
From intimate lovers to parting ways: marital tragedy caused by bringing friends to see husbands

author:Star Aries

brought a good friend to her husband, but she was swept away

From intimate lovers to parting ways: marital tragedy caused by bringing friends to see husbands

I just learned the news of a female colleague's divorce. Although it was not shocking, it was also a bit of a surprise. Because she and her husband have been divorcing intermittently for several years. With her obsessive personality and the mentality of not rubbing sand in her eyes, such a result will be sooner or later.

She and her husband were classmates when they were in college in the south, and their homes in the north were in the same city and district, and they got married shortly after graduating and working. She is straightforward and capable, and her parents are cadres of good state-owned enterprises, although she looks average, and she is not a wealthy family, but she is also a family that can walk with her head held high in the local area. My husband is a mom boy, and he has some strength in the business. Although a little playful and immature, he is honest and knows how to be motivated. The combination of these two actually has a good foundation.

Maybe this is the way to go, and there was a crack in their relationship after they had a child. My husband doesn't have a formal job, so he likes to go out on a trip during the mask. As for her, in addition to working hard, she also has to take care of the children, although her mother-in-law will help, but a woman who is almost forty years old does not have her own time is also irritating her. As a result, when her husband comes home, she may always let out a belly of resentment, which makes the atmosphere at home very tense.

From intimate lovers to parting ways: marital tragedy caused by bringing friends to see husbands

At some point, she brought a best friend of hers who had a good childhood relationship to play at home, introduced her husband to her, and slowly became acquainted. Later, she had some feelings, sometimes when the three of them ate together, she would often not be able to interject, and vaguely felt as if she was an outsider. But her husband and best friend talked happily with each other and became more and more invisible. Paper can't contain the fire, and then she planned and arranged to catch her husband and girlfriend in bed, so she turned this matter on the table. Now that it is clear, her husband has nothing to restrain her, although she was forced by the pressure of her mother-in-law and public opinion to continue to behave excessively with her best friend, but her attitude at home has dropped to the freezing point, and the cracks in the relationship between the two are getting bigger and bigger. They have also experienced a long time of separation, but this kind of cold treatment cannot solve the substantive problem. In the end, it came to the end of the marriage.

I have to say that this female colleague is a straightforward person, and she doesn't see any sadness after the divorce. The pages are turned quickly. In fact, she has come to this point, and she has an unshirkable responsibility. Now many family heroines have a strong personality and a forced temper, and they have a strong desire to control. At home, I only talk about right and wrong, I do work hard, I work hard to make money at work, work hard after work, work hard for my mother-in-law, and strictly discipline my children. Because of this, she has high requirements for her husband, but her husband is just a mother's boy, delicious and fun, and careless in life. Then she criticized her husband every three days and disciplined her every two days, deepening and strengthening step by step, wanting to motivate her husband and catch up with her own progress. But the more this is the case, the more humble and slack her husband becomes, and gradually he breaks the jar, "Didn't you say I was lazy?" I'm lazy; Don't you think I'm depressed? I'm depressed; You think I'm good for nothing, I'm just good for nothing, I will only gnaw at the old and rely on my wife, and that's all I have for the rest of my life."

As a result, she is no longer the wife in the eyes of her husband, but has become a stern teacher, a ruthless boss, and a terrible tigress. So her husband is willing to go out to play, that is also to escape, since he was a child, his family has been superior, and he has been pampered, how can he meet such a 'relative'. Until she brought her best friend home, her online appearance, caring and understanding of other people's hearts, humble attitude, and cheerful personality changed this husband's perception of women, and she must have fantasized many times how good it would be if this was her wife. But looking for a junior is morally corrupt, and his mother also obstructs him, so he doesn't dare. You can only hide and steal. But when people want to grasp the seeds of hope in dark times, they will grow wildly when they encounter a little rain and a glimmer of sunshine. He and that girlfriend also went from polite conversations and WeChat exchanges to and from being out of control, until they no longer had any scruples, and she (he) would not marry (marry). So, step by step, it came to the end.

From intimate lovers to parting ways: marital tragedy caused by bringing friends to see husbands

Although the marriage ended in tragedy, the reflections it provoked continued.

In fact, for female colleagues, divorce is not only the end of a relationship, but also an opportunity for deep self-reflection and growth. In the future, she may have the opportunity to re-examine her personality and behavior, and learn to be more gentle with others, especially in intimate relationships. If she's lucky, she'll realize that being strong and controlling doesn't lead to true happiness, and that understanding, tolerance, and respect are the keys to maintaining relationships.

At work, she may turn misfortune into motivation, put more energy into it, and transform the strict requirements for her family into the pursuit of her career. With his straightforwardness and ability, there is a good chance that he will achieve more in his work and become an admirable person. However, deep down, she may still yearn for a sincere relationship, only this time, she will choose more carefully.

And her ex-husband, after going through something, will also face his own challenges and changes. He may begin to reflect on his mom personality and try to become more independent and responsible. If he is smart, he will understand that running away from problems is not the solution, but to be brave in the face of life's difficulties and responsibilities. Maybe he will work hard to change himself, find a career that truly belongs to him, and prove his worth with practical actions.

From intimate lovers to parting ways: marital tragedy caused by bringing friends to see husbands

As for the best friend, her behavior may seem immoral on the surface, but she may have her own sufferings and will pay the price for her choices. She may be blamed and spurned by others for a period of time, which may make her deeply realize her mistakes. Maybe in the future, she will face the guilt and remorse in her heart alone. However, it can also be a turning point in her growth, allowing her to learn to cherish and stop hurting others easily.

I wonder if people can realize that while pursuing personal happiness, they cannot neglect responsibility and respect for others. Husbands and wives should learn to support each other and grow together, instead of hurting each other and consuming each other. At the same time, friends should also maintain appropriate boundaries between themselves, and should not destroy other people's families because of the impulse.

After the stars change, this female colleague may meet a true person who really understands her and loves her. This person will appreciate her straightforwardness and competence, while also being able to tolerate her shortcomings. They will understand and support each other to run a warm and happy home together. And the ex-husband may also find a partner who can accept his past and is willing to grow with him. They will learn to respect and trust each other in life, and face the challenges of the future together. If it can promote their maturity and growth, it is also a good thing.

However, no matter what the road ahead holds, this painful experience has left an indelible mark on their hearts. It will always remind them to cherish the person in front of them and manage their marriage with their hearts. And for us onlookers, this incident is also a warning to us to understand that in the world of feelings, there is no absolute right or wrong, and if we want to be happy, we can only continue to grow and understand.

From intimate lovers to parting ways: marital tragedy caused by bringing friends to see husbands

Life is always full of uncertainties, but as long as we maintain a kind and sincere heart, and continue to learn and improve, we will definitely be able to find our own happiness. Whether in marriage or otherwise, think carefully before choosing, face and accept every challenge bravely after choosing, and meet every challenge with a positive attitude.
