
This year's Dragon Boat Festival is a "big murderer", don't: 2 don't go, 3 don't do, 4 to avoid, and spend the Dragon Boat Festival with peace of mind

author:The food of the living home


Time flies quickly, and it's about to enter the Dragon Boat Festival. On the occasion of this festival, the old people in our village always warn us that this year's Dragon Boat Festival is a "big murderer", don't: 1 don't go, 2 don't do, 3 to avoid, rest assured that the Dragon Boat Festival is over? What the hell is going on? Let's give you a good science popularization, you must know more, don't make taboos!

dragon boat festival

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, is one of the traditional festivals in mainland China, with a long history and rich cultural connotations. On this festival, people commemorate the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan through various customs, expressing the pursuit of health, good fortune and a harmonious life.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival is a "big murderer", don't: 2 don't go, 3 don't do, 4 to avoid, and spend the Dragon Boat Festival with peace of mind

The Dragon Boat Festival is held on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year, and the date of the Gregorian calendar varies due to the conversion of the lunar calendar to the Gregorian calendar. The Dragon Boat Festival is also one of the important statutory holidays in the mainland, where people can enjoy a one-day holiday to reunite with their families and spend the festival together. This year's Dragon Boat Festival holiday is June 8, 9, 10 three days, no holiday, direct holiday, this is a good thing for us, no need to make up the shift.

The origin and significance of the Dragon Boat Festival are closely related to the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan lived in the state of Chu during the Warring States Period, and was degraded and exiled because he was worried about the country and the people. During his exile, Qu Yuan wrote many poems expressing his feelings of concern for the country and the people, and was known as a representative of patriotic poets. According to legend, on the fifth day of the fifth month of May, Qu Yuan committed suicide by throwing himself into the Miluo River and was martyred. In order to commemorate Qu Yuan, various activities are held on this day to express the nostalgia for Qu Yuan and the reverence for the patriotic spirit.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival is a "big murderer", don't: 2 don't go, 3 don't do, 4 to avoid, and spend the Dragon Boat Festival with peace of mind

The customs of the Dragon Boat Festival are rich and colorful, the most representative of which is dragon boat racing and eating zongzi. Dragon boat racing is an important activity of the Dragon Boat Festival, where people row dragon boats decorated with dragon heads and tails on the river, accompanied by drums and shouts, racing forward. This activity is not only to commemorate Qu Yuan, but also to pray for peace and health. Eating zongzi is the traditional food of the Dragon Boat Festival, which is steamed with glutinous rice and other ingredients wrapped in bamboo leaves, with different shapes and tastes, but all have a strong festive atmosphere.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival is special

The date of this year's Dragon Boat Festival coincides with the saying "Fierce Day". This saying originates from the ancient folk beliefs of the mainland, people believe that May is the "evil month", and the fifth day of the fifth month of May is the "evil month and evil day", which is easy to attract disasters and diseases. The formation of this concept is related to the climatic characteristics of May 5. May 5 is the middle of summer, with rising temperatures and humidity, which can easily breed all kinds of bacteria and viruses, leading to the spread of diseases. On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, people pay special attention to health and safety, and observe various traditional customs and taboos to pray for peace and health.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival is a "big murderer", don't: 2 don't go, 3 don't do, 4 to avoid, and spend the Dragon Boat Festival with peace of mind

In addition to the saying of "fierce day", this year's Dragon Boat Festival is also known as "closed day". The so-called "closed days" refer to the days when some important activities are not suitable for them. In ancient times, people believed that May 5 was the day of "all five poisons", and it was not suitable for marriage, burial and other matters, so as not to invite misfortune. Although this concept has a certain superstitious color, it also reflects people's yearning for a peaceful and auspicious life.

Since the Dragon Boat Festival is a "fierce day" and a "closed day", there is a lot of emphasis on tradition. For example, on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, people have many things to pay attention to to avoid misfortune and disease. The old people summed it up to us in one sentence, this year's Dragon Boat Festival "big murderer", don't: 1 don't go, 2 don't do, 3 to avoid, peace of mind over the Dragon Boat Festival!

This year's Dragon Boat Festival is a "big murderer", don't: 2 don't go, 3 don't do, 4 to avoid, and spend the Dragon Boat Festival with peace of mind

The Dragon Boat Festival, as a traditional festival in the mainland, has many special customs and precautions. These customs and precautions not only reflect people's pursuit of health, auspiciousness and harmonious life, but also inherit and promote the special cultural connotation of the Dragon Boat Festival.

One, 2 don't go

It's just not going to dangerous places. On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, people should avoid going to dangerous places to ensure their safety. First of all, do not swim in the river. May 5 is the middle of summer, the temperature rises, the humidity increases, the river water is easily polluted, and all kinds of bacteria and viruses are easy to breed. Swimming in the river at this time can easily lead to illness and accidents. People should avoid swimming in the river on this day to prevent misfortune from happening.

One of the most worrying problems is the drowning of children. Child drowning happens almost every year, and it should be the most tragic thing in the summer. The climate of the Dragon Boat Festival is hot, and you must repeatedly tell the children in the family that no matter how hot it is, you can't go to the river to play, just in case.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival is a "big murderer", don't: 2 don't go, 3 don't do, 4 to avoid, and spend the Dragon Boat Festival with peace of mind

Don't go to lush places. On May 5, the temperature rises, the vegetation grows vigorously, and mosquitoes are easy to breed. Mosquitoes are vectors for many diseases, such as malaria, dengue fever, etc. On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, people should avoid going to places with lush vegetation, especially at night, to prevent the spread of diseases.

Recently, the red fire ant that has been in the headlines has come again, and now it can often be found in the grass, this kind of ant is very dangerous, once it is bitten, the consequences are unimaginable, the pain is unbearable, and the worst is to be hospitalized. It's no longer the season to play on the grass. It is best to bring an insect repellent spray when you go out, and spray it on your feet to prevent mosquitoes from approaching.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival is a "big murderer", don't: 2 don't go, 3 don't do, 4 to avoid, and spend the Dragon Boat Festival with peace of mind

2. 3 Don't do it

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, there are many things that people should not do to avoid misfortune and disaster.

It is not advisable to marry. In ancient times, it was believed that the fifth of May was the "day of evil", and marriage was a major event in life, and if it was carried out on this day, it could bring misfortune and disaster. People will choose other auspicious days for marriage to pray for a happy marriage. Marriage is more taboo in this month, of course, this statement is a little superstitious, but in order to respect the elderly, for the sake of family harmony, in order to believe in what they have and not believe in it, it is better to avoid this month for happy events.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival is a "big murderer", don't: 2 don't go, 3 don't do, 4 to avoid, and spend the Dragon Boat Festival with peace of mind

It is not advisable to carry out burials. Burial is the last thing in life, and people hope that the deceased will rest in peace and the living will be safe. Burials on May 5, the "evil day", may affect the peace of the deceased and the peace of the living. People choose other auspicious days for burial to show respect for the deceased and blessings to the living. In the same way, it is best not to deal with white things on this day, and just spend it in peace and well-being.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival is a "big murderer", don't: 2 don't go, 3 don't do, 4 to avoid, and spend the Dragon Boat Festival with peace of mind

It is not advisable to overeat, the temperature is rising, and it is also a great challenge for our body. If you overeat on this day, it may add a lot of burden to the body and cause our body to appear in a sub-healthy state. In this hot weather, it is best to eat some cool food, such as mung bean soup, tea and the like, which can help us cool down and maintain our physical functions.

3. 4 Avoidance Required

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, people still have some things to avoid in order to maintain physical and mental health and harmonious interpersonal relationships.

Avoid outbursts of joy and sadness. May 5 is the day of "all five poisons", and excessive mood swings may affect physical health. Therefore, people should maintain a calm mind and avoid getting too emotional. Spend the day calmly, and you will find that the Dragon Boat Festival is really beautiful.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival is a "big murderer", don't: 2 don't go, 3 don't do, 4 to avoid, and spend the Dragon Boat Festival with peace of mind

Avoid intercourse. Having sex on the "evil day" of May 5 can invite misfortune and disaster. People should avoid sexual intercourse on this day to maintain their physical and mental health. Of course, this statement is a bit reluctant, I don't know what the old man meant by warning this, but for the sake of future generations, the author thinks that there is nothing wrong with the same room, and others don't know.

Avoid arguing with others. The Dragon Boat Festival is a festival to pray for peace and auspiciousness, and people should live in harmony and avoid quarrels and conflicts. Maintaining harmonious interpersonal relationships can not only make you feel happy, but also bring happiness to others.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival is a "big murderer", don't: 2 don't go, 3 don't do, 4 to avoid, and spend the Dragon Boat Festival with peace of mind

To avoid heavy work, whether it is working in the field or going to work, the weather is quite hot on this day, it is best to relax and enjoy the holiday, do not put a greater burden on the body, it is better to take a good rest at home.

The precautions of the Dragon Boat Festival reflect people's pursuit of health, auspiciousness and harmonious life. On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, people pray for peace, health and auspiciousness by observing these precautions, and at the same time, they also inherit and carry forward the special cultural connotation of the Dragon Boat Festival. Let's pay attention to these precautions and spend a safe and healthy Dragon Boat Festival.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival is a "big murderer", don't: 2 don't go, 3 don't do, 4 to avoid, and spend the Dragon Boat Festival with peace of mind

Write at the end

The Dragon Boat Festival, as a traditional festival in the mainland, not only has rich historical and cultural connotations, but also embodies people's pursuit of health, auspiciousness and harmonious life. During this festival, people express their nostalgia for Qu Yuan and their reverence for patriotism through various customs and activities, while also praying for peace, health, and good fortune.

The Dragon Boat Festival is a relatively unique solar term, and we should pay attention to our physical health when dealing with climate change. Observe various traditional customs and taboos to avoid misfortune and disease. For example, people avoid going to dangerous places, not swimming in rivers, and not going to places with lush vegetation to prevent the spread of disease. According to the custom, eat zongzi, hang mugwort leaves, wear sachets, etc., to pray for health and peace.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival is a "big murderer", don't: 2 don't go, 3 don't do, 4 to avoid, and spend the Dragon Boat Festival with peace of mind

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, the people will avoid doing some things that should not be done, such as not marrying, restless burials, etc., to avoid misfortune and disaster. For the sake of the health of the family, people also pray for good weather in the future through various customs. This Dragon Boat Festival is more special, everyone must keep in mind the above advice and have a healthy Dragon Boat Festival.

As a traditional festival in the mainland, the Dragon Boat Festival not only has rich historical and cultural connotations, but also embodies people's pursuit of health, auspiciousness and harmonious life. During this festival, people pray for peace, health, and good fortune by observing traditional customs and taboos, while also enjoying the joy and warmth that the festival brings.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival is a "big murderer", don't: 2 don't go, 3 don't do, 4 to avoid, and spend the Dragon Boat Festival with peace of mind

I don't know if you have these statements in your local area? Do you think the old man's admonition is justified? Which rule do you think is more important, welcome to leave a message to tell us your opinion! It's not easy to work hard to code words, if you can, please like it at the end of the article, support us, and we will continue to work hard to create more valuable articles.