
Cui Yugui, a eunuch at the end of the Qing Dynasty, threw Concubine Zhen into the well, and in his later years remembered to say what was in his heart: she is amazing

author:Jess talks about history

Many people still remember the magnificent history of the last years of the Qing Dynasty, especially the story about the tragic fate of Concubine Zhen. In 1900, that is, in the twenty-sixth year of Guangxu, a beautiful and intelligent woman was brutally murdered because of the court's deceit, and her death is still a hot topic among countless history lovers.

Cui Yugui, a eunuch at the end of the Qing Dynasty, threw Concubine Zhen into the well, and in his later years remembered to say what was in his heart: she is amazing

Concubine Zhen, formerly known as He Jinbo, was a noble woman with red flags in Manchuria, and her beauty and intelligence were famous in the harem of the Qing Dynasty. Beauty was often a double-edged sword in ancient times, especially in the center of power – the imperial palace. Concubine Zhen's beauty attracted the favor of Emperor Guangxu, but this became the beginning of her fate.

Cui Yugui, a eunuch at the end of the Qing Dynasty, threw Concubine Zhen into the well, and in his later years remembered to say what was in his heart: she is amazing

In 1900, when the Eight-Nation Coalition invaded Beijing, the entire Qing Dynasty fell into an unprecedented crisis. Empress Dowager Cixi fled to Xi'an with the members of the imperial family, but Concubine Zhen was unable to accompany her. According to a variety of later historical records, Concubine Zhen finally died tragically in the well. This well has become the end of her life, and it is also the focus of endless speculation and controversy for future generations.

Empress Dowager Cixi's hatred for Concubine Zhen stems from her love for Emperor Guangxu and Concubine Zhen's support for the change. Concubine Zhen was not a concubine who only knew how to make up beautifully, and she supported Emperor Guangxu's Wuxu reform, which was undoubtedly a challenge to her authority in the eyes of Cixi. As a result, Concubine Zhen's life became more and more difficult, from a concubine to a nobleman, and then to being imprisoned in the cold palace, her fate was full of twists and turns.

Cui Yugui, a eunuch at the end of the Qing Dynasty, threw Concubine Zhen into the well, and in his later years remembered to say what was in his heart: she is amazing

How did Concubine Zhen die? The official version is that she was "martyred", but many historical and oral histories suggest that there are more hidden secrets behind this. Rumor has it that it was Cixi who ordered Concubine Zhen to be thrown into a well in order to eliminate all possible political risks. However, it is also said that it was actually a eunuch named Cui Yugui who misunderstood Cixi's orders and led to the tragedy.

Concubine Zhen's life is full of drama and tragedy. From a favored concubine to a tragic woman imprisoned and murdered, her story is a microcosm of that turbulent era in the late Qing Dynasty. Her death is not only a personal tragedy, but also reflects the helplessness and sorrow of the fate of women in that era.

Cui Yugui, a eunuch at the end of the Qing Dynasty, threw Concubine Zhen into the well, and in his later years remembered to say what was in his heart: she is amazing

As the wheel of history rolls forward, although the story of Concubine Zhen has been dusty for a hundred years, every time it is mentioned, it can always cause some discussion and thinking. Not only because her tragic fate touched people's heartstrings, but also because of the hope for reform and her helplessness in the struggle against power. Concubine Zhen's wisdom and beauty could not keep her safe in that environment of male supremacy and extreme concentration of power. Instead, these traits became a curse on her fate.

Looking back on Concubine Zhen's life, it is not difficult for us to find that she is not only a pawn sacrificed by politics, but also a woman who dares to give everything for her faith and love. Despite her fateful fate, her story continues to inspire us today, reminding us to stand up and fight for our ideals and dignity in the face of injustice and challenges.

Cui Yugui, a eunuch at the end of the Qing Dynasty, threw Concubine Zhen into the well, and in his later years remembered to say what was in his heart: she is amazing

In the eyes of many people, Concubine Zhen may be just a wave in the long river of history, but her story deeply portrays the imprint of that era. From her life, we can get a glimpse of the complexity and cruelty of the late Qing court, as well as the decadence and powerlessness of an empire's end. Now, when we look back at the past, it is not only to commemorate a victim, but also to learn lessons from history and think about how to maintain personal perseverance and sobriety in the complex and changeable reality.

Cui Yugui, a eunuch at the end of the Qing Dynasty, threw Concubine Zhen into the well, and in his later years remembered to say what was in his heart: she is amazing

Although her life was short, she was so dazzling, and her tragedy did not belong to her alone, but also the epitome of the fate of countless women in that era. By revisiting her story, we can not only feel the weight of history more deeply, but also stimulate deep reflection on the status of women and human rights in modern society.