
Grandpa takes his 2-year-old grandson downstairs and tragedy strikes a quarter of an hour later

author:Smoke Moon wrote

My name is Xiaoqiang, I am two years old, and my grandfather is my best friend. Every day, my grandfather would take me downstairs to the park to play. That day, the sun was shining and the wind was warm, and my grandfather, as usual, took my little hand downstairs.

As soon as I got out of the unit, I saw the big white dog in our community. I excitedly broke free of my grandfather's hand and ran towards the big white dog. "Xiaoqiang, slow down!" Grandpa shouted in the back. I could not have listened and ran faster.

Just then, an electric car sped up behind me. Grandpa's face changed suddenly, and he rushed up with an arrow step, holding me tightly in his arms. The electric car passed by us, and although it didn't hit us, Grandpa was clearly frightened.

"Xiaoqiang, you have to look at the road when you walk in the future, you know?" Grandpa took me in his arms and said with a pale face.

"Got it, grandpa." I replied naively.

After a while, we came to the park. There are many people in the park, some playing chess, some dancing, and some singing. I looked at the singing people and thought it was funny, so I broke free from my grandfather's hand and ran over.

When my grandfather saw that I liked it, he followed me to the stage. Coincidentally, the stage was "Monkey King Three Fights White Bone Spirit". I was fascinated by it, and suddenly, a white shadow flew down from the stage and came straight for me.

Grandpa's eyes were quick and he pulled me away. The white shadow turned out to be a prop and smashed into the place where I was standing. Grandpa angrily found the theory of the people in the troupe and told them to pay attention to safety in the future.

Coming back from the park, we passed by a commissary. I saw my favorite lollipop inside, so I took my grandfather's hand and said, "Grandpa, I want to eat a lollipop." ”

Grandpa smiled and paid for one for me. I had just peeled off the candy wrapper when a runaway bike rushed towards me. Grandpa immediately pulled me aside, and the bike brushed my clothes past.

"Xiaoqiang, today is really a thrilling day!" Grandpa said with emotion.

"Yes, grandpa, let's go home." I clutched my grandfather's hand tightly, my heart filled with fear.

That night, I lay in bed and thought about the daytime. Although I was scared, I knew that as long as my grandfather was around, I would be fine. I silently made a wish: I hope that my grandfather will always be by my side and protect me.

And this wish also quietly sprouted in Grandpa's heart. He understands that taking care of his grandchildren is not just a companion, but also a responsibility. From that day on, he guarded me more carefully and allowed me to thrive in this world.

In the days that followed, Grandpa became more cautious. Whenever he took me to the park, his eyes always followed me closely, for fear that I would encounter any accidents. I've also gradually learned to be aware of my surroundings and stop rampage like I used to.

One day, we came to a newly opened children's playground. There were a lot of children playing there, and I was excited by the colorful rides. I took my grandfather's hand and jumped up and down, and I was so happy.

"Xiaoqiang, which project do you want to play?" Grandpa asked me with a smile.

"Grandpa, I want to play that merry-go-round!" I pointed to the merry-go-round not far away, and my eyes twinkled with anticipation.

Grandpa took me to the carousel and the staff greeted us warmly. I couldn't wait to climb aboard a colorful horse while my grandfather stood by and watched me.

The music starts and the merry-go-round starts turning. I clung to the handrail and felt the wind whistling in my ears. At this time, I saw my grandfather waving to me below, with a kind smile on his face.

Just as I was basking in the joy, suddenly, the carousel sped up. I felt a wave of fear and my palms began to sweat. At this moment, a child fell off the horse next to him, and everyone screamed.

Grandpa immediately rushed forward to grab the child. However, the carousel was getting faster and faster, and Grandpa stumbled and almost fell. My heart tightened, and I was worried that my grandfather would get hurt.

At this critical moment, a young man rushed over and caught the child steadily. Grandpa also stood on his feet and breathed a long sigh of relief.

The merry-go-round finally stopped, and I quickly ran down and hugged my grandfather: "Grandpa, are you okay?" ”

"It's okay, Xiaoqiang, grandpa is fine." Grandpa rubbed my hair and said with relief.

We sent the kid to his parents, and everyone thanked the young man. Grandpa also praised him, saying that he was a brave child.

Afterwards, Grandpa told me that the young man was the son of his old friend, Uncle Lee. Uncle Lee was also a heroic man when he was young, and saved his grandfather from danger many times. Today, his son has inherited this bravery and kindness.

That night, I lay in bed and remembered the scenes of the day. Although it was another thrilling experience, I knew that in this world, there will always be people like Grandpa and Uncle Li who will protect us with their bravery and kindness.

And I also silently made a vow in my heart: in the future, I will also be a brave person, protect those in need, and pass on this love.

The days went by like this, and I thrived under the care of my grandfather. Whenever I encountered difficulties and dangers, my grandfather always stood by my side without hesitation and gave me courage and strength. And I also learned to be brave and strong in the subtle way.

One weekend, my grandfather took me to a mountainous area. The mountains and rivers are beautiful and the scenery is picturesque. We hike along winding mountain roads, admiring the beautiful natural scenery along the way.

"Xiaoqiang, look, there's an orchard over there!" Grandpa pointed to a fruit grove not far away and said excitedly.

I followed my grandfather's finger and saw a green fruit tree full of attractive fruits. I couldn't wait to pull my grandfather and run towards the orchard.

When we came to the orchard, we found an old farmer busy picking fruits. Grandpa stepped forward and talked to the old farmer. It turned out that the old farmer was the owner of this orchard, and he warmly invited us to taste his fruits.

I picked up a red apple and was about to take a bite when suddenly, a rapid cry for help came from not far away. We followed the sound and saw a little boy falling into the river next to us, struggling desperately.

Grandpa immediately put down the fruit in his hand and rushed to the river. I was also right behind my grandfather, anxious. Without saying a word, Grandpa took off his coat and jumped into the icy river.

Grandpa was very good at the water, and he quickly swam to the little boy, took him in his arms, and swam towards the shore. I watched nervously from the shore and was relieved until they were safely ashore.

The little boy was saved, and his parents wept with gratitude and kept thanking his grandfather. Grandpa said modestly: "This is what I should do, and anyone else would do it." ”

Afterwards, I asked my grandfather, "Grandpa, why did you save that little boy?" ”

Grandpa stroked my head and said earnestly: "Xiaoqiang, remember, when others are in trouble, we have to do our best to help them." In this way, our society will be full of love and warmth. ”

I nodded as if I didn't understand, but my heart was full of respect for my grandfather. I know that my grandfather is not only my dearest person, but also a role model for me to learn.

That night, I dreamed of my grandfather saving people in the water. When I woke up, I told myself that I must learn from my grandfather and become a brave and caring person in the future.

In the days that followed, I learned a lot from my grandfather. Whether it is the small things in life or the principles of living in the world, my grandfather has taught me a lot by word and deed, which has benefited me a lot. And on the road of growth, I continue to practice the bravery and kindness that my grandfather taught me, and pass on this love to more people.

One day, my grandfather decided to take me to a charity event to help those in need. We came to a remote mountainous area where there is a primary school, and the children's learning and living conditions are very difficult.

We brought a lot of books, stationery and clothes with us, hoping to help these children. I was so happy when I saw the smiles on the children's faces.

At the event, I met a little boy named Xiaohua, who told me that his family was very poor, his parents were working in other places, and he and his younger siblings lived with his grandparents. Xiaohua did well in school, but he didn't have enough money to buy books and stationery.

I listened to Xiaohua's story and felt very sad. I decided to give my stationery and books to Xiaohua, hoping that he would continue to study hard and change his destiny.

Xiaohua looked at me very gratefully, and he said, "Thank you, Xiaoqiang, you are a good person." ”

I smiled embarrassedly and said, "It's okay, we're friends and we should help each other." ”

On the way home, my grandfather asked me, "Xiaoqiang, why are you helping Xiaohua?" ”

I said seriously, "Grandpa, I know that helping others is a virtue, and I hope to be able to be like you and be a caring person." ”

Grandpa smiled and patted me on the shoulder and said, "Xiaoqiang, you are doing a good job, grandpa is proud of you." ”

Since then, I have cherished my life more and worked harder to help others. I know that if each of us can give a piece of love, the world will be a better place.

With my grandfather by my side, I thrived and learned to be brave, kind, and caring for others. I believe that in the days to come, I will continue to practice these virtues and become a contributing person to society.