
I can't laugh anymore, Kim Ji-won was scared by her popularity, but I died laughing in my comment area

author:Fart peach entertainment sauce
I can't laugh anymore, Kim Ji-won was scared by her popularity, but I died laughing in my comment area

Text \ Crunchy roll fries

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Kim Ji Won, a famous South Korean actress, returned to South Korea from Singapore, and Kim Ji Won is extremely popular.


Video source: @drama-chan

So as soon as I arrived at the airport, I was surrounded by a large number of waiting fans and media reporters. The scene was chaotic for a while, but she showed great professionalism and affinity.

I can't laugh anymore, Kim Ji-won was scared by her popularity, but I died laughing in my comment area

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Although she was a little frightened by the crowd of fans, Kim Ji-won remained friendly, waving to the fans and carefully reminding everyone to stay safe.

I can't laugh anymore, Kim Ji-won was scared by her popularity, but I died laughing in my comment area

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With the assistance of security guards and staff, Kim Ji-won finally got in the car and left the airport.

I can't laugh anymore, Kim Ji-won was scared by her popularity, but I died laughing in my comment area

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The incident spread to the Internet, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

It's really beautiful, and it feels like a good person at first glance

I can't laugh anymore, Kim Ji-won was scared by her popularity, but I died laughing in my comment area

Sure enough, it was a wired headset for cave shoes

I can't laugh anymore, Kim Ji-won was scared by her popularity, but I died laughing in my comment area

Hu Lianxin is exactly the same as her

I can't laugh anymore, Kim Ji-won was scared by her popularity, but I died laughing in my comment area

Koreans are really rolling, Kim Ji-won slept for 6 hours and was called a lazy worm

I can't laugh anymore, Kim Ji-won was scared by her popularity, but I died laughing in my comment area

Did her boss pat her and then he took the headphones off?

I can't laugh anymore, Kim Ji-won was scared by her popularity, but I died laughing in my comment area

After the incident, the discussion of the incident on social media heated up dramatically. Many netizens praised Kim Ji Won for her demeanor and professional attitude in the midst of the chaos, believing that she was a role model among public figures. There are also voices that have raised concerns about fan behavior, calling for stricter safety measures to protect the safety of celebrities and the public.

The editor has something to say

In the recent airport incident when Kim Ji-won returned to South Korea from Singapore, we witnessed a phenomenon in celebrity culture: extreme fan enthusiasm can not only bring support for celebrities, but also potential safety risks. This event is not only a typical news topic, but also a starting point for us to reflect on modern celebrity culture and fan behavior.

As public figures, celebrities' every move will receive a high level of attention from the media and fans. Kim Ji Won's high popularity and influence are understandable, and her achievements in the field of art have earned her the love of fans around the world. When the enthusiasm of fans exceeds a certain limit and turns into crowding and excessive star-chasing in public, it must attract our attention. Although the behavior of fans is based on good-faith support, excessive behavior may cause unnecessary distress and even danger to the celebrity himself and even the people around him.

More attention should be paid to the safety of celebrities. In the case of Kim Ji Won Airport, although he was accompanied by security personnel, it can be seen from the videos and pictures at the scene that the security measures were not sufficient. In such a dense crowd, any small chaos can trigger a stampede and other safety accidents, and the safety of not only celebrities, but also ordinary people cannot be guaranteed.

We should look at the attitudes of the public and the media towards celebrities. In today's society, celebrities are often over-mythologized, and their private lives are often infinitely magnified, so that their every action may be interpreted as a news event. This phenomenon not only distorts the public's normal perception of celebrities, but also greatly interferes with the daily lives of celebrities. As a member of society, we should establish a healthier and more rational view of celebrities, and respect their private space and personal rights.

Fan culture itself should also undergo self-reflection and adjustment. Fans' support for celebrities should be based on respect and understanding, rather than unbridled pursuit and possession. Fan groups and individual fans should consciously maintain a healthy fan culture, avoid excessive behavior, and actively cooperate with security measures to jointly create a safe and harmonious public environment.

Kim Ji Won's airport incident is not only a scene of interaction between celebrities and fans, but also a mirror of society's treatment of celebrity cultural phenomena. In the reflection of this incident, we need to re-examine and reconstruct the way we interact with celebrities from multiple perspectives, ensure the safety of public events, and also protect the personal rights and dignity of celebrities. This is not only a respect for Kim Ji-won alone, but also a manifestation of the progress of civilization in the entire society.

What do you think about this?

#头条创作挑战赛 ##网友##评论区##挑战30天在头条写日记##金智媛被自己人气吓到了#

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