
Mom with cancer is getting married again! This time she fulfilled her 21st wish! Who knows the gold content at this moment

author:The lamb said that everything in the world is going on
Mom with cancer is getting married again! This time she fulfilled her 21st wish! Who knows the gold content at this moment

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Editor|Little Sheep says everything in the world


Love is like a rock, and all wishes come true. "Today we're going to talk about a touching story.


Video source @ Chizao is me

Recently, a Guizhou woman named "Deng Jing's mother" posted a series of videos on the online platform recording her life in the terminal stage of cancer.

Mom with cancer is getting married again! This time she fulfilled her 21st wish! Who knows the gold content at this moment

In the video, she said that she wanted to challenge to fulfill 100 life wishes, and her husband He Zhe took care of her wholeheartedly and became her strongest backing.

Mom with cancer is getting married again! This time she fulfilled her 21st wish! Who knows the gold content at this moment

This story not only touched countless netizens, but also let us see the power of love and tenacity.

Mom with cancer is getting married again! This time she fulfilled her 21st wish! Who knows the gold content at this moment

The event passed

Deng Jing, a woman from Guizhou, was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

Mom with cancer is getting married again! This time she fulfilled her 21st wish! Who knows the gold content at this moment

However, she was not defeated by her illness and decided to fulfill 100 life wishes in the remaining days.

Mom with cancer is getting married again! This time she fulfilled her 21st wish! Who knows the gold content at this moment

To document all this, she posted videos on online platforms sharing her journey and wish list.

The guardianship of the husband

Deng Jing's husband, He Zhe, gave up his job because he had to take care of his wife.

Mom with cancer is getting married again! This time she fulfilled her 21st wish! Who knows the gold content at this moment

"She is a part of my life and no matter what happens, I will never leave her," he said affectionately in the video. ”

Mom with cancer is getting married again! This time she fulfilled her 21st wish! Who knows the gold content at this moment

This kind of deep friendship has moved countless netizens.


In Deng Jing's wish list, there is a special wish: "Brother Zhe, let's have another wedding." ”

Mom with cancer is getting married again! This time she fulfilled her 21st wish! Who knows the gold content at this moment

This is her 21st wish, expressing her gratitude and love for her husband,

Mom with cancer is getting married again! This time she fulfilled her 21st wish! Who knows the gold content at this moment

I also hope that in the last days of my life, I can experience the happy moment of the wedding again.

Netizens are hotly discussed

Who understands the scene of the eldest son holding the ring box with tears in his eyes

Mom with cancer is getting married again! This time she fulfilled her 21st wish! Who knows the gold content at this moment

Netizen: When I saw the scene of my eldest son coming out, I burst into tears


Mom with cancer is getting married again! This time she fulfilled her 21st wish! Who knows the gold content at this moment
Mom with cancer is getting married again! This time she fulfilled her 21st wish! Who knows the gold content at this moment

They are counting down every day

Mom with cancer is getting married again! This time she fulfilled her 21st wish! Who knows the gold content at this moment
Mom with cancer is getting married again! This time she fulfilled her 21st wish! Who knows the gold content at this moment

You have blossomed into a dazzling flower in the river of life

Mom with cancer is getting married again! This time she fulfilled her 21st wish! Who knows the gold content at this moment

Netizen: I feel that my mother's expression is very peaceful, accepting everything and enjoying everything, just right

Her world is full of laughter and laughter to accompany her to welcome her new life

Mom with cancer is getting married again! This time she fulfilled her 21st wish! Who knows the gold content at this moment

The lamb has something to say

The story of Deng Jing's mother allows us to see what tenacity and courage are, and also makes us realize the great power of love.

In the face of life's challenges, Deng Jing chose to face them positively, lighting up her every day with love and hope. As her partner, He Zhe supports and takes care of her unconditionally, and this deep friendship is touching.

Love is not only sweet in good times, but also companionship and protection in adversity. The story of Deng Jing and He Zhe tells us that as long as there is love in our hearts, life is full of hope. No matter what difficulties we face, as long as we support each other unwaveringly, we can face all challenges together.

I hope that Deng Jing's mother can fulfill her 100 wishes, especially her good wish to have another wedding with her husband. I also hope that every couple who loves each other can spend every beautiful moment together in the company of each other.

What do you think of Deng Jing's mother's 100 wish challenge? Do you have your own bucket list? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area to discuss and share your feelings and stories.


Mom with cancer is getting married again! This time she fulfilled her 21st wish! Who knows the gold content at this moment


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