
The fate of the Vietnamese empress turned around: beauty won the promise of the emperor, but after giving birth, the change was tragically abandoned

author:Yan Ling【Special Topic】

In the long history of Vietnam, the name of a legendary woman shines, and that is the last empress Nguyen Nguyen Thi Lan. Her story is like an old painting, full of beauty, sadness, and the vanity of the court. Nguyen Nguyen Thi Lan is not only one of the most beautiful queens in the history of Vietnam, but also a symbol of the times, her charm not only detonated the fashion trend in Europe, but also bloomed in the land of the East.

Her beauty is like a flower blown by the spring breeze, which fascinates all beings. When Emperor Bao saw her for the first time, the feeling of being separated from the world came to his heart, as if in Ruan You's Lan's gaze, he found an unprecedented emotion. In order to be able to pursue her, he did not hesitate to violate the feudal ancestral system and named her the queen with a lifelong commitment. This love that crosses ranks and rules seems to be destined to make a strong stroke in the history books.

The fate of the Vietnamese empress turned around: beauty won the promise of the emperor, but after giving birth, the change was tragically abandoned

However, Nguyen Thi Lan's fate was not so peaceful. The power struggles and political strife in the court gradually swept her into the vortex. In this world of intrigue and intrigues, she is no longer just a myth of love, but is forced to shoulder a heavier mission. As the last queen, her life has become more and more bitter, and every step seems to be guided by fate, which makes people can't help but sigh for what happened to her.

Empress Nam Phuong and Emperor Bao the Great of Vietnam

Nguyen Nguyen Thi Lan was born in 1914, a turbulent time when Vietnam was under French colonial rule. She was born into a wealthy merchant family, and she was destined to write her own legend in the future.

As a teenager, Nguyen Nguyen Thi Lan lived in the bustling cities of Vietnam, full of opportunities and challenges. In the depths of her young mind, her curiosity and desire for the world far surpassed that of her peers. At the French school in Vietnam, she absorbed the ocean of knowledge and made many like-minded friends.

However, fate often gives life a twist when it is most inadvertent. On a chance social occasion, she met Bao Da, the Emperor of Vietnam. It was an unexpected encounter, like an interweaving of fates, connecting two very different worlds.

The fate of the Vietnamese empress turned around: beauty won the promise of the emperor, but after giving birth, the change was tragically abandoned

Emperor Bao was a wise and wise monarch, but deep down he hid a desire for true love. Nguyen Thi Lan's beauty and intelligence attracted his attention, and the two hearts began to approach silently at that moment. Their acquaintance was like a beautiful piece of music, played softly in the dim lights of the court.

However, their path to love was not all smooth sailing. Nguyen Thi Lan stood by her beliefs, and her persistence sparked controversy at home. Although her choice was questioned, Emperor Bao was unwavering. Touched by her courage and sincerity, he decided to follow his heart and walk with her on the journey of his life.

So, in the court full of wind and snow, Emperor Bao named Nguyen Thi Lan as the Empress of Nam Phuong. He promised her that they would face the ups and downs of life together, and no matter how bumpy the road ahead was, they would protect each other and never give up. Empress Nanfang is not an ordinary queen, she upholds her beliefs and principles and becomes a political queen. Her intelligence and insight enabled her to play an important role in government affairs, and Emperor Bao often consulted her on important decisions.

The bitterness of Nguyen You's Lan

In the summer of 1939, it was as if the beaded curtain was raised by the weaver of fate, showing a stunning past in front of the world. At that time, Empress Nguyen Thi Lan of Vietnam and Emperor Bao Dai embarked on a journey to Europe, causing a sensation.

At the illustrious feast at the Alicantera Palace, everyone waited with antiquation for her appearance. However, when she gracefully walked into the hall, all imagination was turned upside down. Europeans once thought that she would wear traditional clothes, but they never thought that her flamboyance would break all prejudices.

The fate of the Vietnamese empress turned around: beauty won the promise of the emperor, but after giving birth, the change was tragically abandoned

Nguyen Nguyen Thi Lan dared to blend the splendor of Vietnam with the splendor of Europe, and her clothes were as brilliant as starlight, making people sigh that she was a queen from a fairy tale. This woman, known as the most beautiful queen in Vietnam, not only conquered the international community, but also conquered her emperor - Bao Da. The love affair between the two is like a spring rain, which moistens the land of their hearts.

However, fate did not envelop them in happiness, and Emperor Bao's mother did not like this beautiful empress, and her heart wanted to marry her niece to Emperor Bao. "Ruan Youshi Lan, although your beauty is dazzling, you can't dominate my court." The Queen Mother said coldly.

However, love is an irresistible storm. The love between Ruan You's Lan and Emperor Bao was not interfered with, and they were as affectionate as cranes dancing in the sky. The years have carved a deep mark between their eyebrows, and the five sons have witnessed their love saga. "Husband, how do you think our love will end down?" Ruan Youshi Lan asked softly.

"No matter the wind or rain, I am willing to walk with you." Emperor Bao's answer reassured her. However, the vagaries of life bring about an unexpected turn. The changes in the political situation have put Nguyen You's Lan life on another trajectory. That year, in the misty clouds, her smile seemed to have been buried by the years.

The glory and loss of power

In that war-torn era, Emperor Bao ascended to the throne with hope and ambition. But the clouds of war overshadowed the land, and he was forced to abdicate and flee to Hong Kong, far from his homeland.

The fate of the Vietnamese empress turned around: beauty won the promise of the emperor, but after giving birth, the change was tragically abandoned

Emperor Bao and Nguyen Thi Lan stayed together and spent those years of displacement together. Nguyen Thi Lan is dignified and virtuous, never giving up, shouldering the heavy responsibility of caring for her five children and maintaining her family. As time passed, Emperor Bao, who lost his throne, gradually became emotionally unstable. His former authority and glory are gone, and the loneliness and confusion in his heart gradually haunt him. Until Huang Xiaolan appeared, he found solace in her arms.

Ruan Youshi Lan's heart was broken because of this. "You are the emperor, I am the empress, and I can understand your sorrows. But Huang Xiaolan, what is she? Her eyes were full of confusion and scars. Emperor Bao was speechless, he had also thought about returning to that complete family, but the desire for power and inner struggle led him to another path.

French troops re-entered the south, and Emperor Paul had another chance to ascend to the throne. He shared with Nguyen Nguyen Thi Lan with great hope: "I will revive the glory of the dynasty!" However, Ruan Youshi Lan responded coldly: "Brilliant? I only see Game of Thrones. I will leave and go to France in search of true freedom and happiness. ”

The resurgence of Emperor Bao's empire did not last long. Ho Chi Minh's independence movement came like a tidal wave, and he again lost everything. Fleeing to France, his only solace is the constant wedding and the company of his wife and concubines. Nguyen Thi Lan, who was far away in France, fell ill and died, and Emperor Bao was unable to attend the funeral. Maybe it's the guilt he felt for his former partner, or maybe he's stuck in his own predicament. In the end, he grew old in his harem, the light in his eyes was long gone, and the emptiness in his heart could never be filled.


However, just like other legends in history, when people look back at the love between Nguyen Thi Lan and Bao Da, it is not only for this touching love, but also for the profound meaning contained in it.

The fate of the Vietnamese empress turned around: beauty won the promise of the emperor, but after giving birth, the change was tragically abandoned

Nguyen Thi Lan's fate, like the subtle changes in the court, reflects the weakness of human nature and the impermanence of life. Her beauty used to be a striking asset, but in the face of the maelstrom of power and politics, this aura of beauty gradually dimmed. Just as she was abandoned for gaining weight due to childbirth, we can't help but think about society's definition of female beauty and value judgment of people.

And Emperor Bao, although a wise monarch, swayed in the whirlpool of power and eventually lost his way. His inner struggle interprets the illusory and heavy nature of power. This also makes us wonder what kind of existence power is, and whether it can really bring meaning and satisfaction in life.

Their love, like a splendid picture, outlines the intricate relationship between love, power, life and value. It reminds us that the journey of life is not pure black and white, but full of gray areas and endless possibilities. Just like Nguyen Thi Lan and Emperor Bao Da, their choices and choices have shaped their respective destinies and left a deep imprint on history.

In this ever-changing world, everyone is looking for their own precious things, whether it is love, power, or inner peace. No matter what path we choose, we should remember that the beauty of life lies in continuous exploration and understanding, and the true value lies in our inner persistence and pursuit.

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