China how much

On April 27, an annual event focusing on the development trend of global high-tech was held in Zhongguancun. The theme of the event was "6G Innovation and Development", and the news from the attendees indicated that China has made new breakthroughs in important 6G technology research. By 2030, it is expected that 6G networks will be implemented in China's commercial sector. At the same time, it is worth noting that in terms of global 6G patents, the situation in China, the United States and Japan has changed dramatically.

Globally, the United States, Japan and the mainland have taken the lead in the patent layout of 6G technology. Among them, the United States has a share of 35.2% in the number of 6G patents, while Japan lags behind, only 9.9%, but it is not to be underestimated. What is China's share?

In fact, the mainland's overall share of 6G technology patents in the United States is still a small part, accounting for about 40.3% of the total.

The disparity between the proportion of 6G patents held by China, the United States and Japan is like a cliff! The United States accounts for 35.2%, Japan 9.9%, and China how much

Compared with the United States and Japan, the mainland has a significant leading position in the proportion of 6G patents, and the mainland has begun to make arrangements in advance for the dominance of future communication technology. We started exploring 6G technology in advance.

The disparity between the proportion of 6G patents held by China, the United States and Japan is like a cliff! The United States accounts for 35.2%, Japan 9.9%, and China how much

In the competition of global communication technology change, quality and application are the key.

In the research of 6G technology, all countries around the world are competing for "leadership", especially China, the United States, and Japan, which are all in this competition. However, although the application of 6G technology is still being explored, have you ever thought that the country with the most patents will be able to master the future 6G technology?

The disparity between the proportion of 6G patents held by China, the United States and Japan is like a cliff! The United States accounts for 35.2%, Japan 9.9%, and China how much

Owning patents is not everything. What is really important is how to transform these patents into real products, promote the development of society, and realize the comprehensive transformation from informatization to intelligence. From the perspective of previous communication technology innovations, each technological update is aimed at solving the pain points of market demand, 1G and 2G solve the problem of basic calls and SMS, and 3G and 4G solve the big problem of mobile Internet access.

Looking at the present, we are witnessing the industrial transformation and informatization process led by 5G network technology, but 5G is not the end, and it is the preparatory stage of 6G. Due to the wide and in-depth application of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data in recent years, the demand for networks has become unattainable, and we expect 6G networks to bring further breakthroughs.

The disparity between the proportion of 6G patents held by China, the United States and Japan is like a cliff! The United States accounts for 35.2%, Japan 9.9%, and China how much

It is foreseeable that once the 6G network is put into use, the society will enter a new stage from informatization to intelligence. For example, we can expect to see 6G technology in the future in the fields of Industry 4.0, smart agriculture, and smart cities.

At the same time, the main characteristics of 6G - high speed, low latency and high reliability - will bring us an unprecedented network experience. For example, the transmission rate can reach dozens of times that of 5G, and the number of terminal connections will also be significantly increased, which means that we will be able to achieve seamless connectivity of the Internet of Things in the future.

The disparity between the proportion of 6G patents held by China, the United States and Japan is like a cliff! The United States accounts for 35.2%, Japan 9.9%, and China how much

Imagine a world covered by 6G networks, where any device can be seamlessly connected at any time and in different locations, which will bring disruptive changes to the industrial development of the global economy and the daily life of human beings. The technological progress represented by 6G networks is not so easy to achieve, the investment resources required are huge, and there are many difficulties and challenges in commercialization.

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