
First! The Chinese and US military planes exchanged hands in the airspace of Orchid Island, and the smell of gunpowder was full, and the media on the island should have shut up a long time ago

author:It is very ornamental

On a calm afternoon on 8 May, a U.S. military plane quietly flew into the airspace near Taiwan's Lanyu Island, looking like it was conducting routine reconnaissance activities. Unexpectedly, this time they encountered a resolute "roadblock" - Chinese PLA fighters.

First! The Chinese and US military planes exchanged hands in the airspace of Orchid Island, and the smell of gunpowder was full, and the media on the island should have shut up a long time ago

The PLA pilots immediately activated the fighter plane after receiving the order and quickly flew to the position of the US military plane. After approaching, the Chinese pilot issued a warning over the radio: "American plane, I am the Chinese Air Force, and you have approached me to indicate your intentions." This sentence sounds direct and serious.

First! The Chinese and US military planes exchanged hands in the airspace of Orchid Island, and the smell of gunpowder was full, and the media on the island should have shut up a long time ago

Interestingly, the pilots of the U.S. military planes seemed quite relaxed, and they responded, "Take it easy." The light-hearted reply may have been an attempt to ease tensions, but it did not change the actions of the Chinese military aircraft.

According to reports, the location of the broadcast evacuation occurred in the airspace directly east of Orchid Island, about 12 nautical miles from the island. This location is very crucial, as it is almost within the self-proclaimed air supremacy of the Taiwanese authorities.

First! The Chinese and US military planes exchanged hands in the airspace of Orchid Island, and the smell of gunpowder was full, and the media on the island should have shut up a long time ago

Generally speaking, it is common for PLA fighters to drive away US military planes near the coast of the mainland, but it is rare to see them so close to Taiwan.

First! The Chinese and US military planes exchanged hands in the airspace of Orchid Island, and the smell of gunpowder was full, and the media on the island should have shut up a long time ago

The reaction of the Taiwanese side is also interesting. From 6 a.m. on the 8th to 6 a.m. on the 9th, the Taiwan military detected that the People's Liberation Army (PLA) had 23 sorties and five warships operating near the Taiwan Strait, and eight of them were in the southwest and east of the island. It is likely that this in-flight conversation took place on one of the eight planes.

First! The Chinese and US military planes exchanged hands in the airspace of Orchid Island, and the smell of gunpowder was full, and the media on the island should have shut up a long time ago

Located about 76 kilometers from Eluanbi, Taiwan's most southeastern island, Orchid Island is a strategically important location for both sides. It has been learned that the US plane may have been driven away by the PLA's J-16 fighter or Y-8 patrol plane.

The U.S. RC-135 reconnaissance plane, which took off from Kadena in the Ryukyu Islands during that time, traveled through the East China Sea area of Taiwan to the South China Sea to conduct reconnaissance activities.

First! The Chinese and US military planes exchanged hands in the airspace of Orchid Island, and the smell of gunpowder was full, and the media on the island should have shut up a long time ago

This action by PLA fighters reflects the fact that the PLA is gradually gaining air supremacy in the airspace east of Taiwan. The "adjacent zone" on the Taiwan side, in accordance with the strategic deployment of the Taiwan military, is the position where Taiwan's naval and air forces are kept.

In this case, PLA warplanes demonstrated their presence in this strategic location, while also sending a clear signal that the PLA is capable of conducting effective military activities, even in Taiwan's backyard.

First! The Chinese and US military planes exchanged hands in the airspace of Orchid Island, and the smell of gunpowder was full, and the media on the island should have shut up a long time ago

Naturally, the media in the Taiwan region were full of tension and concern about this incident. They quickly reported on the actions of the PLA fighters, recording the time and place in detail. This has caused quite a stir in Taiwanese society, after all, this kind of direct military confrontation in the airspace east of Taiwan was very rare in the past.

First! The Chinese and US military planes exchanged hands in the airspace of Orchid Island, and the smell of gunpowder was full, and the media on the island should have shut up a long time ago

In the current international situation, any military friction between China and the United States is closely watched by countries around the world and the international media. This military operation in the airspace near Orchid Island has heightened tensions in the area.

The rapid response and tactical execution of the PLA showed their military strategy and strength. Although the expulsion did not lead to any actual conflict, it was clearly a powerful response to U.S. military reconnaissance activities near Taiwan.

First! The Chinese and US military planes exchanged hands in the airspace of Orchid Island, and the smell of gunpowder was full, and the media on the island should have shut up a long time ago

This incident may become an important node in future cross-strait relations and Sino-US relations. It is a clear demonstration of the balance of power and the strategic intentions of the two Powers in this sensitive region.

First! The Chinese and US military planes exchanged hands in the airspace of Orchid Island, and the smell of gunpowder was full, and the media on the island should have shut up a long time ago

For the Taiwan region, this incident is also a wake-up call. It reminds the Taiwan authorities that their so-called air supremacy is not as stable as they imagined, and that they need to be more cautious in handling cross-strait relations in the face of the mainland's growing military capabilities.

First! The Chinese and US military planes exchanged hands in the airspace of Orchid Island, and the smell of gunpowder was full, and the media on the island should have shut up a long time ago

The scene in the airspace near Orchid Island on the afternoon of 8 May was an important event that marked a new phase in the dynamics of regional power and could also become a footnote in future history books. In the future, we may be able to see more clearly the long-term implications of this event for the regional and even global political landscape.