
When the grain and grass camp was attacked, he proposed the best countermeasures, but was falsely accused afterwards and surrendered directly to Cao Cao

author:Run to the rising sun

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When the grain and grass camp was attacked, he proposed the best countermeasures, but was falsely accused afterwards and surrendered directly to Cao Cao

In the turbulent times of the Three Kingdoms, the situation was changing and wars were frequent. The Wei army's grain and grass camp, as a military stronghold, has always been a target coveted by the enemy. However, on a stormy night, the Shu army launched an attack unexpectedly, and the grain and grass camp instantly fell into a sea of fire.

When the grain and grass camp was attacked, he proposed the best countermeasures, but was falsely accused afterwards and surrendered directly to Cao Cao

The Wei generals panicked and were helpless in the face of a sudden attack. However, at this critical moment, a general named Zhang He stepped forward. He calmly analyzed the situation and found that although the defenders of the grain and grass camp were brave, they were limited in number and could hardly resist the fierce offensive of the Shu army. At the same time, he also noticed that although the Shu army was aggressive, its forces were scattered and it was difficult to form a joint force.

Based on these observations, Zhang He proposed a bold and ingenious countermeasure. He suggested abandoning the grain and grass camp, so that the Shu army mistakenly thought that it had succeeded, and then secretly mobilized the army and set up an ambush on the road that the Shu army must pass to retreat. In this way, when the Shu army returned with a full load and relaxed its vigilance, the Wei army could annihilate it in one fell swoop.

When the grain and grass camp was attacked, he proposed the best countermeasures, but was falsely accused afterwards and surrendered directly to Cao Cao

This countermeasure was approved by the commander-in-chief of the Wei army. So, under the command of Zhang He, the Wei army began to evacuate the grain and grass camp in an orderly manner, and set up many ambushes on the way. Soon, the Shu army really hit the plan, they saw that the grain and grass camp had become a sea of fire, so they thought that victory was in sight, and began to retreat triumphantly. However, just when they were defenseless, the Wei army ambushed and caught the Shu army by surprise. After a fierce battle, the Shu army was defeated, and the crisis of the grain and grass camp was resolved.

However, just as the Wei army was celebrating its victory, Zhang He was in a difficult situation. It turned out that when he proposed the countermeasure of abandoning the grain and grass camp, he had already offended some people. These people were jealous of his intelligence and merits, so they secretly colluded and falsely accused him of betraying the Wei army and colluding with the Shu army. These false accusations soon reached the Wei commander-in-chief, causing suspicion and dissatisfaction among the commander-in-chief.

When the grain and grass camp was attacked, he proposed the best countermeasures, but was falsely accused afterwards and surrendered directly to Cao Cao

In the face of false accusations and doubts, Zhang He felt extremely wronged and angry. He knew that he was dedicated to the country and loyal, but he was framed and slandered by the villain. However, he did not choose to defend or fight, but chose to surrender directly to Cao Cao. Before surrendering, he left behind a bloody letter detailing his innocence and loyalty, as well as all the darkness and corruption within the Wei army. This blood letter was discovered by later generations and became ironclad evidence to prove Zhang He's innocence.

Under Cao Cao's command, Zhang He refound his own stage. With his intelligence and courage, he repeatedly performed miraculous feats on the battlefield and became a fierce general under Cao Cao. However, he never forgot his experiences and encounters in the Wei army. He knows the importance of loyalty and trust, but also the cruelty and ruthlessness of power struggles. Therefore, under Cao Cao's command, he has always maintained a cautious and low-key attitude, and does not dare to have the slightest slack and negligence.

When the grain and grass camp was attacked, he proposed the best countermeasures, but was falsely accused afterwards and surrendered directly to Cao Cao

This story is not only a historical record, but also a warning to future generations. It tells us that in the face of loyalty and trust, personal gains and losses seem insignificant. However, in real life, we are often tempted and confused by various interests, forgetting our original beliefs and pursuits. Therefore, we need to keep a clear head and a firm stance at all times, and not be swayed and tempted by external objects.

At the same time, the story also reveals the cruelty and ruthlessness of the power struggle. In the face of power, people tend to become ruthless and ruthless, even at the cost of betraying their faith and loyalty. Therefore, we need to be vigilant and vigilant at all times, not to be confused and corrupted by power.

Finally, Zhang He's story leaves us with a profound thought: how should we choose when faced with difficulties and setbacks? Do you stick to your beliefs and pursuits, or do you compromise and give up in order to survive? This is a question worth pondering. In real life, we will also encounter all kinds of difficulties and setbacks, and only by maintaining firm faith and courage can we continue to grow and progress in the face of adversity.

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