
The U.S. ban on chip exports has become a joke, foreign media; China is not like before, and it can't hold it anymore

author:Winter solstice plum fragrance

Do you know? If the heart of the world is finance, then its brain must be a chip. Chips are everywhere in our lives, from smartphones to high-speed computers to self-driving cars, and they are the cornerstone of modern technology. So, a simple question: what would our lives look like if one day we could no longer use the most advanced chips?

The U.S. ban on chip exports has become a joke, foreign media; China is not like before, and it can't hold it anymore

In the race between China and the United States in science and technology, chips have become the most critical chess pieces on the chessboard. In recent years, with the rapid development of China's technology, the United States has become nervous, and they are worried about losing their position as a leader in science and technology.

As a result, we have seen one policy after another to restrict exports to China. But have you ever wondered what all this means to us?

The U.S. ban on chip exports has become a joke, foreign media; China is not like before, and it can't hold it anymore

The United States used to be the leader in chip technology, and their technology is unrivaled by a global leader. In 2017, giants such as Intel and Texas Instruments have been playing a pivotal role in chip manufacturing. However, just as they were enjoying the market advantage, what they didn't expect was that the opposite player was also quietly catching up.

The U.S. ban on chip exports has become a joke, foreign media; China is not like before, and it can't hold it anymore

China began to develop its own chip technology in 1979, when the technology was still rudimentary, but this decision laid the foundation for later development. By 2008, with the strong support of the government, China's chip manufacturing industry began to see the light of day. However, just as China was ready to make a big move, the United States began to intervene.

The U.S. ban on chip exports has become a joke, foreign media; China is not like before, and it can't hold it anymore

U.S. policy is undoubtedly a major challenge for China. In the past, China relied on importing high-end chips, especially from the United States. But now, the U.S. ban seems to have pushed China to a technological end. It's not just about chips, it's about the survival of China's future high-tech industry.

The U.S. ban on chip exports has become a joke, foreign media; China is not like before, and it can't hold it anymore

But the Chinese have an old saying, "do not back down in the face of difficulties", which is not only an attitude, but also an action. In the face of external pressure, China did not choose to wait, but accelerated the pace of independent research and development. By 2022, China has been able to produce 14nm chips, which marks a new milestone in chip manufacturing in China.

The U.S. ban on chip exports has become a joke, foreign media; China is not like before, and it can't hold it anymore

This progress is not accidental. Behind it is the efforts of countless scientific researchers day and night, and the result of the country's pooling of resources.

For example, the team at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China has not only developed a new glass perforation technology, but also significantly reduced manufacturing costs, making chips thinner and more powerful.

This innovation is not only a technological breakthrough, but also a powerful response to external blockades.

The U.S. ban on chip exports has become a joke, foreign media; China is not like before, and it can't hold it anymore

Over the years, the quality and technical level of China's chips have improved by leaps and bounds. But what is surprising is that all this development turned out to be done under the severe export restrictions of the United States. This is enough to prove that the lockdown does not stop a country's scientific and technological progress, but may stimulate more innovation and independent development.

The U.S. ban on chip exports has become a joke, foreign media; China is not like before, and it can't hold it anymore

Although China has made a lot of achievements in chip technology, this technology race is far from over. Every progress in chip technology means new market opportunities and international competitiveness. And the United States, as the former technological hegemon, obviously will not let go easily.

In this invisible battlefield, every step is a layout for the future. The U.S. is trying to slow China down through a technological blockade, while China is responding to the challenge through independent innovation. This kind of "you come and go" situation is not only a contest between the two countries, but also a rebalancing of the global technology landscape.

The U.S. ban on chip exports has become a joke, foreign media; China is not like before, and it can't hold it anymore

And, let's not forget that chips aren't just about national security, they also have a profound impact on our daily lives. From smartphones to smart homes, none of this would be possible without chips. Therefore, every technological breakthrough of chips is directly related to our quality of life.

The question now is, is this really reasonable when a country's scientific and technological development is limited by the external environment? Shouldn't the development of science and technology be the common progress of all mankind?

The U.S. ban on chip exports has become a joke, foreign media; China is not like before, and it can't hold it anymore

We often say that technology knows no borders, but today's reality doesn't seem to be that way. Every country is competing for its own benefit, and this competition sometimes makes us forget the meaning of technology itself. So, should we continue this competition, or should we find a more cooperative way to advance science and technology together?

The U.S. ban on chip exports has become a joke, foreign media; China is not like before, and it can't hold it anymore

This is a question that deserves to be pondered by all, not just scientists and policymakers, but everyone who uses tech products.

After all, technology ultimately serves humanity itself. When we use every smart device, perhaps we should ask: how did the technology behind this come about? And how do we properly move it forward?

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