
How Do I Configure Linux Routes?

author:Network Engineer - Director Guo

As shown in the following figure, there are two networks, network segment 0 and network segment 2, router 1 forms 0 network segment, and router 2 separates 2 network segments from router

How Do I Configure Linux Routes?

If you want to communicate directly between different network segments, you need to add a route, such as the Linux route add command:

route [add|del] [-net|-host] target [netmask Nm] [gw Gw] [[dev] If]

add: Add a routing rule

del : Deletes a routing rule

-net : The destination address is a network

-host : The destination address is a host

target: The destination network or host

netmask : The netmask of the destination address

GW: The gateway through which the packet is routed

dev : The network interface specified for the route

1. Add host routes

  If you want the host to ping the host, you need to go through Router 2 and add a route to on the host, and the following command is added:

  route add -host gw dev eth0

  The meaning of this command is that hosts accessing messages are forwarded from port Run the route command to view the added routes

How Do I Configure Linux Routes?
Destination Target network or target host. If the destination is default(, it means that this is the default gateway and all data is sent to this gateway ( here)
Gateway Gateway address, indicates that the destination corresponding to the current record is in the same network segment as the local machine, and does not need to go through the gateway for communication (the communication between two hosts in the same LAN does not need to go through the gateway)
Genmask The netmask of the Destination field needs to be set to when the destination is the host, and when the default route is the destination
Flags sign
  • U - Up means valid
  • G - Gateway indicates the connection route, if there is no field, it indicates the destination address of the direct connection
  • H - Host indicates that the target is a specific host, not a network segment
  • R restores entries generated by dynamic routing
  • D is dynamically installed by the routed daemon
  • M is modified by the router's daemon
  • ! Reject the route
Metric The routing distance, the number of transfers required to reach a given network, is required for large LAN and WAN setups (not used in the Linux kernel.) )
Ref Number of route item references (not used in the Linux kernel.) )
Use The number of times this route item was looked up by routing software
Iface NIC name, e.g. eth0; Which network interface is required to get to this network segment. That is, eth0 is the network card

  The first route information means that the information about the access host is forwarded from the gateway.

  To delete this route, simply execute: route del

2. Add a network route

  The first way to add a host route can only access one directory host, if wants to access all the hosts in the 0 network segment, it is obviously very troublesome to add the 0 network segment hosts again, by adding the network route, as long as you add a 0 network route on the host, the add command is as follows:

  route add -net netmask gw dev eth0

  This target is the network, so you need to set the subnet mask and use the route command to check the added network routes

How Do I Configure Linux Routes?

  This route indicates that all messages on CIDR block 0 are forwarded from the gateway

  删除网络路由:route del -net gw

3. Add a default route

  如果2网段主机想访问其他所以网段的网络,只需要添加默认路由即可:route add default gw dev eth0

How Do I Configure Linux Routes?

  The default route means that all information accessing non-2 CIDR blocks is forwarded from

  删除默认路由:route del default


(The copyright belongs to the original author, invaded and deleted)

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How Do I Configure Linux Routes?