
"The youngest grandfather" is on fire, and at the age of 66, he realizes the same family of four generations: early marriage and early childbearing have many benefits

author:Yao, Yao, Yao, Shake


Recently, a family of four generations has become the focus of society, not only showing their happy family life in the media, but also putting forward their own unique view of parenting, believing that early marriage and early pregnancy can bring many advantages. As soon as this point of view was exposed, it immediately aroused heated discussions from all walks of life, and many people launched a heated discussion on the pros and cons of the policy of early marriage and early pregnancy.

On the one hand, some people believe that early marriage and early pregnancy are conducive to maintaining population stability and alleviating the problem of population aging; On the other hand, there are also concerns that early marriage and early pregnancy will affect women's personal development and even lead to some unwanted pregnancies. And this four-generation family has undoubtedly given everyone a new perspective, whether their approach is a brave breakthrough or a unique existence of a special case, there are indeed too many places worthy of our in-depth thinking.

"The youngest grandfather" is on fire, and at the age of 66, he realizes the same family of four generations: early marriage and early childbearing have many benefits

1. The pros and cons of early marriage and early pregnancy policies

"The youngest grandfather" is on fire, and at the age of 66, he realizes the same family of four generations: early marriage and early childbearing have many benefits

1. It is conducive to alleviating the population problem

With the gradual aging of the population structure of the mainland and the gradual disappearance of the demographic dividend, the population problem has become a difficult problem facing the country. Against this background, advocating early marriage and early pregnancy and giving birth at an appropriate rate can undoubtedly effectively alleviate the mainland's population problem and maintain a steady population growth.

In addition, early marriage and early pregnancy can also bring a certain amount of economic income to the family, stimulate the family's willingness to have children, and lay a solid population foundation for the sustainable development of the society.

2. It is easy to affect women's personal development

However, it is worth noting that the implementation of the policy of early marriage and early pregnancy may have a certain impact on women's personal development. In the case of starting a family too early, women may give up the opportunity to continue their studies, and even fail to smoothly devote themselves to all fields of society, which has certain hidden dangers for the talent training and economic construction of the whole society.

In addition, some women who become pregnant prematurely may face a lack of health care knowledge during pregnancy and an increase in the risk of childbirth, which will have a negative impact on the health of the mother and baby, and even the happiness of the whole family.

"The youngest grandfather" is on fire, and at the age of 66, he realizes the same family of four generations: early marriage and early childbearing have many benefits

Second, the family education model of multiple generations

It is in this context of the coexistence of pros and cons that this family of four generations has used its own personal experience to show the society another possibility brought by early marriage and early pregnancy, and also provides a new family education sample for everyone.

1. Redefine early marriage and early pregnancy

In this family, whether it is great-grandparents, or grandchildren, can find their own happiness and joy, they use practical actions to tell everyone, early marriage and early pregnancy, does not necessarily mean the rush of life and the heavy responsibility, as long as there is mutual understanding and support, every family member, can thrive in such a family atmosphere.

2. Perfect family education

And this family education model is also the unique charm of multi-generational co-schooling. In such a family, parents can get more help and support, whether it is financially or taking care of the children's daily chores, which can undoubtedly bring more possibilities for their personal growth and career development.

At the same time, children can also obtain rich educational resources and form a more comprehensive personality among family members of different ages, which will undoubtedly play a very positive role in promoting their future development.

"The youngest grandfather" is on fire, and at the age of 66, he realizes the same family of four generations: early marriage and early childbearing have many benefits


Of course, such a family education model does not mean that it is suitable for all families, nor does it call on everyone to choose early marriage and early pregnancy. Every family has its own unique way of life, and in modern society, we should respect the choices of each family and give them understanding and support.

Early marriage and early pregnancy can certainly become one of the options, but in the specific implementation process, it is more necessary for the whole society to work together to create a more relaxed and inclusive development environment, so that every family can get the happiness and warmth they deserve on the road they choose.