
Tang Gonghong, who "risked his life to win the championship for the country" back then, is he okay now?

author:Lao Zhao said history

1. Prologue: The sports legend of the past, the light of today's happy life

With the passage of time, 19 years have passed in an instant. In the 2004 Athens Olympics, the weightlifting myth Tang Gonghong, who won the 100th gold medal for the motherland with his invincible strength, has now lived a quiet and happy life.

On major social platforms, we can often enjoy the beautiful moments she shared, including personally capturing her son's daily life and carefully recording short videos of warm family time, all of which tell the satisfaction and harmony of her current life.

Tang Gonghong, who "risked his life to win the championship for the country" back then, is he okay now?

Tang Gonghong's acquaintance with her husband stems from a traditional blind date ceremony. The two with complementary personalities fell in love at first sight and quickly fell into a blazing ocean of love. After the sweet period of love, they walked hand in hand into the sacred hall of marriage.

The following year, the newlyweds welcomed the most precious gift of their lives - a lively and lovely son. The birth of this new life has made this already full of laughter and laughter more vibrant.

As a mother, Tang Gonghong has always been keen to use her camera to capture her son's footsteps in every step of his growth, such as hand-feeding small animals and riding geese, and she hopes that these precious images can become a treasure trove of memories for the family to cherish.

Tang Gonghong, who "risked his life to win the championship for the country" back then, is he okay now?

However, behind this ordinary and happy life, there is Tang Gonghong's extraordinary past. It was 19 years ago, in August 2004, on the field of the Athens Olympic Games, Tang Gonghong won the 100th gold medal for the Chinese nation with his perseverance.

On that bright night, when the cheers and brilliant fireworks were intertwined and bloomed in the night sky, she was excited and proud to hold the medal, as if her life had reached an unprecedented peak.

Second, the family is poor but dreams of taking root in the city

Tang Gonghong, who "risked his life to win the championship for the country" back then, is he okay now?

Tang Gonghong grew up in a poor rural family, but the words of her mother Wang Quanrong inspired her love and pursuit of sports.

The short four words "stay in the city" are like a warm force, which deeply touched Xiao Gonghong's heart. As a country girl, she has long been fascinated by the city's delicious food, entertainment and skyscrapers, and hopes to one day leave the countryside and settle down in the bustling city.

At the moment when her mother gave an affirmative answer with extremely resolute and powerful words, Xiao Gonghong once again ignited her enthusiasm and love for weightlifting, returned to Fushan District Sports School, and once again underwent a rigorous and strong training test.

Tang Gonghong, who "risked his life to win the championship for the country" back then, is he okay now?

Although the living environment in which she lives is extremely difficult, Tang Gonghong has always adhered to the forefront of the road of competition with her unyielding perseverance and endless fighting spirit. In the end, such efforts were not disappointed.

In the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, she created brilliant results with her outstanding performance and won the supreme glory for her country.

There is no doubt that it was her mother's encouragement and support that made Tang Gonghong rediscover her dream and finally climb to the top of her life.

Tang Gonghong, who "risked his life to win the championship for the country" back then, is he okay now?

3. Injuries ruthlessly blocked the way of sports, and he was transferred to coaching

However, fate often plays tricks on people. Shortly after Tang Gonghong won honor for her motherland, a sudden accident seriously injured her. At the end of the competition, due to the continuous lifting of heavy dumbbells that weighed more than several times her own, a large amount of blood gushed out of her mouth and nose instantly, and her life was in danger.

Fortunately, the medical staff at the scene responded quickly and decisively, and Tang Gonghong was able to save his life.

Tang Gonghong, who "risked his life to win the championship for the country" back then, is he okay now?

The cruel reality is that after participating in the women's weightlifting preliminaries of the National Women's Weightlifting Championships and the 10th National Games in 2005, the doctor solemnly warned her that in view of her physical condition, she could no longer withstand high-intensity training, and if she continued to persevere, it would bring disastrous consequences to her life and health.

This frightening verdict undoubtedly announced the end of Tang Gonghong's brilliant career.

The once dazzling "weightlifting star" had no choice but to temporarily bid farewell to his career as an athlete and serve as a coach at the sports training base in Weihai, Shandong. Between 2007 and 2009, she twice sparked hopes of returning to the Circle, but each time it was hampered by injuries that prevented her from returning to the field.

Tang Gonghong, who "risked his life to win the championship for the country" back then, is he okay now?

In the end, the once-high-profile world champion had to put aside his athletic dreams altogether. She quietly worked in the weightlifting department of the Weihai Sports Bureau in Shandong Province, where she served as a director and coach, continuing to provide guidance and assistance to young athletes.

Fourth, befriend and give birth to a beloved son, and inherit the Olympic spirit

In her life after retiring, Tang Gonghong met her current husband on a blind date in 2012. The two fell in love at first sight, quickly fell in love, and entered the sweet stage of love.

Tang Gonghong, who "risked his life to win the championship for the country" back then, is he okay now?

Soon after falling in love, they walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand and opened a new chapter in their lives together.

In the coming year, this happy couple was delighted with the treasure of their lives - a lively and cute little boy! His birth added more joy and warmth to the already warm and harmonious family.

Tang Gonghong cherishes every moment with her children, and she hopes to teach her son to deeply understand and inherit the love of sports and the Olympic spirit through her own personal practice and words.

Tang Gonghong, who "risked his life to win the championship for the country" back then, is he okay now?

For example, in 2003, Tang Gonghong was honored to serve as the torchbearer of the Asian Games and solemnly completed the torch relay; The next day, she shared the joy of family with her family and enjoyed the warmth of family, all of which showed her deep love and deep affection for sports.

As an Olympic champion with a brilliant record, Tang Gonghong's greatest wish is that her son can grow into a pillar of the country in the future, inherit and carry forward her former sports dreams, and carry forward the Chinese sports spirit.

Fifth, the present: teach your son by word and deed, and live every day in a down-to-earth manner

Tang Gonghong, who "risked his life to win the championship for the country" back then, is he okay now?

Today's Tang Gonghong has always maintained a simple and low-key, diligent and dedicated fine style in campus life, which can be called a model for teachers and students to learn. Whenever the school organizes voluntary labor, there are always many students gathered on the vast playground, but Tang Gonghong works silently alone, sweats, never superficially, but wholeheartedly completes the task according to the teacher's guidance.

It is such a simple, down-to-earth and indomitable quality that has attracted the attention of sports school coach Zhang Jianmei. One day, she stumbled upon this "unique" laborer, and immediately decided to take the initiative to invite Tang Gonghong to join the weightlifting training course of the sports school.

Although she didn't know anything about weightlifting, Tang Gonghong knew that this was her teacher's recognition and praise for her, so she sincerely expressed her wishes to her mother Wang Quanrong.

Tang Gonghong, who "risked his life to win the championship for the country" back then, is he okay now?

As a mother, Tang Gonghong educates her son with practical actions. In his son's paintings, we can often see vivid images of skiers, ice piers and snow melting.

Tang Gonghong deliberately inscribed the words "do warm education" next to the painting, conveying her unique educational philosophy.

6. Expectation: May my son become a pillar of the country and carry forward the spirit of sportsmanship

Tang Gonghong, who "risked his life to win the championship for the country" back then, is he okay now?

As a famous sports player in the past, Tang Gonghong's ardent wish is to hope that his son can pass on the soul of Chinese sports, and hope that he can one day become a pillar of the country in the future, so that as a mother, she feels great honor and joy.

Whenever we look through the pictures drawn by our son, we can always glimpse those characters who show the style of sports competition - the snowy ski resort, the lively and lovely Bingdundun and Xue Rongrong and so on.

Tang Gonghong carefully inscribed the words "do warm education" next to the picture scroll, explaining to her son in a unique way the far-reaching significance of the Olympic Games to her personally and even the entire Chinese nation.

Tang Gonghong, who "risked his life to win the championship for the country" back then, is he okay now?

Entering a new year of 2023, at the beginning of the new year, Tang Gonghong shared a gorgeous and colorful fireworks scene in the night sky of the city on major social media platforms, and wrote an affectionate sentence: "In 2023, I wish all friends a happy and healthy New Year!" From this small but warm detail, we can deeply feel her deep love and good wishes for the sports career.

Looking back on that thrilling historical moment 19 years ago, Tang Gonghong's heroic feat of "nine deaths and one life" made the people of the whole country enthusiastic. Now, she has bid farewell to her sports career and started a dull and happy life journey.

However, she never chose to give up the persistent pursuit and ardent yearning for the Olympic cause, but looked forward to being inherited and carried forward by her son, and there is no doubt that under Tang Gonghong's words and deeds, her son will be able to unswervingly pass on the Olympic spirit from generation to generation.

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