
I am 67 years old and have 3 children, but I was sent to a nursing home for the Chinese New Year, 10 days, and they didn't care

author:Fortune Strawberry 3V5

The cold wind was blowing, and the cold air of Layue seeped into the room through the window, Zhang Sanniang wrapped the blanket on her body tightly and sat alone in the lounge of the nursing home in a daze. Outside the window, the next-door neighbor was accosting a few familiar old people, greeting the upcoming New Year. Inside, only the crackling of the television in the dim light broke the silence.

I am 67 years old and have 3 children, but I was sent to a nursing home for the Chinese New Year, 10 days, and they didn't care

Zhang Sanniang has been living here for ten days, but she still can't adapt to the collective life here. She misses the days at home, when she sat around with her three children, her grandchildren bouncing around the house and her daughters busy preparing Chinese New Year's Eve. But now, she is here alone, without the company of her relatives and without receiving phone greetings from her children. It's been ten days, why hasn't anyone come to see me Zhang Sanniang muttered to herself depressedly, and her eyes couldn't help but fill with tears.

I am 67 years old and have 3 children, but I was sent to a nursing home for the Chinese New Year, 10 days, and they didn't care

Recalling the scene when she was forcibly sent here by her children, Zhang Sanniang still had palpitations. Just two weeks ago, on the fifth day of the lunar month, three children suddenly appeared at her house, saying that they wanted to surprise her. It turned out that they had already decided to send Zhang Sanniang to this nursing home for the New Year. Zhang Sanniang didn't think so at first, thinking that the children just wanted her to take a break before the New Year. But when she was forcibly pushed into the car by three people and sat in an unfamiliar environment, she suddenly realized that she had become an abandoned old man. I have been taking care of you all my life, and now you don't even give me a chance to reunite, Zhang Sanniang cried silently and begged the children, but the children were absent-minded one by one, and even urged Zhang Sanniang to hurry in.

I am 67 years old and have 3 children, but I was sent to a nursing home for the Chinese New Year, 10 days, and they didn't care

Now, Zhang Sanniang sits here alone, looking at the lively scene outside, and can't help but feel a little chill. In such a New Year, she was too lonely. She once thought that her children would always be filial to her, but now it seems that she has been abandoned after all.

Just as Zhang Sanniang was immersed in grief, someone suddenly sat down beside her. Zhang Sanniang raised her head and saw that it was an old woman dressed plainly. Why are you sitting here alone, the old woman asked with concern.

The old woman comforted and said goodbye to sadness, you and I are not fighting alone. Let's all help each other and spend this lonely New Year together. When the spring flowers bloom, maybe the children will come to see us.

The earnest conversation with the old woman made Zhang Sanniang feel a little warm. She took a deep breath, feeling the long-lost peace in her heart. In this coming New Year, she seems to have found a glimmer of hope.

I am 67 years old and have 3 children, but I was sent to a nursing home for the Chinese New Year, 10 days, and they didn't care

At this moment, there was a burst of laughter, and several old people in bright clothes were walking into the lounge in twos and threes. Zhang Sanniang looked over curiously, only to see them get together in twos and threes and start singing a prosperous New Year's song. Zhang Sanniang's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly walked over and joined them.

It turns out that these elderly people are frequent visitors to this nursing home, and every time at this time of the New Year, they will spontaneously get together and sing and dance to celebrate the arrival of the New Year. Some of the old people also took out the musical instruments they brought, and the sound of silk and bamboo instrumental music came and went, full of joyful atmosphere.

Zhang Sanniang also forgot her sorrow and sang along with everyone with dedication. She found that these strange old people were like her own relatives, full of love and care. In this cold winter day, they warmed each other's hearts in their own way and with their own songs.

In this way, Zhang Sanniang gradually integrated into this small family. Over the next few days, she got to know more residents and shared the joy of the New Year with them. Some elderly people will take the initiative to invite her to participate in their mahjong game, and some will do some handicrafts with her, which is full of life.

I am 67 years old and have 3 children, but I was sent to a nursing home for the Chinese New Year, 10 days, and they didn't care

The man looked at it fixedly, and showed a relieved expression, it turned out that you were here. I'm here to see my mom, who hasn't been home for days.

Zhang Sanniang was stunned for a moment, and then understood that you are the child of the old man, my name is Zhang Sanniang, and your mother lives here. She has been in a good mood lately, and she celebrates the New Year with everyone here every day.

When the man heard this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and I was worried that she would not be able to live well here alone. I'll pick her up in the afternoon and go home for the New Year.

Zhang Sanniang's heart moved slightly, and she was secretly glad that she didn't say those complaining words just now. It seems that not all children neglect their elders.

I am 67 years old and have 3 children, but I was sent to a nursing home for the Chinese New Year, 10 days, and they didn't care

It turned out that this old woman was Xiao Ming's mother. The two snuggled up to each other and talked with laughter. Zhang Sanniang looked at them and couldn't help but be envious. If only my children could care about themselves like that.

At this moment, the other two children also hurriedly came over, and the three of them gathered around Zhang Sanniang, asking about her current situation with concern. Zhang Sanniang felt the care of the children, and her heart was suddenly full of warmth.

Led by the dean, the family came to Zhang Sanniang's room on the second floor. Although the room is simple, it is well equipped and tidy. Zhang Sanniang's eyes scanned the room and couldn't help but smile slightly.

It turned out that on the day she was sent here, the dean took the initiative to arrange this room for her, and told the staff to clean her regularly every day. Zhang Sanniang gratefully expressed her gratitude to the dean. It's a nice place and everyone gets along very well. I've been doing a good few days. Zhang Sanniang said sincerely to the children.

I am 67 years old and have 3 children, but I was sent to a nursing home for the Chinese New Year, 10 days, and they didn't care

Hearing this, the three children immediately felt apologetic in their hearts. It turned out that they had always had a negative prejudgment about this place, so much so that they hastily sent their mother in. Now it seems that this place has indeed created a warm residence for Zhang Sanniang. Mom, we're so sorry for you. For so many years, we have been so busy with our own business that we have left you out in the cold. In the future, we will definitely come to see you often and accompany you through every important moment. The eldest daughter said solemnly.

I am 67 years old and have 3 children, but I was sent to a nursing home for the Chinese New Year, 10 days, and they didn't care

Zhang Sanniang looked at the three children in front of her with satisfaction, and her eyes were full of love. It's okay, just come and see me now. I know that you are all busy with life, and I live a fulfilling life alone. As long as you remember me.

The family hugged each other and cried, feeling the warmth they had not felt for a long time in this cold winter day. Zhang Sanniang secretly rejoiced that she was not abandoned, but had always been firmly remembered by her children.

After sending the children away, Zhang Sanniang returned to the room alone. She sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes looking out the window at the white snow, but her thoughts flew far away.

Zhang Sanniang remembered the mother and son she saw in the yard today. The middle-aged child spent the New Year with his old mother, and seemed to get along well and warmly. In contrast, their own children do seem to be a little alienated. However, this does not mean that they are not filial, but they need to be further strengthened in handling family relationships.

I am 67 years old and have 3 children, but I was sent to a nursing home for the Chinese New Year, 10 days, and they didn't care

Zhang Sanniang sighed, maybe her burden made the children a little unbearable. After all, taking care of an elderly person does require patience and energy. But the children are still conceived in their own flesh and blood, and they must also hide their attachment and concern for their mothers in their hearts.

At this moment, Zhang Sanniang suddenly thought of the old woman she had met in the lounge just now. She remembered that the old man had also been abandoned here by his children. But after an initial period of loneliness and pain, she eventually found a new way of life and developed a deep bond with the other elderly people in the hospital.

Similar stories may abound in this nursing home. Everyone has their own unique experiences, but in the end, they all embrace life again in a positive way. They are no longer alone, but help each other to create a new kind of life circle.

Perhaps, this is the unique charm of old age. When we lose our former status and role, we have the opportunity to discover new meanings in our lives. Here, the elderly can get rid of family strife and reconnect in a reciprocal and equal way.

I am 67 years old and have 3 children, but I was sent to a nursing home for the Chinese New Year, 10 days, and they didn't care

Looking back, the bits and pieces Zhang Sanniang spent in the nursing home these days undoubtedly gave her a new understanding of life. She found that it was not as cold and lonely as she imagined, but full of warmth and vitality. These strange old people have not only become her new friends, but also mentors and friends in her life.

It was they who made Zhang Sanniang regain her love for life and made her understand that even if she is old, she still deserves to be loved and respected. Perhaps, this is precisely what our time urgently needs to reflect.

When Zhang Sanniang turned her head to look out the window again, she noticed a familiar figure. It turned out to be the middle-aged child who had just come to pick up his mother. At this time, he was talking intimately with his old mother, and his face was full of happy smiles.

Perhaps, when we choose to treat the elderly in an equal and respectful way, the whole society will be sublimated as a result. Because older people are not only our parents and relatives, they are also part of this society and at the same time our future.

I am 67 years old and have 3 children, but I was sent to a nursing home for the Chinese New Year, 10 days, and they didn't care