
I can't laugh anymore, Sun Yizhou and Deng Jiajia actually played CP, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

author:Fart peach entertainment sauce
I can't laugh anymore, Sun Yizhou and Deng Jiajia actually played CP, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Text \ Crunchy roll fries

Edit\Crunchy roll fries


With the official announcement of the new drama "Laughing Old Alley", Sun Yizhou and Deng Jiajia returned to the screen hand in hand again.


Video source: @一学霸

Sun Yizhou and Deng Jiajia played Lu Ziqiao and Tang Youyou respectively in the "Love Apartment" series were once the audience's favorite characters, but the two did not have a direct emotional line in the play.

I can't laugh anymore, Sun Yizhou and Deng Jiajia actually played CP, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

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In "Laughing Old Alley", they appear as a couple, which undoubtedly brings a new visual and emotional experience to the audience.

I can't laugh anymore, Sun Yizhou and Deng Jiajia actually played CP, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

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This big shift in roles not only challenges the performances of the two actors, but also provides the audience with a whole new angle of entertainment.

I can't laugh anymore, Sun Yizhou and Deng Jiajia actually played CP, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

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The incident spread to the Internet, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

For the first time, I felt that the character was too out of the circle, and it was not too good

I can't laugh anymore, Sun Yizhou and Deng Jiajia actually played CP, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens
I can't laugh anymore, Sun Yizhou and Deng Jiajia actually played CP, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

The main thing is that this poster smiles too much like Lu Ziqiao, hahaha

I can't laugh anymore, Sun Yizhou and Deng Jiajia actually played CP, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

I'm sorry, I feel like they're pretending, and after pretending, I'll say "Little aunt~ I just played a good stopper"

I can't laugh anymore, Sun Yizhou and Deng Jiajia actually played CP, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

If you have to act, you two are not allowed to kiss each other

I can't laugh anymore, Sun Yizhou and Deng Jiajia actually played CP, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens


I can't laugh anymore, Sun Yizhou and Deng Jiajia actually played CP, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Since the release of the series trailer and promotional video, the discussion about Sun Yizhou and Deng Jiajia on major social platforms has not stopped. Fans have high expectations for the new "screen couple", not only creating a number of related topics on Weibo, but also posting many anticipation and speculation articles on Douban and WeChat public accounts. The audience is not only interested in their performances, but also about whether they can recreate the tacit understanding they once had, and how this new character setting will unfold.

Set in a nostalgic Shanghai alley, "Laughing Old Alley" tells the daily life of the residents and the interesting stories of each other in a light-hearted and witty way. The couple, played by Sun Yizhou and Deng Jiajia, will lead the audience to explore the unique charm of old Shanghai and the collision of modern life, looking forward to finding a harmonious balance between tradition and modernity.

Because of the popularity of Sun Yizhou and Deng Jiajia, but also because of the cultural connotation and innovative story setting of the series itself. Entertainment analysts predict that the series could become a hit of the year, especially among viewers looking for rustic jokes and fresh emotional experiences.

The editor has something to say

When "Laughing Old Alley" officially announced that Sun Yizhou and Deng Jiajia would appear as a couple, many old fans of "Love Apartment" were pleasantly surprised. The setting of this couple combination not only caused waves of nostalgic ripples emotionally, but also put forward new challenges and expectations for the career development of the two actors. From Lu Ziqiao and Tang Youyou in "Love Apartment" to the new roles in "Laughing Old Alley", such a change is not only a refresh of the actor's personal image, but also a challenge to the audience's viewing habits.

Recombining two actors who have no emotional clues in "Love Apartment" into a new sitcom is a bold attempt at the audience's emotional cognition. This can not only refresh the audience's impression of the past roles of the two, but also increase the highlights of the series. Sun Yizhou and Deng Jiajia have shown a strong sense of comedy and character control ability in "Love Apartment", and now if this ability can be further exerted and deepened in "Laughing Old Alley", it will undoubtedly attract the attention of more audiences.

From an actor's point of view, this shift in role is also a challenge. Sun Yizhou and Deng Jiajia need to get rid of the audience's inherent impression of their role in "Love Apartment" and create a new and in-depth character image, which requires them to make more effort and innovation in their performance. Especially in terms of chemistry, how the two show different ways of getting along and emotional communication from previous couples will be the key to testing the depth and breadth of their performances.

For viewers, this combination of old and new viewing experience can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, old fans may have high expectations for the new drama because of their love for the past performance of the two; On the other hand, if the relationship between the characters and the plot in the new drama are not delicate enough or deviate greatly from the audience's expectations, it may also cause dissatisfaction among the audience. Therefore, the writers and directors of the series need to be extra careful in the advancement of the plot and the creation of characters to ensure that the new drama can not only attract attention, but also meet the audience's expectations for quality.

This type of drama can reflect the living conditions and emotional needs of contemporary urban people, especially the discussion of the diversity and complexity of modern urban emotions, which can resonate with the audience. By depicting the alley life of old Shanghai, "Laughing Old Alley" contrasts with modern urban life, not only presenting a collision and fusion of cultures, but also providing a perspective to think about how modern people find emotional support in the fast-paced life.

The new combination of Sun Yizhou and Deng Jiajia in "Laughing Old Alley" is not only a new challenge for the performance of the two actors, but also a new test of the audience's viewing habits. This attempt to create a new story by reorganizing the relationships between the characters not only brings new career development opportunities for the actors, but also provides the audience with more diverse entertainment options. How to attract a wider audience while maintaining the original fan base will be the key to the success of "Laughing Old Alley".

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I can't laugh anymore, Sun Yizhou and Deng Jiajia actually played CP, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

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