
Children accumulate internal heat, constipation, and love for fire? This Chinese patent medicine to eliminate accumulation and clear away heat should be kept at home

author:Yao, Yao, Yao, Shake


Recently, many friends around me are discussing a topic, that is, about children's internal heat. It is said that the internal heat problem of today's children is getting more and more serious, and many of them are caused by food accumulation. In fact, it is indeed a very troublesome thing for children to accumulate internal heat, once this situation occurs, it is not only easy to cause digestive problems, but also may lead to a variety of health abnormalities, and even affect the child's mood and behavior. Therefore, once a child is found to have signs of internal heat accumulation, parents must pay attention to it and take timely measures to help the child eliminate internal heat.

In fact, it is not terrible for children to accumulate internal heat, as long as parents have a certain knowledge, they can help children eliminate internal heat and let them recover health. In this process, Chinese patent medicine is particularly important, because it can help children eliminate internal heat from the root, and it is not easy to recur. Among the many Chinese patent medicines, Qixing tea granules are a good choice, which has the effects of clearing heat, sedative, and diuretic, and is very effective in eliminating internal heat. Therefore, parents may wish to consider using Seven Star Tea Granules to help their children recover their health when dealing with their children's accumulated internal heat.

Children accumulate internal heat, constipation, and love for fire? This Chinese patent medicine to eliminate accumulation and clear away heat should be kept at home

1. Signs of internal heat accumulation

In fact, it is not an overnight thing for children to accumulate internal heat, it will have certain signs, but many parents do not pay attention to it, thinking that it is only a part of the child's growth and development, but it is not. Once your child shows signs of internal heat, parents should actively help them eliminate internal heat and avoid various health problems.

1. Abnormal defecation

Children's stool is an important way for the human body to excrete, if long-term food accumulation, it will lead to stool disorders, manifested as dry stool, yellow urine. Some children will also have constipation, and it is very difficult to defecate, which requires parents to pay attention to it and help their children to regulate in time.

2. Oral fire

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, canker sores are painful sores formed because the oral mucosa is affected by heat poisoning. The accumulation of internal heat is a manifestation of oral fire, and the child may have repeated mouth ulcers, which is very uncomfortable and affects the normal diet and life.

3. Difficulty sleeping

Internal heat can affect the quality of your child's sleep, making them restless and having trouble falling asleep. Some children may experience night terrors, nightmares, etc., and long-term sleep problems can affect their growth and development, and even cause emotional and behavioral abnormalities.

4. Eccentric temper

Internal heat can make children become eccentric, often lose their temper, lash out, and have difficulty controlling their emotions. Some children may become particularly irritable and have rejection and resistance to the things around them, which requires psychological guidance from parents to help them regulate their emotions.

5. Weakened immunity

Long-term accumulation of internal heat will affect the function of the child's spleen and stomach, resulting in weakness of the spleen and stomach, thereby affecting the improvement of immunity. As a result, the child becomes particularly susceptible to illness and the recovery is slow, causing a lot of difficulty for parents.

Children accumulate internal heat, constipation, and love for fire? This Chinese patent medicine to eliminate accumulation and clear away heat should be kept at home

2. How to deal with accumulated internal heat

Children accumulate internal heat, constipation, and love for fire? This Chinese patent medicine to eliminate accumulation and clear away heat should be kept at home

Once a child is found to have the above signs of internal heat, parents should actively help them deal with internal heat instead of passively waiting. In fact, it is not difficult to deal with the internal heat of the accumulated food, the key is to find the right way to eliminate the internal heat at the root, rather than simply covering up the symptoms.

1. Adjust your eating habits

Therefore, when parents deal with internal heat, they must start from the diet, give their children a reasonable and healthy diet, eat more light food, eat less spicy and stimulating food, and can also appropriately supplement some vegetables and fruits to help them clear heat and detoxify.

2. Lifestyle adjustments

In addition to dietary adjustments, lifestyle is also very important, children should have enough exercise and rest, and maintain good habits. Parents can participate in some physical exercises with their children, so that their bodies can be fully exercised, and they can also cultivate their hobbies, regulate emotions, and relieve internal heat.

3. Use proprietary Chinese medicines

In the process of dealing with internal heat accumulation, Chinese patent medicine is particularly important, it can help children eliminate internal heat from the root, and it is not easy to recur. Moreover, compared with Western medicine, the side effects of Chinese patent medicine are much smaller, and the physical harm to children is relatively small.

Among the many Chinese patent medicines, Qixing tea granules are a good choice, which is refined from a variety of Chinese herbal medicines, such as coix seeds, rice buds, hawthorn, light bamboo leaves, hooked vine, cicada molt, licorice, etc., which have the effects of clearing heat, diuresis and sedation, and are very suitable for dealing with internal heat problems.

When parents use Seven Star Tea Granules, they can choose the appropriate dosage and use method according to the actual situation of their children, and insist on using them for a long time, which can help children eliminate internal heat and prevent the recurrence of food accumulation.

3. Duties of doctors

In the process of dealing with internal heat accumulation, the role of doctors is very important, they not only help the child to diagnose and find out the cause in time, but also provide effective treatment plans to help the child eliminate the internal heat from the root.

1. Putting the health of patients first

In the process of doctors' practice, no matter what kind of disease, they should put the patient's health first, and cannot arbitrarily prescribe medicine to the patient because of some selfish interests, or even use the disease to maintain medicine, which is very irresponsible for the patient's health.

2. Provide effective treatment options

When diagnosing, doctors must conduct a comprehensive understanding and examination, find out the cause, and then provide effective treatment plans according to the actual situation of the patient. For the use of proprietary Chinese medicines, scientific guidance should also be given to inform patients and parents how to use them correctly and what matters need to be paid attention to.

3. Establish a good social image

Only when doctors uphold medical ethics can they establish a good social image and gain the respect and trust of patients and society. And only in this way will the patient actively cooperate with the treatment, trust the doctor's treatment plan, and be able to recover smoothly.


It is indeed a troublesome thing for children to accumulate internal heat, once this situation occurs, it is easy to affect their physical health, and even emotional and behavioral abnormalities. Therefore, parents must pay more attention to their children's diet and living habits in their daily life, find and deal with the signs of internal heat accumulation in time, and help them eliminate internal heat.

In the process of dealing with internal heat, Chinese patent medicine is particularly important, and parents can consider using Qixing tea granules to help children eliminate internal heat from the root cause and prevent the occurrence of various health problems.

At the same time, it is also hoped that doctors can uphold medical ethics, put the health of patients first, provide effective treatment options for patients, establish a good social image, so that patients can feel the sincerity and care of doctors, and devote themselves more actively to treatment.

Finally, I also hope that parents and friends can pay attention to this issue, learn more about the knowledge of food and internal heat, and escort the healthy growth of children together.