
Su Qin was assassinated, and before he died, he said to King Qi: Break my car, and the murderer will appear

author:Jess talks about history

During the Warring States period, there was a man named Su Qin, whose story is full of legends. Born into a poor family, through his own hard work and wisdom, he eventually became an influential politician. However, Su Qin's life is also full of ups and downs and twists and turns.

Su Qin was assassinated, and before he died, he said to King Qi: Break my car, and the murderer will appear

Su Qin, this name has a lot of weight in Chinese history. He was born in the Warring States period, an era full of beacons and intrigue. It is said that Su Qin was born into a poor farming family, but this did not stop him from pursuing higher ideals. In those days, if you wanted to change your destiny, learning was a viable path. Su Qin also held this belief, worshiped under the Guiguzi Sect, and began his learning journey.

Su Qin was assassinated, and before he died, he said to King Qi: Break my car, and the murderer will appear

Guiguzi is a legendary figure, his knowledge is unfathomable, and he has taught many outstanding disciples. Under Guiguzi's tutelage, Su Qin learned various techniques from the Zongheng family, which later became his weapons to make a living and achieve a career. After returning from school, Su Qin tried to find a stage in various countries where he could display his talents, but due to his humble background, he was repeatedly rejected.

The repeated failures did not make Su Qin give up, but strengthened his determination. He returned home and spent a year studying the art of vertical and horizontal. The inspirational story of his studies, which he once tied his hair to the beams of the house and pricked his thighs with needles, an extreme method of learning that came to be known as "head cantilever and cone thigh". Through this almost masochistic approach, Su Qin finally mastered the essence of the vertical and horizontal arts.

Su Qin was assassinated, and before he died, he said to King Qi: Break my car, and the murderer will appear

When he set off again, Su Qin's fate began to take a turn. He first came to the Yan Kingdom, where Yan Wenhou gave him the opportunity to display his talents. Su Qin lived up to expectations, and he succeeded in forming an alliance between Yan and Zhao, which was the starting point of his political career. Subsequently, Su Qin skillfully used his vertical and horizontal techniques, and successively lobbied Han, Wei, Qi, Chu and other countries, and finally formed a large alliance against Qin.

Su Qin's achievements were unmatched for a while, and he was even named the prime minister of the Six Kingdoms and wore the seal of the Six Kingdoms. However, the good times did not last long, and the contradictions within the alliance began to appear, and each country had its own evil intentions, and the alliance eventually collapsed due to internal problems. Su Qin's private life was also quite complicated, he had an affair with King Yan's mother, which was an extremely sensitive matter at the time. When the alliance collapsed, Su Qin's status also declined rapidly, and he was even imprisoned for a time. But Su Qin's wisdom and wit never disappeared, and he used his eloquence and strategy to not only escape the predicament, but also regain the reuse of various countries for a time.

Su Qin was assassinated, and before he died, he said to King Qi: Break my car, and the murderer will appear

However, Su Qin's life did not escape the tragic fate in the end. In his later years, he was assassinated because of various political struggles and personal vendettas. Legend has it that before he died, he said the shocking words to King Qi: "Break my car, and the murderer will naturally appear." This sentence has been praised by people to this day, showing that even at the last moment of his life, Su Qin still maintained his unyielding attitude towards life and his deep cunning towards his enemies.

The story of Su Qin is a typical representative of the Warring States period, and his life is full of drama and lessons. From his story, we can see the changes of an era and the twists and turns of personal fate. His wisdom and means were both a tool of survival and a lethal weapon for the people of that era.

Su Qin was assassinated, and before he died, he said to King Qi: Break my car, and the murderer will appear

Su Qin's story also makes us think that a true wise man must not only have extraordinary intelligence, but also have the wisdom to deal with interpersonal relationships. His failure was not only a mistake in strategy, but also a mistake in grasping people's hearts. In that era when everyone was in danger, a politician's way of survival was not only to see how he laid out the world, but also how he maintained his position in complex interpersonal relationships.

Su Qin's life is full of lessons. He made us understand that neither individuals nor countries can rely only on momentary ingenuity, but also need long-term planning and a deep understanding of human nature. In today's era of information explosion and collision of various ideas, Su Qin's story still has its unique practical significance. From his experience, we can learn the wisdom of how to balance forces and mobilize resources in the face of complex situations.

Su Qin was assassinated, and before he died, he said to King Qi: Break my car, and the murderer will appear

In Su Qin's life, it is not difficult to find that whether it was in the Warring States period or in modern society, wisdom, courage, strategy and the handling of interpersonal relationships are the keys to success. But more importantly, we need to learn from Su Qin's failures that behind any success is a balance of integrity and wisdom. Although Su Qin was once in the same glory, the ultimate tragedy also reminds us that in the pursuit of personal ambitions, we should pay more attention to the boundaries of method and morality.