
The woman asks for sex twice in the morning and evening, and the man can't stand it and calls the pressure too much

author:Fortune Strawberry 3V5

On an ordinary Saturday morning, the sun shines through the white curtains into the bedroom, adding a touch of warmth to the life of this small family.

Zhang Xiaomei slowly opened her eyes and moved her body slightly, but unexpectedly found that her husband Wang Zilong was no longer in bed. She turned her head to look at the electronic clock on the bedside table and realized that it was past 7 o'clock. Why did Zilong get up so early She secretly wondered, got out of bed softly, and walked into the kitchen barefoot.

I saw Wang Zilong standing in front of the stove, concentrating on frying the familiar poached eggs. Hearing the footsteps, he turned his head and showed a gentle smile to his wife, and slept well, well, very well. Zhang Xiaomei walked up to him, stood on tiptoe and kissed him lightly on the cheek Why do you get up so early to make breakfast, it is rare that today is the weekend. I didn't sleep well last night, so I just got up early and made a simple breakfast. Wang Zilong put the fried eggs on the plate and took out the sliced bacon from the refrigerator You have been working hard lately, I want you to rest and relax.

The woman asks for sex twice in the morning and evening, and the man can't stand it and calls the pressure too much

Zhang Xiaomei helped him set the tableware with great interest, I slept well, but you look a little tired. It's okay to be under a lot of pressure at work lately, but the business I negotiated with a customer two days ago gave me a bit of a headache. Wang Zilong brought the dinner plate to the table and motioned for his wife to sit down first, but with you at home, I can finally relax. That's great. Zhang Xiaomei sat down on the chair, looking at her husband's busy back, and her eyes showed a little doting I like your intimate approach the most.

The woman asks for sex twice in the morning and evening, and the man can't stand it and calls the pressure too much

The two enjoyed this simple breakfast in a warm atmosphere, chatting from time to time. Seeing his wife's satisfied expression, Wang Zilong's mood gradually relaxed. They have been together for 5 years, and gradually learned to understand and tolerate each other in the run-in of life.

Zhang Xiaomei nodded a little disappointed, but she didn't let go of the hand wrapped around her husband Okay, then you can accompany me to the garden for a walk.

Wang Zilong nodded helplessly, secretly worried about whether he could cope with his wife's high sexual demand. What an unusual couple.

The time spent walking together is always harmonious and welcoming. On the garden path, Zhang Xiaomei and her husband walked side by side, the air filled with the fresh scent of plants.

The woman asks for sex twice in the morning and evening, and the man can't stand it and calls the pressure too much

The two chatted with each other, stopping from time to time to admire the roses blooming in the distance. The warm sun sprinkled on his body and the breeze blew, and this quiet and peaceful atmosphere made Wang Zilong's mood slowly relax.

Wang Zilong looked at his wife with some surprise, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes Do we already have another child, are we still so young, it is already very hard to take care of him, are you sure you want another Zhang Xiaomei stepped forward, put her hands on her husband's shoulders, and her eyes were full of expectation, but I really want to have another one. You see that they are all so cute and well-behaved now, and it would be better if there was another brother or sister. We've been married for 5 years and it's time to add a little buddy.

The woman asks for sex twice in the morning and evening, and the man can't stand it and calls the pressure too much

Listening to the eager anticipation revealed in his wife's words, Wang Zilong's heart was helpless again. They do already have a lovely son, but he is not really very good at taking care of children himself. Every time he cried, he felt overwhelmed. Besides, his work has been really stressful recently, and he is hesitant to afford the living expenses of another child.

The woman asks for sex twice in the morning and evening, and the man can't stand it and calls the pressure too much

Listening to her husband's explanation, Zhang Xiaomei fell silent. Of course, she also understands that if she has another child now, it will undoubtedly cause great pressure on their small family. But she is really eager to have another child and a good partner for her son.

The two discussed this topic for a while, and finally Zhang Xiaomei reluctantly nodded and agreed to put down the idea for the time being. She took her husband's hand and offered to take care of it first. But I must give birth in the future!

Wang Zilong smiled lightly, reached out and rubbed his wife's hair, it was good, and he would definitely give birth in the future.

With that, the two continued to stroll through the garden. At this moment, Wang Zilong felt that the pressure in his heart seemed to be a lot easier. He sincerely hopes that they can work together to maintain this warm little family with love and understanding.

The woman asks for sex twice in the morning and evening, and the man can't stand it and calls the pressure too much

Zhang Xiaomei blinked, lowered her head and was a little disappointed Okay, then let's go home.

The two returned home in silence. Walking into the bedroom, Wang Zilong sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed his temples. He was really worried about whether he would be able to cope with his wife's high sexual needs for a long time. After all, he is not a person with a strong libido, and coupled with the recent pressure of work and life, he is physically and mentally exhausted, and he is really a little overwhelmed.

The woman asks for sex twice in the morning and evening, and the man can't stand it and calls the pressure too much

Just as he was deep in thought, Zhang Xiaomei suddenly sat down beside him, wrapped her hands around his neck, and kissed him tenderly on the lips. Wang Zilong was a little caught off guard for a while, and subconsciously hugged his wife's waist.

Until the two parted out of breath, Zhang Xiaomei stared into her husband's eyes and whispered Zilong, do you know, I really love you so much.

Wang Zilong doted on his wife's cheek and imprinted a kiss on her forehead I love you too, and we will definitely get through it together.

Perhaps, as long as there is mutual understanding and tolerance, they will one day be able to find the rhythm of life and get back together.

The woman asks for sex twice in the morning and evening, and the man can't stand it and calls the pressure too much

That night, Wang Zilong sat alone on the balcony and smoked. In the dark night sky, the stars seemed to cast sympathetic glances at the troubles of this small family.

He exhaled a thick puff of smoke, his eyes a little distracted. The intimate interaction with his wife just now really made him relax temporarily. But at this moment, when he recalled everything that happened today, his heart was still full of mixed emotions.

Zhang Xiaomei's need for sex is indeed too strong. Since she got married, she has maintained a strong libido and asks for sex almost every day. And as a husband, I did try to meet most of her needs. But recently, with the increasing pressure of work and life, he gradually felt powerless. Every time he was so passionately asked by his wife, he would feel extremely tired.

The woman asks for sex twice in the morning and evening, and the man can't stand it and calls the pressure too much

It's not that he doesn't love his wife, it's just that he really can't take care of so much now. As a representative of the white-collar class, he is busy with work every day and has to take care of the children when he returns home, and he simply can't spare energy to meet his wife's sexual needs. Sometimes, he even feels the urge to run away.

However, he also understands that if he blindly rejects his wife's request, he may bring irreparable rifts to this marriage. Zhang Xiaomei is a normal woman after all, and her needs are reasonable. If she does not receive her husband's satisfaction, she may choose to find other avenues to obtain satisfaction, which will lead to the deterioration of the marital relationship.

The woman asks for sex twice in the morning and evening, and the man can't stand it and calls the pressure too much

Wang Zilong looked down at the cigarette butt in his hand and sighed. He knows very well that this is not only a conflict between him and his wife, but also a common problem faced by many white-collar families.

The fast-paced life of modern society makes it difficult for many people to find a good balance between work and life. Under the physical and mental exhaustion, some small things that were originally insignificant can become difficult to solve. As a human instinct, sexual needs have inevitably become a potential hidden danger between many couples.

Wang Zilong took another puff of his cigarette and looked up at the dark night sky. Life has its ups and downs, and it's never easy. It is important to learn to face and resolve the dilemma in front of you with love and tolerance.

Perhaps, as long as the husband and wife can continue to maintain understanding and communication, and work together to deal with this problem, one day they will be able to find a solution.

The woman asks for sex twice in the morning and evening, and the man can't stand it and calls the pressure too much

At this moment, there was a sound of soft footsteps behind him. Wang Zilong turned his head and saw Zhang Xiaomei walking towards him with a worried look.

There may not be a standard answer to this question. But Wang Zilong believes that as long as they maintain this relationship with their hearts, one day, they will definitely find a solution that satisfies each other.