
I feel sorry for my husband every time I go on a business trip, but I can't help it for the sake of living

author:Emotional Belt Teacher 112


Recently, an article titled "Returning Home from a Business Trip, Feeling His Expectation and Tolerance, But Unspeakable Guilt and Burden" has caused a heated discussion on the Internet. In the article, a heroine recounts an episode between herself and her husband after returning from a business trip, affectionately revealing that love in real life is not always perfect, but needs to be managed and tolerated by both parties. In the tedious life, many times we will be confused and troubled by various trivial matters and challenges, but it is with each other's understanding and support that we can face it bravely and feel the warmth of love.

I feel sorry for my husband every time I go on a business trip, but I can't help it for the sake of living

1. The true meaning of love

Love, not always as we expect, it will not always be smooth sailing, nor will it always be full of sunshine and sweetness. On the contrary, the road of love is full of various challenges and tests, which require us to experience and manage them with our hearts. Perhaps, true love does not lie in the pursuit of so-called perfection, but in whether we can find the touching and warmth that belongs to each other in the bits and pieces of life we experience together.

In real life, many times we will complain and contradict because of various trivial things, feel that the other party does not fully understand our intentions, and even doubt and waver because of this. However, when we calm down, to experience everything the other party has done, to understand the helplessness and efforts in the other person's heart, perhaps we will suddenly open up, it turns out that the true meaning of love lies in this.

I feel sorry for my husband every time I go on a business trip, but I can't help it for the sake of living

2. Tolerance and understanding in love

In a relationship, tolerance and understanding are crucial, which can make us look at each other more tolerantly, and also allow us to find the final solution in the contradictions in the run-in. In real life, many times we will inexplicably vent our emotions to each other because of our invisible pressure and burden, so that our originally beautiful feelings will be hurt because of this.

is like the heroine in the article, every time she comes home from a business trip, she can feel her husband's expectation and tolerance for her, but her heart is full of unspeakable guilt and burden. Perhaps, such guilt and burden are not intended to be given by the other party, but from the helplessness and contradictions in one's own heart, which need to be released through communication and confiding.

I feel sorry for my husband every time I go on a business trip, but I can't help it for the sake of living

3. Experience life's challenges together

Every couple who loves each other wants to be able to accompany each other through life, whether it is joy or sorrow, they can have each other's company and support. However, in real life, we are often troubled by all kinds of trivialities and challenges, which make the distance between each other become more and more distant, and even waver and hesitate because of this.

In fact, it is such trivialities and challenges that make our relationship richer and deeper, and also give us the opportunity to test each other's firmness and persistence. Only when we can face all this bravely, support each other, and grow together, can we truly appreciate the warmth and touching brought by love.


Love is not all smooth sailing, it requires us to manage it with our hearts, and it also requires us to bravely face various challenges and tests in real life. Perhaps, in a certain corner, we will rediscover the long-lost touch because of each other's tolerance and understanding, and we will also support each other more firmly because of the wind and rain we have experienced together, and go through every journey of life.

I hope that every couple who loves each other can harvest the most real beauty of life on the road of love, whether it is laughter or tears, they can face it bravely, because of each other, they will become more brave and warm.

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