
Sometimes it's good to be illiterate!

author:Mountains and rivers have met - there will be a period later
Sometimes it's good to be illiterate!
Sometimes it's good to be illiterate!
Sometimes it's good to be illiterate!
Sometimes it's good to be illiterate!
Sometimes it's good to be illiterate!
Sometimes it's good to be illiterate!
Sometimes it's good to be illiterate!
Sometimes it's good to be illiterate!
Sometimes it's good to be illiterate!
Sometimes it's good to be illiterate!
Sometimes it's good to be illiterate!
Sometimes it's good to be illiterate!
Sometimes it's good to be illiterate!
Sometimes it's good to be illiterate!
Sometimes it's good to be illiterate!
Sometimes it's good to be illiterate!
Sometimes it's good to be illiterate!

In ancient times, there was a small village called Taoyuan, and most of the residents of the village lived a quiet and simple life. However, in this village, there is a young man named Amu who is naturally different - he has never been literate and has never had the idea of learning words.

Amu's parents are hard-working farmers, although they are illiterate, they know that life is not easy, and hope that Amu can learn some knowledge, go out of the mountains, and see the wider world. However, Amu has no interest in words, preferring to be in the company of nature, listening to the sound of the wind and observing the changes of the clouds.

The elders of the village often shook their heads and sighed, believing that Amu was a child with no future. They couldn't understand why such a clever young man was so resistant to words. But Amu was never discouraged by this, and he firmly believed that illiteracy also had the benefits of being illiterate.

One day, a stranger came to Taoyuan Village, who claimed to be a merchant and brought a precious item called "silk". This silk has a bright color and soft texture, and the villagers are attracted to it. The merchant said he could provide the silk as long as the villagers were willing to exchange it for grain.

After deliberation, the village elders decided to exchange a portion of the grain for this novelty. However, when the merchant came up with the deed for the villagers to sign, everyone was in a difficult situation. Most of them were illiterate and could not confirm the contents of the contract.

At this time, Amu stood up. He carefully observed the contract and then explained its contents to everyone in his own way. It turned out that the merchant had secretly manipulated the contract, and he was actually exchanging grain well above the market price for the silk.

Under Amu's revelations, the merchant's plot is revealed. The villagers angrily drove him out of the village. And Amu, because of his wit and bravery, has won the respect and trust of the villagers.

After this incident, Amu began to realize that he was illiterate, but he had a special insight. He is able to perceive details that others overlook, and he is also able to make sense of the complex world in his own way.

Gradually, Amu played an increasingly important role in the village. He used his wisdom and courage to help the villagers solve many problems. He taught everyone how to distinguish the real from the fake and how to protect their own interests. His words are simple yet profound, and people are deeply inspired.

However, Amu did not become complacent because of this. He knows that his wisdom does not come from books, but from the love of life and the reverence for nature. He still spends his days in the company of nature, listening to the sound of the wind and observing the changes of the clouds.

Time flies, and Amu gradually gets old. But he is still the soul of the village, and his wisdom and courage continue to influence the younger generation.

On a sunny afternoon, Amu sat on a stone at the entrance of the village, looking out at the mountains and rivers in the distance. His heart was filled with satisfaction and pride. He knew that although he was not literate, he wrote his own chapter of life in his own way.

At this time, a young villager walked up to Amu and asked him for advice on the wisdom of life. Amu smiled and replied, "Child, there is nothing special about me who can't read. But I believe that as long as we feel life with our hearts and love nature, we can discover the true meaning of life. ”

The young villager was so inspired by this that he bowed deeply to Amu before turning to leave. Amu looked at his back, his heart full of hope. He knows that his wisdom and courage will continue to live on in the village, inspiring generations to pursue their dreams.

Amu's story has spread in Taoyuan Village and has become an eternal legend. It tells people that sometimes illiteracy is also beneficial, because we can understand the world in our own way and create our own wonderful life.