
"When you see flowers in the living room, your children and grandchildren will send them", the three kinds of flowers that must be raised in the living room imply the prosperity of the family

author:Good luck comes with you

In our hometown, there is a saying: "When you see flowers in the living room, your children and grandchildren will send them." "It's not superstition, it's people's yearning for a better life and their trust in the forces of nature. Today, I will talk to you about which flowers are placed in the living room, which can not only decorate the warmth of the home, but also bring good luck to our family and bring blessings to future generations.

"When you see flowers in the living room, your children and grandchildren will send them", the three kinds of flowers that must be raised in the living room imply the prosperity of the family

First of all, we have to mention the "rich bamboo". As soon as you hear this name, you will be rich and rich, just like the ancients said: "A gentleman is like a bamboo, rich and modest." "Fugui bamboo is evergreen in all seasons, symbolizing vigorous vitality and rolling wealth. With just a basin of water, it can stand proudly at home, adding vitality to the home, and also means that the family business is prosperous, and future generations can make a difference.

"When you see flowers in the living room, your children and grandchildren will send them", the three kinds of flowers that must be raised in the living room imply the prosperity of the family

Secondly, there is "kumquat". This little guy is a real fortune treasure, because "gold" and "auspicious" have the same sound, kumquat hanging at home, not only bright color, but also meaning auspiciousness. Remember, every year during the Spring Festival, the kumquat is placed in a conspicuous place in the living room, not only to be festive, but also to hope that the family will be prosperous in the coming year, and the days will be more prosperous.

"When you see flowers in the living room, your children and grandchildren will send them", the three kinds of flowers that must be raised in the living room imply the prosperity of the family

Let's talk about "Gentleman's Orchid". Junzi Lan, the word "Junzi" in the name, means the character of a gentleman, and it is known as the "king of the living room" in Feng Shui. The leaves of the orchid are wide and thick, and the flowers bloom like bells, symbolizing family harmony and virtuous descendants. Moreover, the long flowering period of the orchid can bring long-lasting good luck, which is the best choice to enhance the harmonious atmosphere of the family.

"When you see flowers in the living room, your children and grandchildren will send them", the three kinds of flowers that must be raised in the living room imply the prosperity of the family

Of course, raising flowers is not only about the meaning, but also about taking care of them. Fugui bamboo should change the water regularly to keep the water clean; Kumquat loves the sun, don't let it get sunburned; Orchid needs to be fertilized regularly to give it enough nutrients. When these little things are done well, the flowers can grow healthily, and the luck of the family will naturally flourish.

"When you see flowers in the living room, your children and grandchildren will send them", the three kinds of flowers that must be raised in the living room imply the prosperity of the family

Friends, adding these pots of auspicious flowers to the house is like adding some material to life, looking at them every day, the peace of mind and expectation in my heart is like an expectation for the future. Remember, seeing flowers in the living room is not only a decoration, but also the pursuit of a happy life. Let's bless with the language of flowers and welcome a beautiful day!

Forward it to your friends and family so that they can feel the warmth and good fortune of this home! Perhaps, the next person to like and comment is the lucky one who is about to be surrounded by good luck!

"When you see flowers in the living room, your children and grandchildren will send them", the three kinds of flowers that must be raised in the living room imply the prosperity of the family

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