
The purpose of packing for the United States is another blockade

author:Lady Luck is round

The purpose of "packing to the United States" is another blockade!

Suppress Huawei and block China's 5G communication technology

Raise tariffs and block China's new energy industry

Double anti-dumping investigation to block China's photovoltaic manufacturing


And this time, Microsoft quietly encouraged employees to "pack up and go to the United States", which is just a precursor to the "AI technology blockade"!

The purpose of packing for the United States is another blockade

All along, the United States has not given up its scientific and technological blockade and suppression of the mainland. From the initial suppression of Huawei and the blockade of the mainland's 5G communication technology, to the increase in tariffs and the blockade of the mainland's new energy industry, to the anti-dumping investigation and blockade of the mainland's photovoltaic manufacturing, the United States has continued to encircle and block the mainland's scientific and technological development. And now, Microsoft's silent encouragement of employees to "pack up and go to the United States" is undoubtedly the precursor to the blockade of the mainland by the United States in the field of AI technology.

In this scientific and technological war without gunpowder, mainland science and technology enterprises have been struggling to resist. Huawei's breakthrough in 5G technology has put pressure on the United States, so it will suppress Huawei at all costs. As the focus of the mainland's future development, the new energy industry has also not escaped the blockade of the United States. Photovoltaic manufacturing is even more shackled by the United States' use of anti-dumping and anti-dumping investigations. However, this has not stopped the pace of the development of science and technology in the mainland, but has allowed mainland technology enterprises to continue to grow and break through in the face of adversity.

Microsoft's encouragement of employees to "pack up and go to the United States" this time is undoubtedly an attempt to weaken the mainland's AI technology strength through brain drain. However, they may have overlooked the tenacity and determination of mainland tech companies. Mainland science and technology enterprises have not only made breakthroughs in technology, but also increased investment in talent cultivation. We firmly believe that as long as we are united, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and break through the US blockade.

Science knows no borders, but scientists know no borders. In the face of the US blockade of science and technology, every one of us science and technology workers must have a sober understanding. Our mission is not only to develop advanced scientific and technological products, but also to contribute to the scientific and technological development of the mainland. Employees who choose to go to the United States may be treated better, but please don't forget that our roots are in China, and our responsibility is in China.

The purpose of packing for the United States is another blockade

There is no end to the science and technology war, but we believe that as long as we stick to our own path, we will be able to win this science and technology war. Let us work together to contribute our strength to the development of science and technology in the mainland!

At this critical juncture, we must ask ourselves, what can we do for the scientific and technological development of the motherland? Do you choose to stay in China and work hard for the mainland's scientific and technological undertakings, or do you choose to go to the United States and contribute to the scientific and technological development of others? Let us answer this question with practical actions and contribute to the cause of science and technology in our motherland!

The purpose of packing for the United States is another blockade