
The 918 incident, why didn't Zhang Xueliang resist? The company commander recalled: Give whatever you want, you are not allowed to fight

author:Run to the rising sun

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The 918 incident, why didn't Zhang Xueliang resist? The company commander recalled: Give whatever you want, you are not allowed to fight

In that turbulent era, the September 18 Incident became an indelible scar in Chinese history. Whenever this incident is mentioned, people can't help but think of the question: Why did Zhang Xueliang, the leader of the Northeast Army, choose not to resist at a critical moment? Today, we will explore the truth behind this through the memories of a company commander.

The 918 incident, why didn't Zhang Xueliang resist? The company commander recalled: Give whatever you want, you are not allowed to fight

On the eve of the 918 incident, the sky in the northeast was covered with heavy clouds. The Japanese army was frequently provocative in the border areas, while the Northeast Army was on standby and ready for a possible conflict. However, in this tense atmosphere, a shocking news spread throughout the Tohoku region: no matter what Japanese demanded, the Tohoku Army must meet it unconditionally and must not resist.

This company commander was a member of the Northeast Army at that time. He recalled that chaotic night, when the superior officers urgently summoned them to a meeting to convey the order. The company commander and many soldiers looked at each other, unable to understand the logic behind this decision. But the order was like a mountain, and they had to carry it out.

The 918 incident, why didn't Zhang Xueliang resist? The company commander recalled: Give whatever you want, you are not allowed to fight

As the Japanese army's attack became more and more fierce, the Northeast Army could only watch its homeland being invaded. The company commander and his soldiers were filled with anger and helplessness. They don't understand why their own country should choose to make humiliating concessions in the face of a foreign invasion.

In the memory of the company commander, there is one detail that stands out in particular. When the Japanese army made unreasonable demands, General Zhang Xueliang did not put up a fierce resistance, but chose to compromise. He ordered the troops to retreat and told the soldiers: "Give whatever you want, don't fight." This sentence pierced the hearts of the company commanders and soldiers like a sharp knife.

The 918 incident, why didn't Zhang Xueliang resist? The company commander recalled: Give whatever you want, you are not allowed to fight

With the escalation of the war, more and more people in Northeast China are in dire straits. They lost their homes, loved ones were killed, and their property was plundered. And the culprit of all this turned out to be the policy of non-resistance adopted by their own army. This humiliation and pain made the company commander and the soldiers feel tormented.

After experiencing endless pain and suffering, the company commander and his soldiers finally understood General Zhang Xueliang's helplessness and suffering. They knew that General Zhang Xueliang did not really want to give up resistance, but faced pressure from the Nanjing government and disagreements within the Northeast Army. Constrained by various factors, he had to make this difficult decision.

The 918 incident, why didn't Zhang Xueliang resist? The company commander recalled: Give whatever you want, you are not allowed to fight

However, this decision did not bring peace and tranquility. On the contrary, it made the Japanese army even more arrogant and arrogant. They carried out large-scale atrocities of burning, looting and massacring civilians in the northeast. Countless innocent people have lost their homes and loved ones, and the entire northeast is in dire straits.

Now, when we look back on this period of history, we can't help but ask: If General Zhang Xueliang had chosen to resist at that time, what would have been the result? Perhaps, history will change because of this. But in any case, this history has left a profound lesson for us. It tells us that the dignity and honor of a nation cannot be exchanged for compromise and concession. Only with firm conviction and courageous struggle can true peace and tranquility be won.

The 918 incident, why didn't Zhang Xueliang resist? The company commander recalled: Give whatever you want, you are not allowed to fight

Through the memories of this company commander, we see the truth and helplessness behind the 918 incident. At the same time, we should also remember this history and draw lessons and strength from it. Let us work together for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

Question Thinking:

In the face of foreign invasion, how should a country or nation choose? Do you choose to compromise and back down, or do you have firm convictions and fight bravely? What impact does such a choice have on the future of the country and the nation? Readers are invited to think and discuss.