
Why don't you kiss more often after becoming a couple? The netizen's answer made me laugh to death, so real

author:Go up the hill and fight tigers

Why don't you kiss more often after becoming a couple? The netizen's answer made me laugh to death, so real

Why don't you kiss more often after becoming a couple? The netizen's answer made me laugh to death, so real
Why don't you kiss more often after becoming a couple? The netizen's answer made me laugh to death, so real
Why don't you kiss more often after becoming a couple? The netizen's answer made me laugh to death, so real
Why don't you kiss more often after becoming a couple? The netizen's answer made me laugh to death, so real
Why don't you kiss more often after becoming a couple? The netizen's answer made me laugh to death, so real
Why don't you kiss more often after becoming a couple? The netizen's answer made me laugh to death, so real
Why don't you kiss more often after becoming a couple? The netizen's answer made me laugh to death, so real
Why don't you kiss more often after becoming a couple? The netizen's answer made me laugh to death, so real
Why don't you kiss more often after becoming a couple? The netizen's answer made me laugh to death, so real
Why don't you kiss more often after becoming a couple? The netizen's answer made me laugh to death, so real
Why don't you kiss more often after becoming a couple? The netizen's answer made me laugh to death, so real
Why don't you kiss more often after becoming a couple? The netizen's answer made me laugh to death, so real
Why don't you kiss more often after becoming a couple? The netizen's answer made me laugh to death, so real
Why don't you kiss more often after becoming a couple? The netizen's answer made me laugh to death, so real

When we are immersed in the sweetness of love, kissing seems to be the most natural expression of intimacy in everyday life. However, as time goes by, when two people enter the palace of marriage hand in hand, many people will find that the kissing scene that used to appear frequently in life seems to become less and less. What is the truth behind this? Let's take a look at the answers of netizens, those answers that are both humorous and true, they are simply unbearable.

Some netizens joked: "After getting married, I found out that kissing is a 'high energy consumption' exercise, and every kiss is like doing aerobic exercise, and I am tired enough." Now, we have changed to the 'energy saving and emission reduction' model, and we can save what we can." Although this answer is tongue-in-cheek, it speaks to the change in the pace of life after marriage, and the "luxury" of kissing in a busy life.

Another netizen said: "I used to kiss because I wanted to taste each other's lipstick, but now I kiss because I want to know what the other party ate at night." This answer is both interesting and practical, reflecting the closeness and authenticity of the relationship between the two after marriage, and also revealing the mutual understanding and tolerance of married life.

A netizen jokingly said: "After getting married, the number of kisses decreased because our faces have become each other's 'safe haven'." Whenever we are feeling down or having a hard time, we habitually bury our faces in each other's arms instead of seeking comfort through kissing as we did when we were in love. This answer is both warm and touching, and makes people feel the sense of security and dependence that marriage brings.

Of course, some netizens analyzed this phenomenon from a more professional perspective. They noted that the decrease in kissing frequency after marriage may be related to changes in the body's hormone levels. During a relationship, hormone levels are higher, and people are more likely to have intimate urges and desires; And after marriage, as hormone levels gradually stabilize, this impulse and desire will also weaken accordingly. In addition, the intimate behavior between two people after marriage may be more diverse, and kissing is only one of the ways, while other forms of intimate interaction may also take the place of kissing.

The reasons for the persistently high divorce rate are complex, but here are some of the main factors:

  1. The change of family concept: With the development of society, the traditional family concept gradually weakened, and individualism and free spirit gradually became the mainstream. Some people pursue personal happiness and freedom and are unwilling to take on the responsibilities of marriage and family, which leads to unstable marital relationships and is prone to contradictions and conflicts.
  2. Financial pressures: Financial pressures are a significant factor driving the divorce rate up. With the improvement of living standards, people's desire for material needs is also increasing. Some families are unable to meet the needs of family members due to financial pressure, leading to estrangement between husband and wife, and eventually divorce.
  3. Lack of understanding before marriage: Many young people are too blind when they are in love and lack an in-depth understanding of each other. It is only after marriage that differences in personality and living habits are discovered, and it is difficult to live and get along together, which can easily lead to divorce.
  4. Misalignment of personal pursuits with expectations: Some couples find themselves at a significant gap in their career development and lifestyle with their partner after marriage, unable to reach an agreement, which ultimately leads to a relationship breakdown.
  5. Improvement of women's status: Since the reform and opening up, women's social status has been greatly improved, which has changed the structure of men and women in the family to a certain extent. When there is a problem in the marriage run-in, the probability of divorce increases.
  6. Marital infidelity: Cheating on one of the spouses who can't bear loneliness is an important factor in divorce. After the cheating is discovered, few people will forgive their lover for betrayal and infidelity, which often leads to the breakdown of the family.

In addition to the above factors, there are some other factors that may also contribute to the increase in the divorce rate, such as domestic violence, personality incompatibility, poor communication, etc. All of these factors can lead to a couple's estrangement and eventual divorce.

In order to reduce the divorce rate, there are many ways to do it. First of all, premarital education needs to be strengthened so that young people can view marriage and family more rationally. Secondly, it is necessary to improve the communication skills between couples and strengthen mutual understanding and tolerance. At the same time, the government and social organizations should also provide more support and help for couples to solve problems encountered in marriage.

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