
The girlfriend misunderstood Lang Jun, and the brother-in-law helped get the certificate

author:Smoke Moon wrote

My name is Xiaomei, my best friend Xiaohong, and she was born a beauty. The two of us grew up together and were like sisters. Xiaohong has a cheerful personality and loves to talk and laugh, while I am more introverted and likes to be quiet. On this day, Xiaohong told me that she had found her sweetheart and wanted to introduce her to me.

A few days later, Xiaohong led her sweetheart here. He is called Dajun, handsome and dashing, and talks extraordinary. When I saw it, I was secretly happy for Xiaohong, she had finally found her happiness. But who would have thought that this army would actually take a fancy to me and confess to me! I was stunned, what can I do? I can't be sorry for Xiaohong!

I told Dajun that I was a good sister to Xiaohong and that we couldn't be together. But the army said that he fell in love with me at first sight and didn't care about any of that. I was torn between a dilemma and conflicted. At this time, my brother-in-law found out about the matter, and he patted his chest and said, "Leave this matter to me, and promise to help you solve it." ”

The uncle went to find Xiaohong and inquired about her attitude towards the army. Xiaohong said with a happy face: "Dajun is a good person, and the two of us are very suitable." When the uncle heard this, his brows furrowed, and it seemed that he had to use a killer move.

One day, the uncle took Dajun to a café and deliberately let Dajun see Xiaohong and a strange man intimately together. The army was stunned, and the uncle took the opportunity to say: "Look, Xiaohong has already empathized and don't fall in love, you still have to die of this heart." The army was skeptical, but still a little lost.

Back at home, the more Dajun thought about it, the more wrong he became, he felt that Xiaohong was not that kind of person. So, he decided to ask Xiaohong for clarification. At this time, my brother-in-law found me again and said, "Xiaomei, I know that you also like the army in your heart, this time I will help you snatch him back from Xiaohong's hands, you have to seize the opportunity." ”

I hesitated, but agreed. So, at Xiaohong's birthday party, I confessed to the army according to my uncle's plan. Dajun's eyes widened, looking at me, and then at Xiaohong, not knowing what to do.

At this time, Xiaohong suddenly laughed, and she said, "Xiaomei, you finally muster up the courage." Actually, I already knew that the army liked you, and I could see that you were interested in him. This time, I deliberately asked my brother-in-law to act in this play, just to see if the two of you have the courage to admit each other's feelings. ”

Dajun and I were stunned, we didn't expect Xiaohong to be so atmospheric. The two of us were so emotional that we hugged each other tightly. At this time, the brother-in-law laughed: "It seems that my matchmaker is quite successful!" ”

In this way, with the help of my uncle, Dajun and I got the certificate and started a new life. And Xiaohong has also found the happiness that truly belongs to her. What could be better in this world than having a lover finally married?

After getting married, our lives are full of sweetness. The army took great care of me and made me feel happier than I had ever been. And Xiaohong often comes to our house, and the four of us are like a family, and the relationship is getting closer and closer.

One day, Xiaohong suddenly mysteriously pulled me aside and said, "Xiaomei, I have good news for you. I asked curiously, "What's the good news?" Say it! Xiaohong smiled and said, "I'm pregnant!" ”

I froze, then hugged her excitedly and congratulated her on the imminent arrival of a new life. Back home, I couldn't wait to tell the army the good news. Dajun was also very happy, he said: "Now our two families are more fateful, and our children can grow up together in the future." ”

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Xiaohong's child was born, a lovely boy. And I, too, welcomed our daughter during this time. Watching the children grow up day by day fills our hearts with joy.

However, life is always full of surprises. One day, Dajun suddenly received an order from the company to go to work in a city thousands of miles away. We are faced with a difficult choice: do we go with the army or stay where we are?

The army and I hesitated for a long time, but finally decided to stay. Xiaohong found out about this and offered to help me take care of the children, so that I could go with the army with confidence. I looked at her gratefully, with mixed feelings.

Before leaving, I went to my uncle and asked him, "Uncle, do you think we made the right decision?" The uncle smiled and said, "Life is like this, full of separation and reunion. As long as you have each other in your hearts, distance is not an issue. ”

When we were away, Dajun and I shared each other's lives on the phone every day. Xiaohong also often sends me photos and videos of the children to reassure me. Despite being thousands of miles apart, our hearts are always connected.

A year later, the army was finally transferred back to its original city. We were reunited as a family, and there was a lot of laughter and laughter. Xiaohong's children and our daughter have also become best friends, playing together and growing together.

As the years passed, the children grew up, and we also had gray hair. However, the bond between the four of us grew deeper. Those ups and downs have become the most precious wealth in our memories.

Sometimes, I wonder if I would have been able to get together with the army without my uncle's help. And Xiaohong, will she help us so selflessly? Life is full of countless possibilities, and we are so lucky to meet each other and become the most important people in each other's lives.

As time went by, the children grew up and started going to school. Xiaohong's child Xiaojie and our daughter Xiaoyun have become classmates, commuting to and from school together every day, and the relationship is as good as that of brothers and sisters. Whenever I see them go home hand in hand, Xiaohong and I will look at each other and smile, and our hearts are full of emotion.

It was Xiao Yun's birthday, and we decided to throw a small birthday party for her at home. Xiaohong came early in the morning with Xiaojie, and also brought a cake and gifts made by herself. The army was also busy at home, setting up the room and preparing dinner. Before the party began, Red pulled me aside and handed me a small box.

"What is this?" Curious, I opened the box, and inside was a beautiful necklace with a small pendant in the shape of a plum blossom.

"I picked it out for you, I hope you like it." Xiaohong said with a smile.

My eyes were hot, and I hugged her tightly: "Xiaohong, thank you, always so caring." ”

At the party, the children had a lot of fun and the adults got together to chat. The uncle also came, and he looked at the children with love in his eyes.

"Xiaomei, look, the children are so old." The uncle said with emotion.

"yes, time flies." I replied, a warm current welling up in my heart.

After dinner, Dajun proposes to take a family photo. We stood in front of the background wall of the living room, Dajun put his arms around me, I held Xiaoyun in my arms, Xiaohong and Xiaojie stood next to us, and my brother-in-law was in the front. The photographer pressed the shutter and froze the happiness of this moment.

Soon after, Xiaohong moved to another city due to a job transfer. Although we can no longer see each other as often as we used to, every call is filled with laughter and warmth. Xiaojie and Xiaoyun also promised each other that they would be good friends forever no matter where they went.

One day, when I was sorting out my old things, I accidentally pulled out the photos I took during the "misunderstanding" that my uncle helped us plan. I looked at the army and me in the photo, and we were young and shy at that time, and I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The army came over and asked curiously, "What is so funny?" ”

I handed him the photo, and he looked at it and smiled: "At that time, we were really ignorant. ”

"Yes, but thanks to my uncle, we can have today." I said with emotion.

The army took me in his arms and said softly, "No matter what happened in the past, the important thing is that we are together now, and our children." ”

I leaned against the Great Army's chest and listened to his steady heartbeat, my heart filled with gratitude. I am grateful to fate for letting us meet, to Xiaohong's selflessness, to my uncle's wisdom, and to the love that the army has given me. At this moment, I deeply understand that happiness is so simple, as long as there is love and family, it is the greatest happiness.

Time continues to pass and the children gradually grow up and begin to pursue their dreams. Xiaojie and Xiaoyun were both admitted to their favorite universities and went to different cities. Dajun and I also started to prepare for retirement, planning to travel and see the beauty of the world.

One day, I received a letter from Xiaohong, who told me that she was also about to retire and planned to move back to our city. I excitedly told her that we had to celebrate. After hearing this, the army suggested that a welcome party could be held at home, inviting family and friends to share the joy together.

On the day of the party, the house was bustling. Little Red walked in the door with a smile on her face, and we hugged tightly, as if we had gone back to our youthful days. Xiaojie and Xiaoyun also rushed back from college, and when I saw them, my heart was full of pride. My uncle also came, and he looked at us with relief in his eyes.

After dinner, we sat around the living room and reminisced about the past. Xiao Jie and Xiao Yun listened with relish, laughing from time to time. At this time, Xiaohong suddenly stood up and said, "To commemorate our reunion, I have a proposal, let's go on a trip together!" ”

We agreed, and we started planning the destinations of our trips. Eventually, we decided to go to a beautiful island for an unforgettable vacation. During the trip, we enjoyed the sun, sand and waves to the fullest, leaving many cherished memories.

After returning to our hometown, our lives became more colorful. Xiaohong moved to the neighborhood of our house, and we often went shopping, chatting, and attending community events together. When Xiaojie and Xiaoyun are on vacation, they will also go home to reunite with us. Our home is like a warm haven, full of laughter.

The years are like a song, and we are gradually entering our old age. Although the body is not as strong as when we were younger, our hearts are still full of energy. Whenever we reminisce about the past days, we feel extremely satisfied and happy.

One day, I sat on the balcony and watched the sun set, and my heart was filled with emotion. The army came over and gently held my hand: "Xiaomei, we have come such a long way, do you have any regrets?" ”

I shook my head, smiled and said, "With you and the children, as well as Xiaohong and my uncle, I think life is perfect enough." ”

The army hugged me tightly, and we enjoyed the beautiful sunset together, our hearts filled with gratitude. On this quiet night, we felt the tenderness of the years and the true meaning of happiness.