
Quitting smoking for the elderly is equivalent to "death"? What should people pay attention to when they are old enough to quit smoking? Make it clear at once

author:Mingjie Health Chinese Medicine

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Zhang Wei is a retired secondary school principal who has smoked cigarettes for half his life at the age of 70.

For Zhang Wei, smoking is not only a hobby, but also a habit and emotional sustenance.

Every time he lit a cigarette, memories filled like smoke, taking him back to those busy and fulfilling years.

Quitting smoking for the elderly is equivalent to "death"? What should people pay attention to when they are old enough to quit smoking? Make it clear at once

Recently, however, Zhang Wei has felt chest tightness and shortness of breath, coughing frequently, and even waking up at night.

The children repeatedly persuaded him to go to the hospital for examination, and finally, accompanied by his family, Zhang Wei walked into the Municipal People's Hospital.

As soon as he arrived at the hospital, Zhang Wei was arranged to have a series of examinations: chest X-ray, pulmonary function tests, blood tests, etc.

Quitting smoking for the elderly is equivalent to "death"? What should people pay attention to when they are old enough to quit smoking? Make it clear at once

While waiting for the test results, Zhang Wei sat outside the clinic uneasily, and his son Xiao Zhang comforted: "Dad, don't worry too much.

Now that medical technology is so advanced, we must be able to find out why. ”

After a while, the doctor, Director Liu, walked out of the consultation room with Zhang Wei's examination report in his hand.

Quitting smoking for the elderly is equivalent to "death"? What should people pay attention to when they are old enough to quit smoking? Make it clear at once

Director Liu is a veteran respiratory specialist, in his early fifties, slightly serious but with concern in his eyes.

He beckoned Zhang Wei and his son into the consultation room and began to explain the test results: "Mr. Zhang, your chest x-ray shows signs of emphysema, and the pulmonary function test also shows that your lungs have obvious damage.

In addition, some indicators in the blood also indicate that the effects of long-term smoking on the body cannot be ignored. ”

Quitting smoking for the elderly is equivalent to "death"? What should people pay attention to when they are old enough to quit smoking? Make it clear at once

Hearing this, Zhang Wei's heart sank. He had heard about emphysema, a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that was quite tricky to treat.

Director Liu continued: "Mr. Zhang, I advise you to quit smoking as soon as possible, smoking is one of the main causes of lung diseases.

If you continue to smoke, your condition will only worsen. ”

Quitting smoking for the elderly is equivalent to "death"? What should people pay attention to when they are old enough to quit smoking? Make it clear at once

Zhang Wei frowned: "Director Liu, I'm so old, will it be bad for my body to quit smoking suddenly?"

I've heard that quitting smoking is equivalent to 'death', is this true? ”

Director Liu shook his head and patiently explained: "This statement is actually a misunderstanding. Indeed, for long-term smokers, there may be some short-term uncomfortable reactions to quitting smoking.

Quitting smoking for the elderly is equivalent to "death"? What should people pay attention to when they are old enough to quit smoking? Make it clear at once

Such as anxiety, insomnia, changes in appetite, etc., but quitting smoking is definitely good for your health in the long run.

Studies have shown that no matter how old you are, quitting smoking leads to improved health and a reduced risk of serious illnesses such as heart disease and lung cancer. ”

Zhang Wei nodded, although he still had some concerns in his heart, he decided to follow the doctor's advice.

Quitting smoking for the elderly is equivalent to "death"? What should people pay attention to when they are old enough to quit smoking? Make it clear at once

Director Liu further formulated a smoking cessation plan for Zhang Wei: "Mr. Zhang, quitting smoking is not something that can be achieved overnight.

You can gradually reduce the amount of cigarettes you smoke, seek professional guidance to quit smoking, and provide support and encouragement from your family.

Our hospital has a smoking cessation clinic where you can come back regularly and we will adjust your smoking cessation strategy according to your situation. ”

Quitting smoking for the elderly is equivalent to "death"? What should people pay attention to when they are old enough to quit smoking? Make it clear at once

A few months later, Zhang Wei came to the hospital again for a follow-up visit. This time he was noticeably more energetic, although he had experienced some difficulties in quitting smoking.

But with the help of Director Liu, he gradually overcame these challenges.

Zhang Wei's lung function has also improved, and the symptoms of chest tightness and cough have been significantly reduced. Seeing such a result, he and his family were relieved.

Quitting smoking for the elderly is equivalent to "death"? What should people pay attention to when they are old enough to quit smoking? Make it clear at once

Through Zhang Wei's story, it is not difficult to see that the elderly quit smoking is not a "death", but an opportunity to regain their health.

As we age, the body's ability to repair itself, although weakened, remains.

It's never too late to quit smoking, and the health benefits of quitting are significant, even in older adults.

Quitting smoking for the elderly is equivalent to "death"? What should people pay attention to when they are old enough to quit smoking? Make it clear at once

For the elderly who smoke for a long time, the following points need to be paid attention to in the process of quitting smoking.

Quitting smoking abruptly may lead to withdrawal, and gradually reducing the amount of cigarettes you smoke helps your body adapt gradually.

Professional institutions such as smoking cessation clinics and smoking cessation hotlines can provide scientific smoking cessation methods and psychological support.

Quitting smoking for the elderly is equivalent to "death"? What should people pay attention to when they are old enough to quit smoking? Make it clear at once

Family encouragement and understanding play a crucial role in the process of quitting smoking.

Quit smoking and develop healthy lifestyle habits, such as a balanced diet, moderate exercise, and adequate sleep, which can help improve your physical condition.

Regular follow-up visits to the hospital, the doctor will adjust the smoking cessation strategy according to the patient's specific situation to ensure that the smoking cessation process goes smoothly.

Quitting smoking for the elderly is equivalent to "death"? What should people pay attention to when they are old enough to quit smoking? Make it clear at once

Zhang Wei's successful quitting not only improved his lung function, but also made him feel the beauty of life again.

Quitting smoking isn't just about prolonging life, it's about improving your quality of life and enjoying a healthier and happier old age.

Quitting smoking is a big decision for every senior, but the health benefits it brings are not negligible.

Quitting smoking for the elderly is equivalent to "death"? What should people pay attention to when they are old enough to quit smoking? Make it clear at once

In summary, quitting smoking in the elderly is not a "death", but an important opportunity to regain health.

Regardless of age, quitting smoking can significantly improve health and reduce the risk of major illnesses.

Through scientific smoking cessation methods and professional medical guidance, the elderly can successfully quit smoking and enjoy a higher quality of life.

Quitting smoking for the elderly is equivalent to "death"? What should people pay attention to when they are old enough to quit smoking? Make it clear at once

I hope that every elderly smoker can be like Zhang Wei and bravely take the first step to quit smoking and welcome a healthy future.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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