
Why do you often take your child to play no matter how poor you are?

author:Mountains and rivers have met - there will be a period later
Why do you often take your child to play no matter how poor you are?
Why do you often take your child to play no matter how poor you are?
Why do you often take your child to play no matter how poor you are?
Why do you often take your child to play no matter how poor you are?
Why do you often take your child to play no matter how poor you are?
Why do you often take your child to play no matter how poor you are?
Why do you often take your child to play no matter how poor you are?
Why do you often take your child to play no matter how poor you are?
Why do you often take your child to play no matter how poor you are?
Why do you often take your child to play no matter how poor you are?
Why do you often take your child to play no matter how poor you are?
Why do you often take your child to play no matter how poor you are?
Why do you often take your child to play no matter how poor you are?
Why do you often take your child to play no matter how poor you are?
Why do you often take your child to play no matter how poor you are?

In a small town in ancient times, there lived a poor couple named Li Laohan and Zhao. The two make a living from farming, and although their lives are hard, they share a common belief: no matter how poor they are, they must often take their children out to play. Their child, named Xiao Ming, is a well-known bright and lively child in town.

Xiao Ming has been full of curiosity about the world since he was a child, he often pesters his parents to ask this and that, and is full of strong interest in everything in the town. However, the other children in the town often laughed at him, saying that his family was too poor to even read a book, let alone go out to play.

In the face of these ridicules, Xiao Ming felt very uncomfortable, but he did not give up his yearning for the outside world. He often stood at the door of his house, looking at the mountains and rivers in the distance, and fantasized about one day being able to explore the unknown world himself.

Li Laohan and Zhao saw it in their eyes and felt pain in their hearts. They know that although their families are poor, they cannot deprive their children of their desire to explore the world. So, they decided that no matter how poor they were, they would often take Xiao Ming out to play.

One day, Mr. Li came back from the bazaar with a worn-out book in his hand. He told Xiao Ming that he had borrowed it from a scholar, and that it recorded a lot of knowledge about nature and humanity. Xiao Ming is like a treasure, and he can't put it down every day.

However, the knowledge in the book is limited after all, and Xiao Ming is eager to experience those amazing natural phenomena and human customs firsthand. So, Li Laohan and Zhao decided to take Xiao Ming to explore in the mountains and forests outside the town.

They prepared simple food and water, carried Xiao Ming's luggage, and embarked on an expedition. Along the way, Xiao Ming was excited, he saw flowers and trees that he had never seen before, and heard all kinds of wonderful birds and insects. They also met several enthusiastic hunters and asked them a lot about the mountains and forests.

This expedition was an eye-opener for Xiao Ming, who felt the magic and beauty of nature. He understands that poverty does not limit his desire to explore the outside world, and that with a curious heart and strong faith, he can go out into the wider world.

After returning to the town, Xiao Ming became more confident and cheerful. He no longer cares about the ridicule and contempt of others, but is more active in communicating and learning with his classmates. He used his own experience to tell the students that poverty does not stop us from pursuing knowledge and exploring the world.

Over time, Xiao Ming grew into an adult, and he became a learned scholar. He used his knowledge and wisdom to solve many problems for the people of the town, and won everyone's respect and love.

When asked the secret of his success, he always smiled and said, "I am not where I am today because of the teaching and support of my parents." They told me that no matter how poor I was, I should always take my children out to play. This quote has benefited me a lot, it has taught me the importance of knowledge and the joy of exploring the world. I am grateful to my parents for giving me such an upbringing and upbringing. ”

This story became a good story in the town, and people sighed at the wise move of Li Laohan and Zhao. With their actions, they proved the importance of taking their children out to play no matter how poor they are. This story teaches us a truth: poverty does not stop us from pursuing knowledge and exploring the world. As long as we maintain a curious heart and firm faith, we can go to the wider world and realize the value of our life.