
Reminder: Regardless of men and women, a "good habit" in the morning, the blood is as clean as water, and longevity will accompany you

author:Popular science of Chinese medicine doctors

In the rapidly evolving modern world, people's desire and pursuit of health have always been unswerving. Especially in the morning, which is the most energetic time of the day, developing some good habits can not only bring us vitality for the day, but also more likely to keep our blood "clean as water", thus forming an indissoluble bond with longevity.

Reminder: Regardless of men and women, a "good habit" in the morning, the blood is as clean as water, and longevity will accompany you

1. Reveal the mystery of the "good habits" in the early morning

The morning dawn is the beginning of the day, and it is also the moment when the body and mind need to be "fresh". After a night's sleep, our body is well rested, but impurities and toxins in the blood may also quietly accumulate during this time. At this time, if we can develop a specific "good habit", we can effectively promote the elimination of these toxins, so that the blood will become "clean as water" again.

What exactly is this "good habit"? Actually, that's – when you wake up in the morning, drink a glass of warm water.

2. The "magical" effect of warm boiled water

Promotes blood circulation

Imagine waking up in the morning and drinking a glass of warm water, it's like adding a spoonful of "lube" to the "machine" of your body. Warm water is easy to be accepted by the body, quickly promotes blood circulation, helps the body to detoxify, and impurities and toxins are out of the body.

Cleanse the intestines and rejuvenate them.

Warm water also cleanses the intestines and maintains the foundation of health. At the end of the night, there may be remnants in the intestines. Warm boiled water softens these waste products, promotes intestinal peristalsis, and helps them to be excreted smoothly, thus keeping the intestines clean and healthy.

Regulates body temperature

When you wake up in the morning, your body temperature is often slightly cool. Drinking a glass of warm water can help the body quickly recover its body temperature, increase the level of metabolism, and allow the body to enter "work mode" faster.

Reminder: Regardless of men and women, a "good habit" in the morning, the blood is as clean as water, and longevity will accompany you

3. Sharing of practical experience

Zhang Lao, who is in his old age, has been drinking warm water in the morning for decades. Mr. Zhang is in good health, less ill, and refreshed. Whenever someone asks him about his health secrets, he always smiles and says, "Just drink a glass of warm water every morning!" ”

Similarly, Ms. Lee also enjoyed the benefits of this "good habit". She once suffered from constipation due to high work pressure and irregular life. Subsequently, in accordance with the doctor's words, Ms. Li also drank a glass of warm water in the morning. Not long after, Ms. Li's constipation problem improved significantly.

Reminder: Regardless of men and women, a "good habit" in the morning, the blood is as clean as water, and longevity will accompany you

Fourth, drinking warm boiled water in the morning is really a good habit for health and is very beneficial.

First of all, from a physiological point of view, warm water can help the body replenish water and electrolytes, and promote metabolism and blood circulation. This is of great value for maintaining health and preventing all diseases.

Secondly, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, warm boiled water has the effect of "warming the meridians". This habit helps the flow of qi and blood, relieves fatigue, and strengthens immunity. For those who often feel tired and low on energy, drinking a glass of warm water in the morning is a very good choice.

Reminder: Regardless of men and women, a "good habit" in the morning, the blood is as clean as water, and longevity will accompany you

5. Ways to cultivate this "good habit".

Set an alarm: If you're worried you've forgotten this habit, you can set an alarm on your phone. In this way, when you wake up every morning, you can remind yourself to drink a glass of warm water.

Choose the right water glass: It is also very important to choose a water bottle that you like. A nice drinking glass can make you more willing to drink water and enjoy the benefits of this habit.

Adjust the water temperature: Everyone has different tastes and body conditions, so you can adjust the water temperature according to your preferences. Generally speaking, the water temperature of warm boiled water is around 40°C.

Perseverance: Last but not least, it is important to persevere. Only by persistently cultivating this habit can you truly feel the benefits it brings.

Reminder: Regardless of men and women, a "good habit" in the morning, the blood is as clean as water, and longevity will accompany you

Drinking a glass of warm water in the morning is a "good habit" that seems simple but has a lot of meaning. It can not only promote blood circulation, clean the intestines, regulate body temperature and other effects; It also helps us to maintain good health and prevent various diseases. Men and women of all ages should develop this habit and stick to it. Let's take action now! Keep the blood "clean as water"; Let longevity be indissoluble with us!

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