
Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

author:Mai Mai Entertainment


One of the "Three Golden Flowers of the Northern Shadow", who was once a smash hit, is Sun Li who is radiant and youthful on the screen? Since starring in the word-of-mouth hit drama "The Legend of Zhen Huan", she seems to have suddenly evaporated from the world, disappeared, and her exposure in the entertainment industry has plummeted. As a first-line star, Sun Li's "disappearance" has undoubtedly caused a lot of speculation and criticism.

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

In fact, she did not "disappear", but intentionally or unintentionally, she chose a low-key and secluded lifestyle. Let's get closer to Sun Li's life and unravel the reasons behind her "seclusion".

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

Virtuous, home and everything is prosperous

47-year-old Sun Li, although she still maintains a good figure, her current focus in life is not at all on her career, but on devoting most of her energy to her family.

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

In 08, Sun Li married Deng Chao, who is also an actor, and the two are one of the best model couples in the entertainment industry. After 14 years, their relationship is still as warm as ever, resentful of each other, and they love each other. Deng Chao once publicly said, "Lizi is virtuous and prosperous." Although the love of the young couple is rarely exposed in front of the camera, it can be seen through the information from the mouths of friends.

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

At home, Sun Li did her best to help the house, carefully take care of the housework, and manage the family. She is diligent and thrifty, never extravagant and wasteful, and often wears her old clothes from the previous season on her daughter. "I can wear a piece of clothing for 10 years!" This is Sun Li's own true words.

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

Living frugally is a concept that Sun Li has established since she was a child, largely from her family background. Sun Li's family was poor since she was a child, and her parents divorced, so she traveled to and fro with relatives all year round. The poverty of those years left an indelible shadow on her heart, so she attached great importance to the frugal education of her children.

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

In addition to frugality, Sun Li's edification of her children also revolves around the word "diligence". She always takes her children outdoors to participate in various activities, so that they can master practical life skills and learn to work. As a result, his 8-year-old son Xiaotai has been able to do some simple household chores on his own and has developed good habits. Sun Li insists that thrift and thrift are the skills of children's lives.

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

Living in the Sun family, the adults live an extremely simple life. Sun Li's husband Deng Chao once said that he "sleeps, films, and eats" every day, and there is no other entertainment. And Sun Li's own life is also a "little lucky" - in addition to accompanying her family, she is practicing calligraphy, yoga, and playing cello at home. She understands and yearns for this kind of indifferent and tranquil life, both inside and out.

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

The career is low-key, and the internal cultivation is self-sufficient

Of course, this does not mean that Sun Li has completely lost her career. It's just that her mind has long gone beyond the superficial pursuit of fame and fortune, and has instead focused more on the cultivation of her heart.

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

In 2021, Sun Li participated in the selection of the "Feitian Award" and was shortlisted for Best Actress with "Ideal City". Although she failed to win the award in the end, the scene of her choking up and crying at the ceremony was touching. Over the years, her determination to pursue her career and never give up is admirable.

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

In her work, Sun Li has always been conscientious and conscientious, and she is very profound about every role. A staff member once revealed that during the filming of "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Sun Li often left the table to eat because of repeated pondering of the lines. She also tries to avoid dealing with other people in the crew, so as not to affect her state of mind. It can be seen that she is dedicated to her career.

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

Although Sun Li rarely appears on the screen now, she has not left the profession of actor. In recent years, she still takes on some high-quality dramas from time to time, but rarely participates in commercial activities. Perhaps this is the simple lifestyle she pursues to "live in the moment".

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

What Sun Li pursues is a kind of "hermit" life that is indifferent to fame and fortune - she no longer pursues exposure excessively, but puts her mind on the cultivation of life. Calligraphy, Chinese painting, yoga... She has a wide range of hobbies, and uses these arts to purify the mind, stay away from flashiness, and stay authentic.

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

Some people say that Sun Li's current state is "Mingzhe to protect herself". is different from the celebrity life of running around all day long, she chose to retreat to the countryside and live a simple and comfortable life. Her dedication to her family and her unremitting efforts to cultivate herself show us a kind of "elegant sentiment".

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

Noble conduct, moisturizing things sound

In this impetuous world, there are fewer and fewer people who can maintain inner peace and distinguish between right and wrong. Sun Li is such a rare existence, she uses her words and deeds to declare her elegant sentiments and good morals.

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

One year, Lang Lang's daughter died of illness. As a friend, Sun Li privately took the initiative to donate materials to neighbors in need. "Sister Sun Li treats people in difficulty very well." Neighbors appreciate Sun Li's kindness and empathy.

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

Since many years ago, Sun Li has been committed to various public welfare and charity. She has been involved in the rescue of stray animals for a long time, funded the cost of surgery for disabled children, and donated money and materials to the disaster area many times...... However, Sun Li never stands out in these good deeds, and her public welfare deeds are always low-key to nothing. As she herself said, "Doing good doesn't need to make up for it."

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

Not only that, Sun Li is even more polite to others. She also took the initiative to apologize for an unintentional mistake to a group actor on the set, and gave a valuable compensation gift. "Sun Li is so humble and polite!" Heartfelt praise from the staff.

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

It is true that Sun Li seems to have left the peak of her acting career, but her spiritual realm has reached a new height. From a dazzling star like the sun, she has transformed into a round of indifferent and clear moon, and her inner temperament has won more people's appreciation.

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

Elegant and intellectual, nostalgic for the past and the present

If Sun Li's thrift, diligence and kindness are only one aspect of her noble conduct, then her profound cultivation and enthusiasm for traditional culture are the most striking characteristics of Sun Li, a "virtuous person".

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

Since getting married, Sun Li has been immersed in the beautiful life of the scholarly family intentionally or unintentionally. She is obsessed with poetry and songs, and often splashes ink in the yard and recites poems. The study became her favorite place to stay, and she was always firmly nailed to the ancient books, and she never tired of reading for hours.

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

Occasionally, in her spare time, Sun Li would stroll in the small garden behind the house, or practice calligraphy on her knees, or play chess, or splash ink, or recite poems, which was completely cold and leisurely and elegant. Some people jokingly called her "like out of Langyuan, Zhuo Ju is very".

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

Sun Li is hungry for classical culture, and she longs for spiritual purification and sublimation. It is this dedication that allows her to slowly immerse herself in the life of traditional literati, without any pretentiousness, and with a bit of fireworks and elegance.

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

This may also be the root of her life proposition of "frugality, indifference, kindness, and self-love". These seemingly ordinary values are precisely the most precious part of the essence of Chinese culture. Sun Li strives to practice this value concept in her own life, because she wants to lead by example and turn things into things.

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

Some people commented on Sun Li's living conditions, "like bathing in the simple fragrance of oriental culture". Honestly. In a way, she has become the embodiment of retroism and a watchman of the spirit of tradition.

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path


Sun Li, who is now 47 years old, is in the golden stage of her life. However, she chose to distance herself from the bizarre entertainment industry and lived a simple life of seclusion and self-cultivation.

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

A good wife and mother, elegant and refined, full of poetry and books, happy in the garden...... Sun Li's lifestyle can be called a modern version of the "boudoir woman". She not only taught by words and deeds, showing her good character to her family, but also impressed countless people with her noble sentiments and great wisdom and wisdom.

Sun Li, who is wise enough to protect herself and whose exposure has declined, has embarked on another path

In today's tide of drunken gold fans, Sun Li's attitude towards life undoubtedly has high value and practical significance - she allows us to see another way of living quietly, serenely and indifferently in addition to the fast-paced life. Perhaps, this is also the reason why Sun Li took the initiative to "hide". She uses her life choices to explain the true meaning of "living in the moment" to the world.

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